Leveraging Strategic Thinking, Organizational Development, and Training Skillsets Timi Gleason, Association for Strategic Planning Sharon Lieder, O.D.


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Presentation transcript:

Leveraging Strategic Thinking, Organizational Development, and Training Skillsets Timi Gleason, Association for Strategic Planning Sharon Lieder, O.D. Network Kathryn Rippy, American Society for Training and Development February 28,

The Challenge A regulation changes Implementation upsets Status Quo You jump into action! 2

Leading vs. Managing Will you behave strategically? Will you consider the Organizational Development aspects of change? Will you consider the resources and opportunities for delivering Training and Development around change? 3

First, are you thinking strategically? 4

Did you know? You learned strategic thinking in grade school? 5

“Look all ways before crossing!” 6

Yet, 99% of businesses do this! 7 Solution! (Output) Problem! (Input )

What are the issues “on all sides” of the Minimum Wage Increase? 8

Let’s brainstorm on the flip chart (look all ways) 9

10 Minimum wage increase Compression at top and middle New Hires vs. Current Employees Timing of adjustments Senior Team communications Budget issues Employee Communication Payroll administrative changes Collaboration with CFO

Fill the Gap with Actions Current State Increasing the minimum wage causes new problems Desired State We are a best- practices company 11 Fix the problems

Your Moment of Truth Current State Challenges facing you NOW Desired State How your company wants TO BE 12 GAP/TENSION

Making Changes Stick! Sharon Lieder San Diego OD Network Organizational Development Network 13

Types of Change  Evolutionary Change:  Gradual and incremental. Can prepare and plan.  Strategic Change:  Sense of control, driving the change, or keeping pace.  Shock Change:  Unexpected. Either sets you back or spurs you on 14

Failure Rate  70 percent of large-scale system implementation change efforts fail  Of these failures more than 70 percent are due to culture-related issues:  employee resistance to change  unsupportive management behavior  poor communication  little planning 15

Success Factors  Managers were more successful when:  objectives were set and the need for action made clear at the outset  a search for ideas was carried out  participation was used to engage people with the planned change 16

CHANGE PLAN Align Leadership 1. Challenge Current State 6. Evaluate and Institutionalize the Change 5. Guide Implementation 4. Develop a Project Plan 3. Activate Commitment ©ASTD

Challenge the Current State Challenge Current State

Gather & Analyze Data  Findings  Options and Opportunities  Recommendations 19

Establish a Need Compelling Business Case 20

Align Leadership: “Get everyone on the same page” Align Leadership

Create & Share a Compelling Vision 22

Design Communication Plans  Identify People  Identify the Specific Information  Identify the Methods  Identify the Timeline 23

Activate Commitment Activate Commitment

Stakeholder Analysis  Identify everyone and every function impacted by the change  Determine when and how each will become involved 25

The Four “P”s  Purpose for the change  Picture of expected outcome  Plan for navigating  Part the employee will play 26

Use a Process to SHIFT Resistance S urface the resistance H onor the resistance I dentify the kind of resistance F ind out what resister would prefer T hank the person 27

Design Training Plans  Assess need  Decide on approach  Determine resources  Design interventions 28

Develop a Project Plan Develop a Project Plan

Select Metrics  Purpose  Track progress  Celebrate accomplishments  Achieve desired results  What to set  Project itself  Change management success 30

Guide Implementation Guide Implementation

Understand Reactions to Change  Innovators  Early Adaptors  The Early Majority  The Late Majority  Laggards 32

Evaluate and Institutionalize the Change Evaluate and Institutionalize the Change

How to make the change stick!!  Complete an “after action” review  Continue to reinforce the new behavior, process  Celebrate successes 34

Ensuring Everyone has the Knowledge and Ability to Adapt ASTD San Diego American Society for Training and Development 35 Kathryn H. Rippy

Key Questions  Do you have training resources (staff)  Do you have a budget?  How can you engage everyone involved in the change? 36

Find the Development Needs Consider the support needed at each level Is it knowledge, skills, ability? Is it communication/coaching support? Plan for All Three Phases: Before the change During the change Sustaining the change 37

The Training Plan Assess – look at the GAPs – which need tools/support for closing them? 5 whys Design – determine how to close the gap – set clear objectives to measure Develop – develop the materials, workshops, talking points, coaching, appropriate tools Implement – deliver and execute Evaluate – measure whether objectives were achieved 38

EX: Wage Compression Assess – perceptions, water cooler talk, inequity, lack of focus, performance Design – coaching and open sessions for execs, management, and supervisors on crucial conversations Develop – talking points, consistent communication, two-way conversation, “train the trainer” and “manager as coach” Implement – deliver, adjust along the way Evaluate – look at job sat scores before/after, performance evaluations, promos 39

Your “Take-Aways” . Systems Impact . Organized, well thought out approach . Vision, Buy-In . Support through Development . Evaluate Success 40

If we can be of help….. Timi Gleason Sharon Lieder Kathy Rippy

To reach our groups  Association for Strategic Planning  San Diego ASTD  San Diego OD Network 42