Organizational Excellence Assessment Overview Anthony A. Arnolie
Organizational Excellence An agile, innovative organization that fulfills its mission through leadership in state-of-the- art business practices
Organizational Excellence Goals Merit Review: Operate a credible, efficient merit review system (will be assessed by the Advisory Committee for GPRA Performance Assessment). Human Capital Management: Develop a diverse, capable, motivated staff that operates with efficiency and integrity. Technology-Enabled Business Processes: Utilize and sustain broad access to new and emerging technologies for business application. Performance Assessment: Develop and use performance assessment tools and measures to provide an environment of continuous improvement in NSF’s intellectual investments as well as its management effectiveness.
This Year’s Assessment Provided more information on why a given area is the focus of the assessment Indicated the “degree of success” for a given activity
Structure of Assessment 1.Identify the set of activities that provide the framework for this year’s assessment. 2.Describe why these activities received increased attention/emphasis this past year. What made them priorities for NSF? 3.Describe the key accomplishments of the past year. 4.Describe how we determined success and the supporting evidence --- metrics and indicators. 5.Describe any planned actions to maintain success or achieve improvement
Rating System Fully successful (glass full to the brim). Partially successful (glass half full/half empty). Not successful (glass empty). Future Activities
Committee Focus 1.Does the evidence presented support NSF’s determination that it has (or has not) “demonstrated significant achievement” for the indicator? 2.Should any changes in approach or methodology be considered for future OE assessments?