From Evaluation to Collaboration: How Teachers and Principals Can Agree To Do D Jim Warford, ICLE Senior Advisor Keynote Speaker
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A Few Questions….
Heres a look back…
Blue Slide No Logo
Heres A Look Ahead…
Flipping the Classroom ?!?! At #flipclass
Paul Andersen Montanas Teacher of the Year
Curriculum is not just a Textbook anymore. Its videos, Podcasts, Wikis, blogs, and YouTube videos
YouTube Bozemanbiology Paul Andersen
So… How can we agree to do D?
We Need a New Mental Model…
We are now Evaluated as a School AYP
We will soon be Evaluated at the Teacher Level AYP Teacher Evaluation
How can we shift this Conversation from Evaluation to Collaboration?
Because heres Whats coming…
Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Assessments
Common Core State Standards Fewer… Clearer… Higher…
ALL students will Leave high school Ready for college and career… Regardless of disability, Language, or subgroup status.
And they…. Have the opportunity to SHOW what they Know and can do
The CCSS and their assessments will do to teachers what AYP did to administrators Bill Daggett
We Need a New Mental Model… A New Map!
RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework TeacherWork Teacher/Student Roles StudentThinkStudent Think & Work StudentWork High Low
Rigor/Relevance Framework ®
12345 Application Knowledge Rigor/Relevance Framework
Thinking Continuum Assimilation of knowledge Acquisition of knowledge
Awareness Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Knowledge Taxonomy
Acquisition of knowledge Application Action Continuum
Knowledge in one discipline Application within discipline Application across disciplines Application to real-world predictable situations Application to real-world unpredictable situations Application Model
Rigor/Relevance Framework
We Need a New Mental Model Because…
A B D C Standards
A B D C Assessments
ICLE Reports 95% of principals request follow-up training and support to implement the R/R Framework in their schools Teachers are typically hard at work during the classroom visitations, but instruction is predominately teacher-centered and students are passive learners
ICLE Reports Quad A is traditional instruction and most often measured by student recital of facts or basic recall Quad A classrooms are NOT synonymous with poor instruction
A Thought Experiment…
Collaborative Instructional Review
What is the Collaborative Instructional Review? Can be used to Improve… Student Achievement Teacher Readiness Quality/Effectiveness of Instruction Professional Dialogue/Learning
Through… The Lens of the Rigor and Relevance Framework
Whos It For? Districts/Schools that… Have foundational knowledge of the Rigor and Relevance Framework and want to take it to the next level Want to develop a fair, equitable Teacher Evaluation System
How is it Unique? 80/20 Rule Person observing instruction will spend 80% of their time in class looking at, and listening to what students are doing and saying 20% of the time listening to the teacher
Collaborative Instructional Review The CIR is a highly effective and cost efficient way to help prepare all staff to meet the challenge of the Common Core State Standards and the assessments that follow.
RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework TeacherWork Teacher/Student Roles StudentThinkStudent Think & Work StudentWork High Low
What are the Tools Used to Conduct a CIR? Teacher Reflection Worksheet CIR Rubric Classroom Visitation Tool
Lets Reflect…
Cause teachers are feeling the pressure…
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From Evaluation to Collaboration: How Teachers and Principals Can Agree To Do D Jim Warford, ICLE Senior Advisor Keynote Speaker