International Center for Leadership in Education Dr. Willard R. Daggett 9 Characteristics of Successful Schools
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Schools Do Make a Difference
Characteristics 1. Small Learning Communities
Small Learning Communities Other ConditionsOther Conditions Hawthorne EffectHawthorne Effect
Characteristics 1.Small Learning Communities 2. High Expectations Especially in LiteracyEspecially in Literacy
Characteristics 1.Small Learning Communities 2. High Expectations 3. 9 th Grade
Characteristics 1.Small Learning Communities 2. High Expectations 3. 9 th Grade th Grade
Characteristics 1.Small Learning Communities 2. High Expectations 3. 9 th Grade th Grade 5. Data
Grade Equivalent Semantic Difficulty Semantic Difficulty Syntactic Complexity Syntactic Complexity
Lexile Framework Semantic Difficulty Semantic Difficulty Syntactic Complexity Syntactic Complexity
Medical Academy Lexile Range
Visual Arts & Design Academy Lexile Range
MCA English LA Indicators / BST Items Tested
MCA Mathematics Indicators / BST Items Tested
Career and Technical Education New York Language Arts Standards/Performance Indicators Commencement – Grade 11 New York State Regents Entrepre- neurship Computer Network Processing Visual Arts & Design Direct Patient Care Ag Production Synthesize information from diverse sources and identify complexities and discrepancies in the information. HHHHHH Write and present research reports, feature articles, and thesis support papers on a variety of topics related to all school subjects HHHHHH Make effective use of language and style to connect the message with the audience and context. LMMMMM Study the social conventions and language conventions of writers from other groups and cultures and use those conventions to communicate with members of those groups. LLLMLL
To view your states sample Curriculum Matrix charts please visit our auxiliary website. Link on Sample State Charts
Arts Education New Jersey Language Arts Literacy Standards/Strands/Learning Expectations Grades 9-12 HSPA Grade 11 Visual Arts Dance MusicTheatre 1. Read developmentally appropriate materials (at an independent level) with accuracy and speed. H HH HH 3. Read a variety of genres and types of text with fluency and comprehension. H MM MH 7. Demonstrate personal style and voice effectively to support the purpose and engage the audience of a piece of writing. H MM MH 7. Interpret how literary devices affect reading emotions and understanding. H LL LH
Characteristics 1.Small Learning Communities 2. High Expectations 3. 9 th Grade th Grade 6. Curriculum 5. Data
Curriculum Status Across AmericaStatus Across America Curriculum to InstructionCurriculum to Instruction
Curriculum Right ContentRight Content Right FrameworkRight Framework Right InstructionRight Instruction
Rigor/Relevance Framework
1.Awareness 2.Comprehension 3.Application 4.Analysis 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation Knowledge Taxonomy Knowledge Taxonomy
Application Model Application Model 1. Knowledge in one discipline 2. Application within discipline 3. Application across disciplines 4. Application to real-world predictable situations 5. Application to real-world unpredictable situations
12345 Application Knowledge Rigor/Relevance Framework
Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB Blooms Application
Characteristics 1.Small Learning Communities 2. High Expectations 3. 9 th Grade th Grade 6. Curriculum 5. Data 7. Relationships / Reflective Thought
Guiding Principles Responsibility Responsibility Contemplation Contemplation Initiative Initiative Perseverance Perseverance Optimism Optimism Courage Courage Respect Respect Compassion Compassion Adaptability Adaptability Honesty Honesty Trustworthiness Trustworthiness Loyalty Loyalty
Curriculum RigorRigor RelevanceRelevance RelationshipsRelationships Reflective ThoughtReflective Thought
Levels CDCDABABCDCDABAB Blooms Application
Characteristics 1.Small Learning Communities 2. High Expectations 3. 9 th Grade th Grade 6. Curriculum 5. Data 7. Relationships / Reflective Thought 8. Professional Development
Characteristics 1.Small Learning Communities 2. High Expectations 3. 9 th Grade th Grade 6. Curriculum 5. Data 7. Relationships / Reflective Thought 8. Professional Development 9. Leadership
Leadership Problem is more people than TechnicalProblem is more people than Technical Not CharismaticNot Charismatic Entrepreneurialvs. BureaucraticEntrepreneurialvs. Bureaucratic Performance vs. CompliancePerformance vs. Compliance Department ChairsDepartment Chairs Focus on InstructionFocus on Instruction
Rigor/Relevance - All Why Why Do We Need to Change to Change Schools? Schools? What What Needs to Needs to Be Done? Be Done? How How Do We Do It? It?
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