Rigorous Vocabulary- Building Strategies
Know content know and apply complex content know and apply content Know complex content
Common Core Links R4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. (Include Shakespeare as well as other authors.) vocabulary acquisition and Use 1.1. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independ ence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression
Purpose of Session This session will share information providing rationale for effective vocabulary development in classrooms This session will expose participants to three powerful vocabulary enhancing strategies
Outcomes of Session Participants will find connections between claims of current research regarding vocabulary development and their own practice in teaching vocabulary. Participants will learn and practice three different powerful vocabulary enhancing strategies.
on a scale of Intervention taxonomy myocardial firing-order windthrow jink starboard
checking in... I know I have internalized a new vocabulary word when I.....
meaning and words
WHENEVER you can embed meaning and/or emotion into input, chances of retention increase dramatically.
building pathways
current research... 1.vocabulary impacts reading comprehension poorest readers have the weakest vocabulary improving listening comprehension improves reading comprehension exposure or oral language improves vocabulary growth poor readers are not exposed to challenging vocabulary repetition improves vocabulary acquisition
The single most important factor that determines a students future literacy achievement is their vocabulary.
Strategy #1
Shades of meaning
shades of meaning... In front of you there are six pieces of paper with different words on each. In a trio, decide what order you would put the words, moving from weak (or neutral) to strong. place the done paper on your table when you are finished as a group.
Debrief Did your interaction include... explanation? questions? interpretation? negotiation? evaluation? meaning making? play? rigor? relevance? relationships?
Strategy #2
I Heard That Get in trios - each person will have a specific job. speaker - will use as many target words in their speech listener - will listen for target words spoken in correct context recorder - will tally when they hear a target word
Here are your target words: rigorous relevant relationships common core Gaylord instruction connections
How did you do?
Where were we in terms of rigor? knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation
How about relevance? acquiring applying interdisciplinary real-world predictable real-world unpredictable
Strategy #3
Assignment: Look up the word demonstrative and write down the definition. demonstrative: Tending to show feelings, esp. of affection, openly. Now use it in a sentence. The word demonstrative is really cool. Has anyone ever received something like this from a student?
Context-dependent stems to the rescue... Im demonstrative when I.... I dont think its appropriate to be demonstrative in... Demonstrative!!?? How can you think _______ is demonstrative?!
try it... When considering the rigor of a lesson, I begin with.... Considering _______ helps me build relevance into my instruction. I think _____ is one of the most important elements of building good relationships with students.
debrief Did any of these strategies embed rigor, relevance and relationships? Did any of these strategies require repetition? Did any of these strategies embed exposure to oral language? Did any of these strategies require listening comprehension? Did any of these strategies provide a challenge for you?
next steps... Consider the three different strategies that were shared and practiced today. Which could you see yourself implementing in the future first? What is a next step you can take in order to do so?
Rigor/Relevance Framework ® Gain a thorough understanding of the continuum of rigor As well as the continuum of relevance
Thank you