S.T.R.E.A.M. Model for Learning Expanding STEM into a S.T.R.E.A.M. Model for Learning Kenneth Wesson Educational Consultant: Neuroscience San Jose, CA kenawesson@aol.com
Water is Hot at 110o
By Adding Just One Degree instead of 211o
S.T.R.E.A.M. Model for Learning Expanding STEM into a S.T.R.E.A.M. Model for Learning What is “STEM” Why S.T.R.E.A.M. instead of just STEM? (S.T.R.E.A.M. schools: Merging science, technology, reading/LA, engineering, art/visualization and mathematics) What are some ways in which our schools can incorporate the S.T.R.E.A.M. model into our (a) thinking and (b) our teaching? Making connections (neural, social, cognitive, multimodal, cross-curricular) to optimize student learning
What STEM? Why is it important? How do we make it real? The S.T.R.E.A.M. model for learning in the classroom (pre-K to university)
What is STEM?
STEM 2009: Pres. Obama launched a nationwide campaign to "Educate and Innovate" over the next 10 years (had fallen behind countries like Latvia, Chinese Taipei, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.) “Change the Equation”: Moving to the top in math and science education (CEOs) RTT: STEM funding Common Core and the New Generation Science Standards STEM became a key element of the new administration's strategy to transform K-12 education in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (economic growth and wealth prosperity are in jeopardy.)
Gonzales, P. , Williams, T. , Jocelyn, L. , Roey, S. , Kastberg, D Gonzales, P., Williams, T., Jocelyn, L., Roey, S., Kastberg, D., and Brenwald, S. (2008). Highlights From TIMSS 2007: Mathematics and Science Achievement of U.S. Fourth- and Eighth-Grade Students in an International Context (NCES 2009–001 Revised). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC.
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) PISA rankings ignore poverty differences in the tested schools. When adjusted for poverty levels, the correlation between socio-economic status and tests scores are Free and Reduced Meal Rate PISA Score Schools with < 10% 551 Schools with 10-24.9% 527 Schools with 25-49.9% 502 Schools with 49.9-74.9% 471 Schools with >75% 446 U.S. average 500 OECD average 493 National Association of Secondary School Principals Executive Director, Dr. Gerald N. Tirozzi,
U.S. % Poverty Other Countries PISA Score Korea 539 Finland 536 U.S. (10-24.9%) 527 Canada 524 New Zealand 521 Japan 520 Australia 515 Netherlands 508 Belgium 506 Norway 503 U.S. (25-49.9%) 502 Estonia 501 Switzerland 501 Poland 500 Iceland 500 National Association of Secondary School Principals Executive Director, Dr. Gerald N. Tirozzi,
Forecasting Independent Education to 2025 Each year, new findings in cognitive psychology and neuroscience will be infused into teacher preparation, curriculum, instruction, student assessment, and the classroom environment. The works of Howard Gardner (“Multiple Intelligences”), Daniel Goleman (“Emotional Intelligence”), Kenneth Wesson (“Brain-considerate Learning”), and others have already been influential in reshaping the independent school classroom, while programs like Mel Levine’s Schools Attuned are assisting educators in using neurodevelopmental content in their classrooms to create success at learning and to provide hope and satisfaction for all students. Forecasting Independent Education to 2025 -- NAIS
STEM Supporting K-12 STEM education is in our own best long- term self-interests. Numerous countries provide ample evidence of the consequences of having no combined focus on S.T.R.E.A.M. education. Those countries are competitively and economically marginal at best. Getting into that STREAM-less hole is easier than exiting it. The world's poorest nations annually serve as "Exhibit A," which should prompt us to support K- university level science education at any cost.
STEM The President: Three priorities for STEM education: 1. Increasing STEM literacy so all students can think critically in science, math, engineering and technology 2. Improving the quality of math and science teaching (no longer will be outperformed by those in other nations) 3. Expanding STEM education and career opportunities for underrepresented groups (women and people of color.)
STEM Need to produce 400,000 STEM college graduates by 2015. More than 40% of the doctoral students in U.S. colleges and universities in 2009 were foreign nationals, and in some fields of science that figure far exceeded the 50% mark. Problem: Lack of proficiency among American students in science, as well as a lack of interest in the STEM fields (difficult or uninviting.)
Why is STEM/ S.T.R.E.A.M. important to all of us?
Creating SMART Schools and Becoming STREAM Schools Science Technology (and Thematic interdisciplinary instruction for student learning) Reading and Language Arts Engineering Art Mathematics (Maximizing connections and sensory experiences) Creating SMART Schools and Becoming STREAM Schools http://sciencemaster77.blogspot.com/
Predicting the Distant Future The RAND Corporation has created this model of how a “home computer” will look in the year 2004; however the technology will not be economically feasible for the average home. Also the scientist readily admit that the technology to actually work has not been created yet but scientific progress Is expected to solve these problems. . . and the computer will be easy to use.
Predicting the Near Future The degree to which today's learners understand STEM will determine global leadership in the mid-21st Century. Nothing will dominate our future more than science.
The STEM Initiative is not NEW Human beings were and still are engaged in STEM experiences and education all of the time (before we called them STEM.) Our human advances have nearly always been dependent on an improved understanding of science (“knowing”) The “Science of Learning” is equally as important for continued advancement.
The Most Gifted Teachers: Science Teachers Instead of being derided as geeks, scientists should be seen as courageous realists and the last great heroic explorers of the unknown. They should get more money, more publicity, better clothes, more sex and free rehab after all of that fame goes to their heads. -- Matthew Chapman Cofounder, ScienceDebate2008 East Asian Regional Council of Overseas Schools
…Annually Televised Teaching Awards? What about new televised programs… Monday Night Science So You Think You Can Teach? “Dancing with the Astronomers” The of Orange County Teachers “America’s Next Inventor”
S.T.R.E.A.M. : The Foundation of Inquiry? Relevant questions, imagination, predictions, inferences, patterns, hunches, experimenting (trial/error) skepticism, thinking, memory, curiosity, minimize errors, sense-making, a quest for knowledge → Survival
“…students need to have experiences rather than just read about them.” --Robert Marzano
…with solids
…with liquid? Unleashing the power of inquiry
Which of the boxes X, Y, or Z has the LEAST mass? A) X B) Y C) Z D) All three boxes have the same mass. TIMSS Sample Elementary School Science Test (Grades 3 and 4)
The near future portends dramatic changes for education The near future portends dramatic changes for education. Who will win and who will lose? The losers are going to be those people who think everything is the same as it has always been. Understanding Information Systems in Higher Education, Carole Cotton Associates
Source: www.ed.gov/nclb/methods/science/science.html The longer students stay in the current system the worse they do. According to the 1995 Third International Mathematics and Science Study, U.S. fourth graders ranked second. By twelfth grade, they fell to 16th, behind nearly every industrialized rival and ahead of only Cyprus and South Africa. Percentage of Twelfth Graders Proficient in Science Source: www.ed.gov/nclb/methods/science/science.html
Memorization is what we resort to when what we are learning makes no sense. -- Anonymous
Brain-considerate Learning: “PERC3S” There are five BC elements that the human brain seeks while processing incoming stimuli for personal “meaning,” which makes the information “memorable” and worth remembering. Patterns Emotions Relevance Context, Content, and Cognitively-appropriate Sense-making Patterns, emotions, relevance, context, content and sense-making are critical factors in driving (1) attention, (2) motivation, (3) learning, (4) memory formation, and (5) recall. Collectively, these 5 factors are the primary criteria for transfer into long-term memory storage.
Learning and Memory By Kenneth Wesson The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the very first time. —Friedrich Nietzsche ■ Memory situation #1: Immediately after your assistant has given you the number of an important client, you hang up, but before you can dial, someone asks you for the time. After announcing the time, you ready your index finger to dial the client’s phone number, which has escaped from memory. After asking for the number a second time, you scowl at all oncoming strangers to ward off any mental interlopers prior to dialing. ■ Memory situation #2: After returning from a 15th wedding anniversary cruise with 12 Mediterranean ports of call, you effusively describe your vacation to a neighbor. However… http://brainworldmagazine.com/2011/06/learning-and-memory/
Brain World magazine June 2011 30 Ways to Improve Your Memory By Kenneth Wesson Whether we are studying for Friday’s spelling test, a doctoral dissertation or a company presentation, there are a number of reliable memory techniques and powerful memory aids that yield the best results: Brain World magazine June 2011 http://brainworldmagazine.com/2011/06/30-ways-to-improve-your-memory/
The Knowledge Explosion “The sum total of humankind’s knowledge doubled between 1750 and 1900. It doubled again between 1900 and 1950, again from 1950 to 1960, again from 1960 to 1965. It’s been estimated that the sum total of humankind’s knowledge has doubled at least every five years since then. It’s been further projected that by the year 2020, knowledge or information will double every 73 days.” Dr. James Appleberry - President, American Association of State Colleges and Universities
Memorization for assessment. purposes rather than teaching Memorization for assessment purposes rather than teaching thinking was frequently the educational goal.
(structure-function) 5) This is a drawing of a bird’s foot.. Where would you be MOST likely to find such a bird? A) forest B) meadow C) cornfield D) desert E) lake (structure-function) TIMSS Sample Elementary School Science Test (Grades 3 and 4)
S.T.R.E.A.M. supports how the brain works
Initial Learning ball round yellow Tennis Brown banana lemon School bus
Remembering = Re-collection/Re-call ball yellow Tennis Brown banana School bus Activating and re-assembling the same elements inside the brain that were originally activated in producing the neural network necessary to represent the concept initially.
Making Connections Baseball ball Moon round yellow basketball coconut School bus Tennis Brown School bus banana fruits Taxi Apple persimmon Municipal bus pear Orange Train pineapple
The Association Cortices Make up 37% of the Human Cerebral Cortex
Patterns: Understanding/Remembering Medical Terms (All medical terms must make sense. ) Sciencemaster.com Verbs → Nouns ↓ -algia (pain) -centesis (puncture) -ectomy (removal) -tomy (incision) -itis (inflamation) -plasty (surgical repair) -megaly (enlargement) -sclerosis (hardening) Angio- (vessel) -- angiocen-tesis angiotomy angitis angioplasty angiomegaly angiosclerosis Craino- (skull) craniocen-tesis (hemispher- rectomy) craniotomy cranioplasty craniosclerosis Cardio- (heart) cardialgia cardiocen-tesis cardiotomy carditis cardioplasty megalocardia cardiosclerosis Derma- (skin) dermacen- tesis (incision) dermatitis dermaplasty sclerderma Gastro- (stomach) gastria gastrocen-tesis gastrectomy gastritis gastroplasty gastromegaly Neuro- (nerve) neuralgia neuritis multiple sclerosis Osteo- (bone) ostealgia osteocen-tesis osteotomy osteoarthritis ostoplasty osteomegaly osteosclerosis
Reflect and Connect What did you learn in the past 20 minutes? Your colleague has missed the last 20 minutes. Please summarize for him/her the following: What did you learn in the past 20 minutes? How might you apply that information? How will it make a difference for your students? As a classroom practitioner, how should my thinking and/or my teaching change to reflect this information?
Education: Caught in a Web of False Choices
Education: Caught in a Web of False Choices Reading/Language arts or Math and Science? Binary arguments that limit the scope and quality of our subsequent discussions.
S.T.R.E.A.M. Concepts Science Math Reading/ Lang. Arts advances human knowledge analyze strategies apply concepts to new situations classify uses clues collect, record and analyze data communicate compare context curiosity describe and explain
S.T.R.E.A.M. Concepts Science Math Reading/ Lang. Arts divergent thinking draw conclusions engage in conjecture and argumentation engaging in discourse evaluate experiment explore finding answers to problems formulate hypotheses habits of mind generalize identify variables inferential thinking
S.T.R.E.A.M. Concepts Science Math Reading/ Lang. Arts give oral presentations prepare oral summaries find patterns pose questions predict behaviors solve problems use process skills reason record and interpret data record observations make references
In Reading, Math and Science Make predictions Make inferences Construct, revise, and question meanings and strategies as they develop (dynamically) minute-by-minute Determine the meaning of unfamiliar or unknown words and concepts through interactions and contexts Monitor and modify our understanding of concepts Construct and revise written summaries Think about the concept in varying ways throughout (before, during, and after) an investigation (reflection)
(permission to not know) Ask questions (permission to not know) Engage in discourse and debate Move around as they explore and investigate Refine and revise one’s thinking Draw, think write and imagine
S.A.I.L. The environmental preconditions that should be experienced by students prior to initiating formal instruction include... S afety A cceptance I nclusion, interactions and involvement (interpersonal/social aspect of memory formation) After satisfying these prerequisite neurophysiological and hierarchical conditions, students are biologically ready for L earning (students feel their immediate environment is secure enough for them to take risks, explore and discover). Source: Kenneth Wesson (2011). Education for the Real World; Six great ideas for parents and educators. Brain World, Issue 2, Volume II Winter 2011.
Enhancing the Emotional Climate in the Classroom Helping Hands Facilitate Growing Minds Have each student write the name of a classmate who helped him/her along the path of learning a given concept in class Source: Kenneth Wesson (2011). Education for the Real World; Six great ideas for parents and educators. Brain World, Issue 2, Volume II Winter 2011.
How the Brain-body Works
Using your Reflexes (Each takes 0.05 – 0.1 sec.) 6 3 2 5 4 Eyes → sight (2) visual cortex – vision → (3) association cortex - meaning → (4) frontal lobes – plan of action → (5) PfC – prepares response → (6) motor cortex – takes an action 6 3 2 5 4
Reflexes: In the Mind (Each takes 0.05 – 0.1 sec.) 3 1 2 PfC – prepares response (2) Ears → hearing → (3) motor cortex – takes an action 3 1 2
Reflexes: Visualization (Each takes 0.05 – 0.1 sec.) Eyes → sight (2) visual cortex – vision → (3) association cortex - meaning → (4) frontal lobes – plan of action → (5) PfC – prepares response → (6) motor cortex – takes an action 6 3 2 5 4
We “see” with our eyes? We see with our brain. Blind individuals read, learn, recognize objects, etc. without their eyes.
Association fibers (neural busses) Slide 14
Maintaining and Strengthening Memory Bridge Build Extend 10% 80% 10% Past content New information Preview
2. Build (on new experiences) Content and skills are best developed through a 3-stage learning process 1. Bridge (known → new) 2. Build (on new experiences) 3. Extend (where might the learning take us next?)
Making Neural Connections New information gets integrated into existing networks, not “acquired” One’s Existing knowledge
(Innovations from Problem solving) S.T.R.E.A.M. The Mind + Art Abstract Thinking Imagination Human Advances (Innovations from Problem solving)
The Amygdala
Inquiry: “Possibilities” and the Brain The hippocampus: laying down new memories Brain-imaging studies: heightened activations not only when recalling memories, but also when daydreaming. For approximately 30% of our waking hours, we tend to drift off and our brains turn on a "default network" composed of a connected web of brain regions that become activated when our mind shifts from "concentrate" to “wander/wonder" → creativity
Daydreaming, Wondering and Imagination The unbridled mental excursions during daydreaming have multiple purposes: We mentally rehearse future events - We tackle real or imagined challenges - “problem-solving.” We tend to stretch the current boundaries of reality into new dimensions → innovations and inventions
National Science Teachers Association Guest Editorial: K. Wesson Sept. 2011
Leonardo da Vinci
Inquiry, Visualization and the Brain Biology and zoology are considered by many to be rich sources of analogies from which significant inventions can be derived. Here is a list of animals and the inventions they exemplify. Try matching the animal with the invention it inspired. 1. bat ( ) parachute 2. armadillo snowshoes 3. chameleon anesthetic 4. fish helicopter 5. flying squirrel suction cup 6. squid hypodermic 7. hummingbird radar 8. scorpion camouflage 9. snake electricity 10. abalone tank 11. caribou jet propulsion
Inquiry, Visualization and the Brain 1. bat (5) parachute 2. armadillo (11) snowshoes 3. chameleon (9) anesthetic 4. fish (7) helicopter 5. flying squirrel (10) suction cup 6. squid (8) hypodermic 7. hummingbird (1) radar 8. scorpion (3) camouflage 9. snake (4) electricity 10. abalone (2) tank 11. caribou (6) jet propulsion
S.T.R.E.A.M. - Imagery and the Brain Engineering requires capacities both to understand and to produce artistic renditions and models of objects, scientific phenomena and concepts. When students cannot visualize the concepts (VST) , to a corresponding degree, they will have difficulty Describing them verbally Grasping them conceptually Demonstrating their understanding Reproducing them during subsequent assessments
Good thinking is a matter of making connections, and knowing what kinds of connections to make. ---David Perkins
The Science of Learning Our Priorities for Learners and Learning: We should not be interested in how fast students learn. We should be most interested in How long the learning will last? How do we get student learning to last longer? How do we make learning permanent?
SCIENTIFIC THINKING PROCESSES How does a scientist find out (inquiry via heuristics/”thinking tools”)? “A great deal of research in cognitive psychology shows that the more actively you process information, the more you retain it.” -- David Perkins, Co-Director Project Zero, Harvard University Observing (identifying/describing attributes, characteristics, systems and “big ideas”) Predicting (hypothesizing) Classifying/categorizing Reasoning (inductive and deductive) Organizing information Comparing traits and systems Relating (“The metaphor is probably the most fertile power possessed by man.” –Jose Ortega y Gasset.)
SCIENTIFIC THINKING PROCESSES Contemporary SCIENTIFIC THINKING PROCESSES Testing hypotheses (experimentation) Communicating information/interacting (Talking/interacting with “knowledge others” are essentials to learning; Open discourse; Accountable talk; Drawing) Recording data information (“When found, make note of.” – Dickens) Sharing and evaluating data (community of learners; examining/ analyzing for error) Utilizing multi-sensory methods (and sensory extensions, e.g., telescopes) Summarizing (and checking the quality of one’s own thinking) Sharing information/conclusions orally (interpreting data; modifying original ideas leading to a cycle of inquiries). Writing (preparing arguments that support one’s conclusions)
Writing a Two-Minute Paper: Reflect and Connect Students assume a greater amount of control over their own learning by defining what they know and contrasting that with what they have yet to learn. What have I just learned? Were any of my preconceptions or misconceptions overturned? What do I still want to/need to know in order to understand this (scientific concept) better? What is this connected to? What do I think will come next?
Writing and Learning • Students can listen without thinking. • They can sit without listening or thinking. • They can read without thinking, concentrating or remembering very much at all. However, • One cannot write without thinking. • One cannot draw without thinking (doodling is not drawing). • One cannot solve problems without thinking. Drawing does for the brain during the day, what dreaming does for the brain at night.
“One characteristic of high-performing “One characteristic of high-performing schools is an emphasis on teaching non-fiction writing.” (Reeves, D.B. (2003). High Performance in High Poverty Schools: 90/90/90 and Beyond. Center for Performance Assessment. Denver, Colorado)
why not teach the way they learn?" "If they don't learn the way you teach, then why not teach the way they learn?"
STREAM and The Science of Learning Our Priorities for Learners and Learning: Science should be learner-centered “Hands-on, minds-on, heart’s-in” learning Actively engage students in scientific inquiry “Relevant” to what and how the student sees the broader context of “the world” rather than by “discipline” Build new knowledge based on prior knowledge Opportunities to “reflect and connect” should be infused into regular classroom S.T.R.E.A.M. learning (metacognition)
The Neural Foundation for Concept Development If I Can… Then I am Able To… 1. Experience it first-hand Discuss it orally (“Hands-on, minds-on, heart’s-in” “Wow! experiences) 2. Discuss it orally Understand what others mean, when they talk about it 3. Understand when I discuss it Communicate it in written form and when and others discuss it 4. Communicate it in written form Read my own writing 5. Do it, see it, discuss it, hear Explain it to others coherently/intelligently about it and write about it 6. Explain it to others Ready to read other’s writing 7. Understand the writings of Begin reading (the writing of others) within others on the subject general content area Excerpted from Memory and the Brain: How Teaching Leads to Learning. Wesson, K. The Independent School, Volume 63, Spring 2002
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane Physics of flight The laws of motion Force and motion Aerodynamics Aerodynamic system
Flight, Motion, and Aerodynamics All aircraft concepts had to be consistent with aerodynamics and that can accommodate the laws of motion (Copernicus, Galileo, Einstein, etc.) The principles of acceleration, gravity, inertia, mass, and the relative nature of motion, are all to be respected in all flight and aircraft designs.
Nazca Lines
Machu Picchu Sacsayhuaman walls
How Learners Learn Learning requires context for understanding its meaning(s) – conceptual; experiential; connected to related content or what else we know. Stored knowledge is necessary for all new learning (serves as the scaffolding for higher-order thinking.) When students lack this relevant knowledge base, growth in learning is reduced. Learning is seldom instantaneous. The neural processing of an experience and all subsequent learning (as well as memory storage) do not occur simultaneously. They require consolidation time, periodic rehearsal and maintenance for storage.
Brain World, Issue 2, Volume II Winter 2011. Cognitive Rehearsals When playing with objects, learners are simultaneously manipulating and playing with ideas (using internal dialogues to attach words and meaning to actions) Exploring and experimenting involve examining relationships, interactions and systems, where learners formulate their own personal “theories” (mental constructs) Thinking is a rehearsal for discourse Discourse is a rehearsal for writing Playing with objects and ideas, exploring and experimenting, thinking, talking, and writing become rehearsals (background knowledge) for reading. Writing and reading clarify one’s thoughts, generate coherent thinking, and cultivate precision in expressing one’s inner thoughts Discourse and writing become rehearsals for assessment Source: Kenneth Wesson (2011). Education for the Real World; Six great ideas for parents and educators. Brain World, Issue 2, Volume II Winter 2011.
Propeller-powered Vehicles
Making a (popsicle stick or) X - S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane FOSS Variables Module © The Regents of the University of California Can be duplicated for classroom or workshop use.
Leroy R. Grumman Cadet Squadron
Flight, Motion and Aerodynamics Ask pre- and post-investigation questions What do you predict will occur when we...? What might occur if we...instead? What would you predict the outcome might be if we changed the _______? (procedural change) If we changed _________, how might that alter the expected data? (by changing any of the materials/objects) Use of visuals: Use any pictures, diagrams, charts, graphs, or illustrations available to you in order to orally support your claims and evidence.
“…for learning to take place, students must actively engage in meaningful problem solving.” -- John Dewey
Making Predictions and Making Connections Data Gathering: Making Predictions and Making Connections How far will your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane fly on 25 winds? Make a guess: ______________ meters Record your data: ____________winds How far will your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane fly on 100 winds? Make a prediction: ______________ meters How far will your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane fly on 50 winds?
Making Predictions and Making Connections Data Gathering: Making Predictions and Making Connections Graph your results for both (1) your predictions (2) your results by using either a line graph or a bar graph.
Making Predictions and Making Connections Data Gathering: Making Predictions and Making Connections Discrepant data in the predictions vs. the resulting data What variables impacted your results preventing your data from appearing to be a simple linear mathematical relationship between 25 winds, 100 winds, and 50 winds?
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane If you made a flight line out of cotton string (rather than a filament line) how would the resistance change due to a change in the level of friction? Would it take longer for your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane to break inertia?
Students need “low stakes” writing to learn the content. “The goal isn't so much good writing as coming to learn, understand, remember and figure out what you don't yet know.” Elbow, P. (1994). Writing for learning--not just for demonstrating learning. University of Massachusetts
Predictions and Connections Data Gathering: Predictions and Connections Write down some of the variables that might have an impact on the data you collect from your flight system (the actual distance flown by your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane)?
Predictions and Connections Data Gathering: Predictions and Connections Changes in the slope (incline or decline) during takeoff and/or flight the direction of the wind the weight of the load (cargo) the number of rubber bands used (thrust) the size of the rubber bands used the number of propellers the size of the propellers changes in the tension of the flight line the number of winds (fuel) if wings were added to the plane, would that increase/ decrease the distance flown?
Making Predictions and Making Connections Data Gathering: Making Predictions and Making Connections How many winds will it take for your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane to fly half of the distance on a 10 m flight line? My prediction is: _________ meters Record your data (number of winds) ________. How many winds will it take for your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane to fly the full distance of your 10 m flight line? My prediction is: : _____________ Record your data (number of winds) _________.
Making Predictions and Making Connections Data Gathering: Making Predictions and Making Connections How far would your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane fly with a True-Man (U.S. Truman dime) as its cargo? Make a prediction: _____________ Record your data ______ meters How about with two True-Men as its cargo? Record your data _______ meters What happened to the escape velocity? Why is it that a 2-True-Man load does not reduce the distance by exactly one half?
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane What variables had an effect on the flight of your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane? What was the effect of each? Why is it important to keep all but one of the variables the same when conducting a controlled experiment? (Integrating) How could you get your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane to fly halfway down the flight line if you already know the number of winds required to travel the full distance? (Application)
Best Approach to Vocabulary Development Realistic context Practical vocabulary Cognitively appropriate content (comprehension) Personal meaning Multiple exposures
How Children Learn Vocabulary Word/Meaning Words are used to think. The more words we know, the finer our understanding of the world (Stahl, 1999)
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane: Vocabulary controlled experiment experimental design system variables independent variable takeoff dependant variable (outcome) taxi Inertia gravity escape velocity aerodynamics lift drag thrust momentum cargo load data flight log power/fuel slope incline decline resistance friction Tension scale
Reverse Direction Decoding Dactyloscopy: The practice of using fingerprints for personal identification. dak-tu-los'ku-pē (-py) = pē (-copy) = ku-pē (-loscopy) = los'ku-pē (-tyloscopy) = tu-los'ku-pē dactyloscopy = dak-tu-los'ku-pē Source: Kenneth Wesson (2010). The magic of human language development. Brain World, Volume 3.
Reverse Direction Decoding “aerodynamics” aer-o-dy-nam-ics -ics = icks -namics = nam-icks -dynamics = die-nam-icks -odynamics = o-die-nam-icks aerodynamics = air-o-die-nam-icks
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane: Writing & Vocabulary How is your X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane like a real plane? (Integrating) What could you use an X- S.T.R.E.A.M. plane on a filament line for? (Open-ended) Can you use two of our vocabulary words in one sentence? Can you use three of them in one sentence?
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane Experience Science: the physics of flight, the laws of motion, force and motion, and aerodynamic systems Technology: designing and building a new plane based on what was learned from the experiences with your X – STREAM plane
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane Experience Reading/Language Arts: Discourse, writing, reading about flight and the history of flying “We don’t learn from experience, we learn by reflecting on it.” John Dewey
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane Experience
Reading goes from what is currently stored in the neural networks of the learner to the page (not page → learner) What the learner already knows and the vocabulary he has determine text comprehension.
Writing in Science What did we investigate? What did we investigate? What were we looking for? What did we do/see? How did we measure it? What did we learn? What conclusion(s) can we draw? What was most memorable/surprising about this investigation? What new questions came up during our investigations? What other investigations could we conduct to discover more about this scientific phenomenon? Create a short list of “what if” questions about the subject of your investigation (creativity). Writing in Science
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane Experience Art: 1. Draw your X – STREAM plane 2. Create your own flight vehicle utilizing what we learned 3. Design an airport – what are the “taxi distance” requirements? Why are they important?
S.T.R.E.A.M. - Imagery and the Brain The brain constantly makes images of the real world. We create images remember images integrate parts of images with other images manipulate images color images transform images create symbols for images produce our own unique personal images mentally leap from image to image build new images and forget old ones use images to predict invent newer images based on our old images consistently changing our perception (image) of the world around us
S.T.R.E.A.M. - Imagery and the Brain Without art, science would stagnate and communication of scientific discoveries would be impossible. According to E.S. Ferguson (1977), many scientific and engineering problems simply cannot be described verbally.
What is the purpose of each part on a plane?
Popsicle Stick Planes
Learning on the Diagonal Learning by visualizations skills/knowledge What habits of thinking were engendered by today’s lesson? How did the focus on historical narrative impact your study of the New Deal? Content
Proportionality: accuracy Develop the fine motor skills that will never be refined by moving a computer mouse
S.T.R.E.A.M. - Imagery and the Brain Children, who have received instruction on forming mental images on their own and paying attention to illustrations in text, significantly outperform their counterparts on tests of comprehension and recall. Dr. Brian Swann – Harvard School of Medicine (Dentistry)
S.T.R.E.A.M. - Imagery and VST Overlooked and under-utilized in our math and science curricula Female students benefit most Key to learning how to read and understanding text Play major roles in creativity Play major roles in memory
Fostering human potential using media, storytelling, and technology.
X- S.T.R.E.A.M. Plane Experience Math: measurement, comparisons, scale, making predictions, thinking mathematically, data and variables
2 8 3 12 Closest to ½ 2 10 15
2 8 3 12 Closest to ½ 2 10 15
Rigor and Relevance Framework© Evaluation 6 Assimilation C Adaptation D Synthesis 5 Analysis 4 Application 3 Acquisition A Application B Comprehension 2 Knowledge/ 1 Awareness Rigor 1 Knowledge in one discipline 2 Apply knowledge in one discipline 3 Apply knowledge across disciplines 4 Apply knowledge to real-world predictable situations 5 Apply knowledge to real-world unpredictable situations Relevance Kuzmich, ICLE, 2010 From: the International Center for Leadership in Education
Boulder Valley School District Project Manager/STREAM - 0.80 FTE(Temporary Position) Curriculum Assessment and Instruction DEADLINE: July 22, 2011 NATURE OF WORK: This position is grant-funded and will manage the BVSD Science Technology Reading Engineering Art and Mathematics (STREAM) Initiative. RESPONSIBILITIES: *Design and deliver professional development for teachers participating in the STREAM initiative *Coordinate logistics for the STREAM initiative including scheduling professional development and tracking project technology hardware used in schools SALARY: $63,383 - $67,723 START DATE: August 1, 2011
I find that the great thing in this world I find that the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are headed. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes
Magnets: Tie the magnet to the bottom of your string. Observe how your magnets interact. Draw a picture of those interactions. Where could these interactions be used?
Expanding Your Vision of STEM Blind man: “What could be worse than loosing your eyesight?” St. Anthony: “Losing sight of your vision.” If you don’t know where you are going, then any path will lead you there. (You aren’t even on a path.)
The S.T.R.E.A.M
Brain Break: Reflect and Connect Your colleague has just joined you. Please summarize for him/her the following: What did you learn today? How did it change the way you think about teaching? Write down two “I will’s” from today.
“Write” “Recite” “Repeat every night” Hope is not a Strategy: For Real Change “Write” “Recite” “Repeat every night”
212o Now let’s take today’s ideas - Extra 1o It’s time to turn up the heat just one degree! 212o
It is not enough to “do” your best, but to know what to do, and then do your best. -- Demming
Interested in this Keynote Speaker visiting your district/school? Contact Lindsay Kaufman (518) 723-2064 or Lindsay@LeaderEd.com