Human Integrated Management Approach (HIMA): Hima’s Governing Principles Walid Saleh, PhD. PEng Head, MENA Regional Program, WANA The United Nations University-Institute for Water, Environment, & Health (UNU-INWEH)
Agenda What is Hima definition & what it means; What is the relationship between humans and mother earth; What is the relationship among humans; What is the Hima Global Initiative; How it can be applicable to natural Resources Management.
INTRODUCTION : WHY HIMA IS RELEVANT ? Hima can be defined as a Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) System that promotes; Sustainable Livelihood, Resources Conservation, and Environmental Protection; for the Human wellbeing. Social Justice is the Hima main pillar.
What Does This Means? Human wellbeing Sustainable Livelihood Resources Conservation Environmental Protection
HIMA G OVERNANCE F RAMEWORK Avoid causing undue hardship for the people Pertaining to the public welfare Benefit must be greater than its societal costs Constituted by legitimate governing authority Equilibrium Respect for the Biodiversity no harm to nature and no excessive use Conservation of Resources
HIMA G OVERNANCE F RAMEWORK Social Justice Balanced Economic Growth Conservation of Resources Environmental Protection Foster Sustainable Development
HIMA GLOBAL I NITIATIVE OBJECTIVES Promote the Hima constitutional principles, as model, to propose solutions to areas of conflict, such as Abyei, Darfur, and the Western Sahara; Build confidence amongst parties in conflict by promoting social justice, equality, social responsibility, and the rule of law; Celebrate societal diversity, ethical values & customs, and rights for ethnic and religious minorities; Promote the sense of unity based on Human needs & Human rights; Promote peace, freedom of religion, respect of each other’s values, and acceptance.
G OVERNING P RINCIPLES OF HIMA The Ethical principles HDV Aims, objectives and the ethical dimensions Environmental sustainability principles Based on reverence for natural resources Institutional principles recognise The role of the state in providing basic needs, The role of the voluntary sector to contribute to socio- economic and non- material development of the community, and The devolution of Hima management within the local community. Good governance Principles Principles provide a framework for the adequate management of the natural resources in Hima zones
Hima Development Vision (HDV) Optimal utilisation of the resources based on appreciation, i.e. no excessive use Equitable use and distribution based on Justice Environmental integrity based: on condemning aggression, harm, and abuse
Human development model & Human wellbeing Development and expansion of wealth Enrichment of posterityEnrichment of intellect Enrichment of human faith and values Invigoration of the human self
Elements of Hima approach Social cohesion and sustainable livelihood for Hima communities Criteria on property rights and resource use which is based on carrying capacity and regeneration of resources Environmental protection and conservation and adaptive management
Hima Conflict Resolution Principles Acknowledging and understanding rights of each other in terms of nationality Ethnic, cultural Loyalty and kinship Gender, peaceful existence Mutual consultation process Conflict Resolution should lead to peace Reform: I only desire reform to the best of my ability Betterment of conditions: The best thing to do is what is for the people reconciliation and good
THE H IMA CONSTITUTION FOR A COMMUNITY - BASED ADMINISTRATION Recognizing Role of State The Sovereignty of State;Unity; Independence; Conduct: Rules of War; Security and Defence Hima Sanctuary;Immigration; Search, or Striving for Peace; Social justice Social solidarity : Fighting Poverty ; Fighting Injustice; Fighting Corruption and Bondage; The Right to Appeal ; The Right of Minorities/ Freedom of Religion Rule of Law transparency principle of Maintenance of the Order to avoid chaos and injustice ; legitimacy and enforcement of the Rule of Law Respect for International Law; Privacy Right; Supremacy of the Law
AN INSTITUTIONAL ( SOCIO - POLITICAL ) PRINCIPLES FOR SOCIAL HARMONY 1.Recognising informal institutions and local traditional knowledge systems 2.Collective action Principle ( فرض کفایة ) as basis for the role of the State and voluntary sector to achieve Fulfilment of the needs Principle 3.Financial sustainability principle is based on Upkeep of social welfare of the vulnerable members of the Hima community such as establishing Hima Social Fund Economic efficiency: e.g. enhancing community accountability Payoffs for efficiency targets and penalties for non-compliance
AN INSTITUTIONAL ( SOCIO - POLITICAL ) PRINCIPLES FOR SOCIAL HARMONY 4. Conflict resolutions based on Acknowledging and understanding rights of each other in terms of nationality (i.e. ethnic, cultural), Peaceful existence Mutual consultation process Conflict resolution should lead to Eslah which can have several meaning: Reform Betterment of conditions reconciliation between people’
Principles of Good Governance 1.Responsive: principle of humans are Trustees. 2.Accountable: principle of humans are Stewards 3.Consensus oriented: Principle of Consensus or Ijma of experts 4.Participatory based Principle of shura or consultation 5.Transparency 6.Follow rule of law: principle of Maintenance of the Order is to avoid chaos and injustice 7.Legitimacy and capacity development 8.Exercise of Knowledge and intellect
Future Activities Doha Food Security Program; UAE Living Desert Initiative; Oman Hima KM-System and protected areas program; Proposed Workshop at Al Madina AL Munawarah; Promote Hima Sustainable Development Model
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