1 CSSE151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I Course Overview
2 Course Goals Introduction to the fundamentals of computer science Programming in a modern high-level language (C++) with emphasis on programming design and style Primitive and aggregate data types Functions Control structures Software development Algorithm development Stepwise refinement Elementary search algorithms
3 Course Overview Topics Introduction to Computer Science C++ Basics Top-Down Design Functions (Procedures) Control Structure Selection, Repetition Modular Programming Call-by-Value, Call-by-Reference
4 Course Overview Topics (Cont.) Simple Data Types Integer, Float, Char, Boolean…. Aggregate Data Types Array, Record (Struct) Files Input/Output
5 Course Overview Instructor Dr. Lirong Dai, Ph.D. University of Texas at Dallas Text Primary text: Problem Solving, Abstraction, and Design Using C++, by Friedman and Koffman, 4th edition (Addison Wesley, 2004) Reference: books that can help you learn to use Linux, such as The Linux Pocket Guide by Daniel Barrett (O’Reilly, 2004)
6 Course Overview Duties Material Reading Quizzes will be arranged based on reading Consistent Attendance (10%) So you won’t miss any pop quiz, labs, in-class exercises Courses materials will not be re-distributed Weekly Programming Assignments (10%) Assign on Wednesdays, submit on the following Tuesday midnight Suggestions Start assignment as early as possible By each Friday, you should have some idea to finish the assignment, since the instructor might not be available on weekends or the assignment due days Anytime if you have questions regarding assignments, bring in a hard copy. You cannot mail you code for questions
7 Course Overview Course Duties (Cont.) 2 Projects (10%) Usually, allow three weeks to finish Again, start project as early as possible 3 Exams (70%) Exam schedule may be changed Dishonesty Policy All assignments/projects are individual work All exams are closed book & notes Any dishonesty violation will be reported
8 Course Overview Grade Will not curve grades Grade distribution Questions? >= 90 A = 85A- = 80B+ = 75B = 70B- = 65C+ = 60C = 55C- = 50D+ = 45D = 40D- <40F