HARVARD STYLE OF REFERENCING A GUIDE... zHow to refer to writers in your texts. zA formula for each type of resource, i.e. video, book, journal, web page electronic journal. zHow to create a proper bibliography.
HARVARD REFERENCING where can you get help? zOn Skills for Learning Web pages zBuy ‘Quote Unquote’ at enquiry desks zInformation Points - short list of examples zKnow-it-All One Hour Workshops
HARVARD REFERENCING Why You Have to Use it zEvidence of background reading zAcknowledge the research of others zAvoid accusations of plagiarism zMakes you include complete information zEasy to trace the background research used zHelps other researchers
HARVARD REFERENCING Some language explained zCITING - acknowledging in the text zBIBLIOGRAPHY - list of sources zREFERENCE - detailed description of works used
HARVARD HOW DOES IT WORK? zThere are 2 elements to referencing other people’s work: zOne, is in the body of the text or in the middle of your essay or report, when you refer to someone’s ideas zTwo, is at the back of your work when you list everything you have referred to in full
CITING IN THE TEXT zAuthors surname and year of publication in brackets e.g., The work of Dee (1998) Sutcliffe (1999) and Reid (2000) concludes that listening is a learnt skill and not a natural skill.
CITING IN THE TEXT DIRECT QUOTES zName, Year & Page number appear in brackets. e.g., Rawson states that “Learning to learn has become a part of the skills agenda” (Rawson, 2000 p.1)
CITING IN THE TEXT MULTIPLE AUTHORS z3 or fewer authors: e.g., Cutler,T. Williams,K. & Williams,J. (1989) z4 or more authors: e.g., Matlock,J. et al. (1996)
THE BIBLIOGRAPHY WHAT IS IT ? zAlphabetical list at the end of your work zThe bibliography gives the FULL reference zThe following formulas are to make sure that you do not miss out a crucial fact and then fail to trace that work again
BOOKS Include the following information: zAuthor(s) / Editor(s) zYear in brackets zTitle and Subtitle (Underlined) zSeries ( if present) zEdition zPlace of publication zPublishers name
BOOK CITATION In the bibliography e.g., Spence, B. ed. (1993) Secondary school management in the 1990’s: challenge and change. Aspects of Education Series, 48. London, Independent Publishers. e.g., Mohr, L.B. (1996) Impact for analysis for program evaluation. 2nd ed. London, Sage.
EXAMPLE EXERCISE You have read a book called ‘New directions in action research’ It was published in The location of the publisher is London. The publishers name is Falmer Press and it was edited by Ortrun Zuber-Skerrit. Translate this into a Harvard Reference
Right order & punctuation Zuber-Skerritt, O. ed. (1996) New directions in action research. London, Falmer Press.
CORRECT REFERENCE Zuber-Skerritt, O. ed. (1996) New directions in action research. London, Falmer Press.
JOURNAL ARTICLES Include the following information: zAUTHOR(S) of article zYEAR in brackets zARTICLE Title zJOURNAL Title (Underlined) zVOLUME, Part, Issue, Month/Season zPAGE numbers
JOURNAL ARTICLE e.g., Lucas, K.B. & Lidstone, J.G. (2000) Ethical Issues in Teaching About Research Ethics. Evaluation and Research in Education,14 (1) pp.53-64
EXAMPLE EXERCISE You have read in a journal called ‘Studies in Higher Education’ an article called: ‘Learning to Learn: more than a skills set.’ by Mike Rawson. It was published this year. It is issue number 2 Pages and is volume number 25 Translate this into Harvard style
Right order & punctuation Rawson, Mike. (2000) Learning to Learn: more that a skill set. Studies in Higher Education. 25 (2) pp
CORRECT REFERENCE Rawson, Mike. (2000) Learning to Learn:more that a skill set. Studies in Higher Education. 25 (2) pp
NEWSPAPER ARTICLE e.g., Baty, P. (1998) Learners are born, says report. Times Higher Education Supplement, 16th January, p.5
‘In’ References Include the following information in this order: zAuthor of chapter/section zYear of publication (in brackets) zTitle of chapter/section zIn: followed by zAuthor/Editor of collected work zTitle of the collected work (Underlined) zPlace of publication zPublisher’s name zPage numbers
‘In’ References e.g., Porter, M.A. (1993) The modification of method in researching postgraduate education. In: Burgess, R.G. ed. The research process in educational settings:ten case studies. London, Falmer Press.
FILM & VIDEO Include the following information in this order: zSeries title zSeries number zYear (in brackets) zProgramme title (underlined) zPlace of Publication zPublisher’s name zDate of transmission z[Medium:Format]
VIDEO e.g., World in Action (1995) All work and no play. London, ITV, 21st January [video:VHS]
Web Pages Include the following information in this order: zAuthor/Editor zYear (In brackets) zTitle z[Internet] zEdition zPlace of publication zPublishers name (if available) zAvailable from: [Accessed date]
World-Wide Web Document e.g., Holland, M. (1996) Harvard System [Internet] Poole, Bournemouth University. Available from: [Accessed 15 Apr 1996]
Electronic Journal Include the following information in this order: zAuthor(s)/Editor zYear (in brackets) zTitle of Article zTitle of journal (underlined) z[type of medium] zDate of publication,volume, issue, page number z zDate of accession
‘E’ Journal Citation Smith, J. (1996) Time to go home. Journal of Hyperactivity [Internet] 12th October, 6 (4) pp Available from: [Accessed June 6th, 1997]
Sample Bibliography Bennett,H. Gunter,H & Reid,S. (1996) Through a glass darkly:images of appraisal. Journal of Teacher Development, 5 (3) October, pp Now Voyager (1942) Directed by Irving Rapper. New York,Warner [Film:35mm] Smith,B. (1999) Learning Styles. London, Academic Press