UDL: Universal Design for Learning Theresa Brady
Learning Outcomes Teachers will develop an understanding of the core components of UDL Teachers will plan using multiple means of representation, action and expression and engagement in their lessons. Teachers will develop an understanding of the core components of UDL Teachers will plan using multiple means of representation, action and expression and engagement in their lessons.
If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s we rob them of tomorrow. Dewey
Where are you with UDL? After taking the quiz and reading the article “What Does UDL look like by Katie Novak” what are your ideas about UDL? Click this code to answer the question After taking the quiz and reading the article “What Does UDL look like by Katie Novak” what are your ideas about UDL? Click this code to answer the question
Inspirational Man-Born with No Arms
UDL Representation Action and Expression Engagement Representation Action and Expression Engagement UDL is about modifying the learning environment not the learner. UDL is about recognizing learner variability as “the norm”. UDL is about removing barriers through thoughtful, proactive design. UDL is about careful consideration of goals.
BCPS Alignment with UDL and Personalized Blended Learning All curriculum writers are trained in UDL Resources are given for representation, action and expression and engagement Text is available digitally and in print for Wonders DDL has gotten together a list of additional Web 2.0 tools to meet students needs One to one initiative Danielson All curriculum writers are trained in UDL Resources are given for representation, action and expression and engagement Text is available digitally and in print for Wonders DDL has gotten together a list of additional Web 2.0 tools to meet students needs One to one initiative Danielson What you do to meet the needs of your students: Back map Plan for all of your students (flexibility and responsiveness) Daily Five Small Group Instruction Mini lessons Provide choice
Students Need: High Expectations Clear established outcomes Rubrics Flexibility Choice Exemplars to understand criteria High Expectations Clear established outcomes Rubrics Flexibility Choice Exemplars to understand criteria HOW WHAT WHY
Why UDL:
How do use UDL:
What do we need to meet with success:
Plan With your grade level look at the planning sheet provided. Think of one thing you can plan to change your environment Options: Plan a lesson together utilizing a Web 2.0 and the planning sheet Create a symbaloo page for Daily Five or math Design one of your daily five centers thinking of expectations and materials needed for all students to meet with success
Resources: Sign up for UDL Connect Baltimore County has a group UDL exchange: Electronic book on UDL connect: Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice Sign up for UDL Connect Baltimore County has a group UDL exchange: Electronic book on UDL connect: Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice Set a goal for your self for UDL implementation See goal sheet
Follow up and Assessment Using Our Reisterstown Edmodo Page do one of the following: Post your lesson Screen shot your symbaloo page Share your ideas for Daily Five Center