FEA Course Lecture III – Outline UCSD - 10/16/03 Intro to 2-Dimensional FEs [plates and shells]. Fluid Mechanics Problem Heat Transfer (Thermal) Problem Plane Elasticity Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03
Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03 2-Dimensional Finite Elements Stiffness and Load Vector Formulations for mechanical, heat transfer and fluid flow problems. The system equation to be solved can be written in matrix form as: [K] {D} = {q} Where [K] is traditional known as the ‘stiffness’ or ‘coefficient’ matrix (conductance matrix for heat transfer, flow-resistance matrix for fluid flow), {D} is the displacement (or temperature, or velocity) vector and {q} is the force (or thermal load, or pressure gradient) vector. Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03
Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03 C) For plane elasticity problem in 2-dimensional, we have: Plane Problems – are also known as Plane Elasticity Problems Plane – a flat element with constant thickness There are two types of plane problems Plane Stress – thickness of the third dimension of an elastic body is very small. Plane Strain - thickness of the third dimension of an elastic body is infinitely large. Sigma_XZ = Sigma_YZ = Sigma_ZZ = 0 t=infinity Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03
Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03 Governing Differential Equation: Stress-Strain Relationships s = E e Plane Stress Plane Strain C11 = C22 = E/(1-n2) C11 = C22 = (1-n)E/(1+n)/(1-2n) C12 = nE/(1-n2) C12 = nE/(1+n)/(1-n) C66 = (1-n)E/2(1-n2) C66 = (1-2n)E/2/(1+n)/(1-2n) Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03
Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03 Types of Finite Elements used in Plane Elasticity a) CST – Constant Strain Triangle b) LST – Linear Strain Triangle (Quadratic Triangle) c) Q4 – Bilinear Quadrilateral Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03
Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03 d) Q8 – Quadratic Quadrilateral e) Q6 –Improved Bilinear Quadrilateral f) Elements with Drilling DOF (Degree of Freedom) When using beams and shell elements (say stiffeners) Folded Plates and Shells Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03
Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03 A) For heat transfer problem in 2-dimensional, we have: Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03
Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03 B) For fluid flow problem in 2-dimensional, we have: Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03
Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03 Review of Analysis Results. E.g., Plane Elasticity. Exact Vs FE solution. Error Estimation. SOFTWARE-Specific Session: Build 2D problem on ANSYS. Go through all steps. Thermal problem on ANSYS Plane-stress problem on ANSYS 2DFlow problem on ANSYS/FEMLAB. Homework 2 and Reading Assignments. Finite Elements Principles and Practices - Fall 03