Introduction to Web Authoring Ellen Cushman our syllabus


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Web Authoring Ellen Cushman our syllabus old class page new class page Class mtg. #5

Agenda Review where we are Talk about where we’re headed Take first step toward getting there--a homework assignment!

Samples You’ve Developed In the spotlight today: –Pages of first time web authors –Pages of authors with more experience –Pages of authors who developed their own style sheets or expanded the css inline/embedded using their home- resources. You all have learned a considerable amount to accomplish this: KUDOS!!!

Review CSS inline and embedded code solved some of our problems, but not all and not consistently. Style sheets please! Problem solving strategies when working with code included: –(list these here) We’ve worked with structure and behavior for a website, but now we need to focus on content and the conventions that govern it.

Intro to Assignment #2 Genre Analysis Paper Assignment

Genre Defined What we know about genres: it’s a set of related things. They have a connecting theme. Share some types of overarching. Theme and information according to content. Produces uniformity across pages or contexts. Governed by rules - conventional practice.Readers use these conventions to form expectations. When expectations are frustrated you’re creating dissonance or funny/unexpected/ironic turns. What we want to know about genres: What the discipline says about genres: A habitual response to a recurring social situation. Traces of the response are recognizable as regularities of textual form. When these are seen as tools or rules, they’ve become ‘conventions’ of the form.

Genre Defined, cont.’ What this model shows us about how a genre of product reviews work. Product Reviews: Tucson Milk

To Discuss: What is a Product Review? 1.Who writes? A customer, critics, maker of the product 2.Who reads? Competitors, customers, other writers 3.What are the parts? Rating, analyzing the features, pictures, downfalls of the product, value judgment 4.What makes one useful/good? How it influences the buyer (to buy or not to buy), easy to read/like to read,

Exercise 1.Create a review of our class text: Zeldman’s book. 2.Take a look at the online reviews and what audiences find helpful or not. 3.Write a review of Zeldman’s book. 4.Add a link to your review to your WRA 210 project page.

Homework Finish your review Find a site you want to analyze Download the questions to get your analysis started from the bottom of the assignment description site.Download Begin answering the questions Next class, we begin Photoshop as we look at the Onion and other parody sites.