Brief presentation of the BSCI mid-term evaluation By Tilder Kumichii Ndichia Consultant
STRENGHTS OF THE PROGRAMME A new approach to HIV & AIDS The Biblical base used for the programme - Presenting information on HIV/AIDS from a Biblical perspective causing the Christian milieu to accept the message easily; Participation of People Living With HIV & AIDS Quantitative impact of programe – number of persons already touched within a short time frame The extended impact of the programme – Multiplier effects – better application of biblical values Breaking the chain of ignorance about HIV/AIDS in a subtle manner;
Breaking stigmatisation and provoking the spirit of love and care in the people; Breaking the myth and important assumptions that surrounds HIV/AIDS within the church environment and the communities; Empowering the local population and gradually putting in place a pool of trainers with training skills to ensure a sustainable and continuous action by the sgrassroots population themselves; Causing PLWHA to open up about their status and look for a way forward.
CHALLENGES OF THE PROJECT How to contextualize and include newly identified salient cultural issues into the training materials? How to deal with resistance from some pastors and church leaders Getting churches to offer care and support to the PLWHA within their communities The high expectation by the different churches of financial support for multiplication workshops
The workload on the Coordinator, who has no field assistant but depends only on the volunteers; How to keep the volunteers who are not permanent and not on any allowance, The capacity of the people trained at grassroots level to offer the training in a participatory manner.
FINDINGS AND OBSERVATIONS 1. Methodology used and its suitability for the intervention The methodology used is very participatory and promotes the rapid spread of information Areas for Improvement: Constant monitoring visits by Coordinator, Wider and open community sensitisations, Further mobilisation and sensitisation of church leaders, Develop and use media programs, in partnership with local Christian radios/TV Develop and use more innovative strategies, like road sensitisation, to reach more people.
2. Capacity of staff, volunteers and trainees utilized in the intervention The project staff and trainers have good skills in passing on the message Multiplication workshops at grassroots promote further capacity building for the staff and volunteers Volunteers have developed good communication skills on the subject matter and on the Word of God.
Areas for Improvement: Capacity building on other related areas for the program team (PTM, Gender, etc) Evaluate the level of knowledge of volunteers after their selection by pastors and churches leaders; Review the status of volunteers in the programme.
3. Quality of materials developed for and used in the intervention Practical material; especially the films that are based on daily realities lived in most African countries. Material used challenges people to action and reduces stigmatisation,
Areas for improvement : Distribute the translated materials for a better understanding by the Christians at the grassroots. Highlight the realities of the Ivorian people based on their cultural beliefs and practices and developing a manual on this.
4. Networking in the wider community The projects main partners are the local churches and health centres carrying out voluntary counselling and testing, Areas for improvement: Review the strategy for involving the church leaders by organising tailor made sessions only for pastors and church leaders; weave specific relationships with government partners (i.e. Department of Fight against AIDS, Department of Health) and other development partners (UNAIDS, NGOs, UNICEF
5.Ownershiip of the program Some churches have put in place HIV/AIDS committees. Areas for improvement Do an in-depth sensitisation and awareness creation about the Project at Church, Government and wider community level; Develop a strategy to improve the contribution of churches to the programme.
6. Gender perspectiive Some degree of gender sensitivity in materials through the different illustrations The films (the stories of Suzanne and Betty) projects gender based violence that promotes the infection and spread of HIV/AIDS in different countries. Also, it is attested that the programme requests for volunteers and trainees to be both men/women.
At the level of implementation, gender is seen in the reporting format through the information of the different participants (men/women) in the workshops. However, there is still the absence of women in lead volunteer positions, which is an indicator that there is much to be done to bring out women to speak out towards the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Areas for improvement Sensitization of Church leaders and Christians on gender sensitive issues and gender mainstreaming; Train staff of project and BSCI on gender sensitive participatory approaches; Involve more female volunteers in lead positions.
7. Sustainability Some churches are putting in place HIV/AIDS committees within their congregations, The constitution of groups of PLWHA, The active involvement of some pastors and leaders in the sensitization of their colleagues and Christians;
However, there is still much dependency on the funds of the programme for each activity carried out at the decentralized level. This is evident that the financial sustainability is still a big problem and needs to be considered seriously.
Areas for improvement Member church contribution to the programme (care giving by member churches to PLWHA); Involving church leaders Actively Involving the local government authorities and NGOs in the implementation of the programme.
8. Internal quality control Information collection mechanisms exist in the programme, which includes questionnaires, letters, activity and financial reports. The Director of BSCI is also very enthusiastic about the programme and gives in his time to field visits and sensitization of leaders as a means to control field actions.
Areas for Improvement Effective use of reports. Define indicators to attest results. Evaluate trainings at the end of each session. Active involvement of Church leaders and Pastors Capitalize on results for further action Consolidate the current action
9. Partnership and cooperation wiith the HIV Service in Nairobi HIV Services in Nairobi is the main supervisor/link of BSCI to other Bible societies, through which further learning, coordination and experience sharing is facilitated. Coordination meetings and joint evaluation workshops are organised annually. Field visits by FiBS staff once or twice a year for exchange and development of good working relations between the Bible Societies.
Areas for Improvement Human Resource issues -workload and vacations Respect of reporting deadlines Proper financial reporting, overseen and approved by the Project Coordinator Develop a proper information/communication flow system
Thank you for the attention