-The Fred Factor Did you wake up this morning intending to change the world?
Leading With Vision and Passion… A Framework for 21st Century Learning
A.B. Combs Leadership Magnet Elementary School Raleigh, North Carolina
Coveys Habits 7 Correlates of Effective Schools Baldrige Essentials in Leadership Emotional Intelligence Rigor & Relevance Professional Learning Community Brain Research Leadership Model
Have you begun today what you wish to be tomorrow?
Preparing Students for the Future Slide 1
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Do you lead your students to the water and make them drink or do you try harder to make them thirsty? -Master Teacher
Dead Poets Society
Transformation begins with a change of heart, not a program…
The Miracle Worker
No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship. James Comer
Ron Clark
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were when we created them. Albert Einstein
Do You Have 20/20 Vision?
20/20 Vision
21st Century Competencies Learning and Thinking Skills Learning and Thinking Skills Critical-thinking and problem-solving skills Critical-thinking and problem-solving skills Communication skills Communication skills Creativity and innovation skills Creativity and innovation skills Collaboration skills Collaboration skills Contextual learning skills Contextual learning skills Information and media literacy skills Information and media literacy skills 21st Century Content Global awareness Financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy Civic literacy Health and wellness awareness
Life Skills Leadership Leadership Ethics Ethics Accountability Accountability Adaptability Adaptability Personal productivity Personal productivity Personal responsibility Personal responsibility People skills People skills Self-direction Self-direction Social responsibility Social responsibility
ICT Literacy Information and communications technology (ICT) Information and communications technology (ICT) Ability to use technology to develop 21st century content knowledge and skills, in the context of learning core subjects Ability to use technology to develop 21st century content knowledge and skills, in the context of learning core subjects
Rigorous and Relevant Instruction
It is not enough to be busy. The question is: What are we busy about? Henry David Thoreau
Assessing for the 21st Century
Dont let the best you have ever done be the standard for the rest of your life. Anonymous Anonymous
Contact Information Kelly Wilson Muriel Summers (919)
Strength is granted to us all when we are needed to serve great causes. Winston Churchill