2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt Energy Basics Renewable Energy Nuclear Energy Fossil Fuels Potpourri
The first law of thermodynamics states this.
What is that energy can neither be created or destroyed?
The second law of thermodynamics states this.
What is that energy goes from a more useable form (higher quality) to a less useable form (lower quality) form during energy conversions?
Energy efficiency is calculated using this equation.
What is Energy Efficiency = Energy Out/Energy In? (multiply by 100 for %)
Calculate the percent efficiency in of a furnace that delivers 1 BTU of heat energy to the house for every 1.5 units of energy burned as fuel.
What is 67%? Efficiency = 1/1.5 X100
In the United States this is the primary source of electrical energy.
What is coal?
Burning wood is an example of this type of renewable energy.
What is biomass?
Burning wood is an example of this type of renewable energy.
What is biomass?
Building a house with large windows facing south in the northern hemisphere is utilizing this type of renewable resource. (Be specific!)
What is passive solar power?
In regard to CO 2 emissions, biomass is said to be better because it…
It releases new carbon not old carbon as is the case with fossil fuels.
The process of splitting water for hydrogen fuel cells is known as.
What is hydrolysis?
In 1986 the worst nuclear disaster took place here.
What is Chernobyl, Ukraine?
The largest nuclear generation facility in the United States is located here.
What is Arizona?
A metal has a radiation level of 100 curies, and for it to be considered 'safe' must degrade to a curie level of below.1 curies. This is the number of half lives required for this metal to become 'safe'.
What are 10 half lives?
At time zero, there are 10.0 grams of W-187. If the half-life is 24 hours, how much will be present at the end of two days?
What is 2.5 grams? One day = one half-life (1/2)1 = 0.50 remaining = 5.00 g Two days = two half-lives; (1/2)2 = 0.25 remaining = 2.50 g
When radioactive decay occurs this is released.
What is alpha, beta and gamma radiation?
The type of coal with the most energy is this.
What is anthracite coal?
Coal deposits form in this type of ecosystem?
What are swamps?
The fossil fuel that is generally considered the least damaging environmentally is this.
What is natural gas?
The youngest form of true coal is this.
What is lignite?
The time when one half of the Earths oil has been exploited is known as this.
What is peak oil?
This country uses more nuclear energy than any other.
What is France?
A calorie is a unit of ______?
What is energy?
Converting sunlight to energy is known as this.
What is active solar power (using photovoltaics)?
One solution to the energy crisis is finding greater amounts of fossil fuels and building larger power plants. This solution is known as this.
What is the hard path?
A gigawatt is a unit of_____.
What is power?