Prioritizing Instruction for Success on the Next Generation Assessments July 21, 2011 | 4:00-5:00 EST Dr. Linda Lucey Executive Director, Program Design International Center for Leadership in Education | Developed in Partnership with SPN
Webinar Guidelines All participants are on mute during the entire webinar. To ask a question, type your question in the question control panel in the upper right corner of your screen. We will try to answer questions as they come in. If your question is not answered it will be addressed at the end in the Question and Answer section. If you are disconnected for any reason please call (518) 399 – 2776 ext 201.
Prioritizing Instruction for Success on the Next Generation Assessments Dr. Linda Lucey Executive Director, Program Design International Center for Leadership in Education | Developed in Partnership with SPN
About Linda Lucey Executive Director, Program Design –Model Schools Conference Program Chair –Content Development Former Experience –Chief Academic Officer of Successful Practices Network –Center for Initiatives in Pre-College Education, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute –Math Teacher Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction
Agenda Overview Functionality & How to use it with teachers/instructional leaders –Alignment Search –Sample Next Generation Assessments –Workspaces Questions/Comments
Are your students ready for the CCSS?
Are your students ready for the CCSS? How do you know?
Common Core State Standards Fewer Clearer Higher Time intensive More detail Rigorous
What is next|navigator? Online Tool for Instructional Leaders and Teachers –Common Core State Standards Database –Your State Standards Database/Priority Rank –Next Generation Assessment Database –Work Space to create original NGAs
ELA – Grade ? Identify the purpose for writing (i.e. to entertain, to inform, to share experiences.) Identify the audience for which a text is written. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. –Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. State Standard Common Core State Standard
ELA – Grade 4 Identify the purpose for writing (i.e. to entertain, to inform, to share experiences.) Identify the audience for which a text is written. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. –Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. State Standard Common Core State Standard
State Test NGA Create a large spinner for a game that has at least eight sectors. Each sector should be assigned a different prize. Prizes should range in value from most appealing to least appealing. Vary the sectors so that the probability to win a desired prize is much less that the probability to win a lesser desired prize. Calculate the theoretical probability of landing on each prize. Conduct multiple trials with the spinner and determine the experimental probability of landing on each prize. Which price has the greatest probability and which prize has the least probability?
next|navigator support Fewer, clearer, higher Rigor/Relevance Framework Consultation with Sue Gendron Teaching Organizational Leadership Instructional Leadership Student Achievement
Rigor/Relevance Framework
300 Sample NGAs Aligned to CCSS –Task – toolkit –Scoring Guide –Student Work –Quadrant D –Current –Vary in duration –ELA, Math, Science, SS, Career/Tech Ed
My Work Spaces My Work Spaces is an area that can be organized and tailored for the user. In this area, the user can: – Create original next generation assessments aligned to common core state standards – Organize next generation assessments in folders created by the user – Update, view and delete next generation assessments saved in folders – Archive any next generation assessments (including associated files and links)
Reflection How well did the students master the standards? How can I modify my teaching to improve student achievement? –Shift vocabulary –Increase relevance –Assess more often
Assessment Consortia – PARCC and SMARTER Balanced Appendix B – CCSS Students identify the reasons Clyde Robert Bulla gives in his book A Tree Is a Plant in support of his point about the function of roots in germination. [RI.1.8] Students ask and answer questions regarding the plot of Patricia MacLachlans Sarah, Plain and Tall, explicitly referring to the book to form the basis for their answers. [RL.3.1]
Instructional Resources
Support Tutorial – downloadable PDF Voice over animations FAQs
Summary Alignment Search –Prioritize Standards –Access 300 NGA My Work Spaces –Revise –Build Your Own –Archive
How do schools use it? Annual subscription Individual usernames/passwords –With PLC work –With Job-embedded instructional coaching –Enhancement to SPN Membership
Benefits to SPN Enhancement Social Networking Podcasts Gold Seal Lessons Successful Practices Case Studies Technical Bulletins
Annual Cost One School: $975/school Multi-School/District: $925/school MSC Discount
Questions/Comments? Type into question section on the right hand side of your screen.
Prioritizing Instruction for Success on the Next Generation Assessments Dr. Linda Lucey Executive Director, Program Design International Center for Leadership in Education |