The critical principle of feminist ecclesiology is a table principle. It looks for ways that God reaches out to include all those whom society and religion have declared outsiders and invites them to gather round Gods table of hospitality. The measure of the adequacy of the life of a church or community is how it is connected to those on the margin, whether those the NRSV callsthe least of these who are members of my family are receiving the attention to their needs for justice and hope (Matt 25:40) New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Womanist ecclesiology expands this notion to include the health and well being of women but not at the exclusion of the whole community. The Round Table Principle
Womanist theology is a prophetic voice concerned about the well-being of the entire African American community, male and female, adults and children. Womanist theology attempts to help black women see, affirm, and have confidence in the importance of their experience and faith for determining the character of the Christian religion in the African American community. Womanist theology challenges all oppressive forces impeding black womens struggle for survival and for the development of a positive, productive quality of life conducive to womens and the familys freedom and well- being. Womanist theology opposes all oppression based on race, sex, class, sexual preference, physical ability, and caste Letty Russell & Deloris Williams
+ The Round Table Cont Self Empowerment - Embracing our Entrepreneurial Heritage Involvement Connections – Synergy Moving Outside of Existing Paradigms
Marginalized People Church Society Undoing Victim Mentality X Self Empowerment - Embracing our Entrepreneurial Heritage
The Intersection of our Marginalities Women Poor SGL PeoplePeople of Color Undereducated Convergence of Justice Issues Synergy
The Intersection of our Strengths Resources Life Skills ConnectionsHeritage Education Convergence of Skills Synergy
Church as Usual Pastors Ministers/ Lay Leaders Congregants Community Auxiliaries Top Down
Church Unusual All Outreach Equally Essential
+ Conclusion Grow up Show up Hook up Look up