Navigating the Small Learning Community Grants: From Application to Implementation To hear this webinar you will need to choose your audio mode. Go to the control panel in the upper right corner of your screen and click the button of how you will be listening. Your choices: Use telephone Use mic & speakers If using mic & speakers make sure your volume is turned up so you can hear If using the telephone Dial: Access Code: Audio PIN: unique PIN shown in audio control panel on screen Technical difficulties? Contact (518) All participants are on mute.
Webinar Guidelines All participants are on mute during the entire webinar. Presentation portion will be 45 minutes Questions and Answers portion will be 15 minutes To ask a question type it in the question control panel in the upper right corner of your screen. Content questions will be answered in the order they were received at the end of the webinar presentation. We will send you a follow up with the PowerPoint presentation and helpful resources
Bill Daggett, CEO International Center for Leadership in Education Hans Meeder, SLC Advisor Executive Director, Institute for 21 st Century Leadership
Agenda The Education Landscape Why Small Learning Communities? The SLC grants Small Learning Communities – what, how, benefits, obstacles Implementing SLCs Q&A For more information
The Small Learning Community Approach to Meeting Todays Education Challenges Dr. Willard Daggett and Hans Meeder
Standards Data Systems Effective Teaching Turnaround Schools Todays Education Challenges
Deepen learning through rigor and relevance in each classroom and throughout the school Engage students through themed-programs and personalized learning environments Create well-planned and aligned strategies for whole school improvement Todays Education Solution
Small Learning Communities Todays Ideal Platform
J. Moms Mabley If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.
Purpose: to support the restructuring of large public high schools (/i.e. schools with enrollments of 1,000 or more students) into smaller units for the purpose of improving academic achievement in large public high schools. Priorities: close integration of SLC implementation with systematic efforts to improve curriculum and instruction. Proposed Priority 1: Common Planning time for Teachers Proposed Priority 2: Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools-Secondary Schools Federal Funding Opportunity Small Learning Communities
FY 2009 Appropriation: $88.0 million, 9% increase from FY 2008 Notice of proposed priorities: published March 2010 Notice of final priorities and request for applications: expected June 2010 Grant preparation timeframe: expected days Awards: expected Fall 2010 Length of awards: Initial award of 24 months (includes one planning year anticipate. Continuation awards up to 60 months. Federal Funding Opportunity Small Learning Communities
Previous grantees: Previous recipients can apply for new SLC schools and for SLC schools that are not currently spending SLC funds. Funding range: 5 schools maximum per district –1,000-2,000 students - $1.75-$2.0 million/school –2,001-3,000 students - $1.75-$2.25 million/school –3,001 and up students - $1.75-$2.5 million/school Federal Funding Opportunity Small Learning Communities
Components of Successful School Reform 1.Create a culture that embraces a rigorous and relevant curriculum 2.Use data to provide clear unwavering focus 3.Set high expectations that are monitored for students continuous improvement 4.Create a framework to organize curriculum that drives instruction 5.Provide students real-world applications
Components of Successful School Reform 6.Create multiple pathways to rigor and relevance 7.Provide sustained professional development that is focused 8.Obtain and leverage parent and community involvement 9.Maintain safe and orderly schools. 10.Offer effective leadership development.
Personalized School Clusters of Students Organized around Areas of Interest Students with Same Group of Teachers Why Small Learning Communities
School-within-Schools House Plans Freshman Academy Magnet Schools Academies Types
School-Within-A School Small, Autonomous Program Groups Students & Teachers Increases Student Support Structure Small Learning Communities
House Plans Groups Students Across Grade Levels or by Grade Levels Students Stay w/House Members and Teachers Personalized School Experience Limited Effect on Curriculum and Instruction Structure Small Learning Communities
Freshman Academy Eases transition Own academy/house setting Extra support services Mentoring Career exploration Structure Small Learning Communities
Magnet School School choice Separate location Transition activities Additional requirements Usually career theme Structure Small Learning Communities
Career Academies Broadly Defined Career Themes Integrated Learning Work-based Learning Real-world Applications High Academic Standards with Career Applications Business Partnerships Structure Small Learning Communities
CAREER ACADEMIES Business & Finance Information Technology Health Services Construction, Engineering & Design Environmental Technology Arts & Communication Typical Themes Law, Government and Public Service Media, Design and Production Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Human Services Math, Science, Technology
Small Learning Communities Academic Social Attendance and Graduation Safety and Discipline Preparation for Higher Education Extracurricular Participation Financial BENEFITS
Small Learning Communities Increased attendance Increased student achievement Increased student participation Increased student and parent satisfaction Increased positive student behavior Greater focus on student interests and aptitudes Relevancy leads to high achievement Research
Small Learning Communities Lack of specific goals Too much emphasis on belonging Staffing concerns Student assignment Timing Focusing on teachers Obstacles
Small Learning Communities People Teaching and Learning Campus-Wide Issues
Alternative Scheduling Freshman Transition Activities Student/Teacher Advisory System Adult Advocacy System Parent Outreach Academic Teaming Common Strategies Small Learning Communities
Goal Setting Parent/ Community Discussion Selection of Structure Staffing Facility Changes Curriculum Schedule Budgeting Implementation Timeline Implementation Teams Development Steps Small Learning Communities
Small Learning Communities Resource Kit In-depth webinar when final guidance is issued Personalized coaching for preparation of a districts SLC application Ongoing consulting and technical assistance services to assist with SLC implementation if SLC grant is secured How the International Center Can Help Small Learning Communities
To set up an SLC consultation contact the International Center. Todd Daggett, Phone (518) Fax (518) Route 146 Rexford, NY
Questions and Answers with Bill and Hans This is the end of the presentation portion. Submit questions at this time and stay on to hear the answers. If you are logging off, thank you for attending and we will you with follow-up information. For more information
Resources To set up an SLC consultation contact the International Center. Todd Daggett, Phone (518) Fax (518) Route 146 Rexford, NY
18 th Annual Model Schools Conference Monday, June 14 - Thursday, June 17 Orlando
Autonomy Space…Separateness Schedule…Flexible Budget Curriculum/Instruction Partnerships Personnel Key Elements Small Learning Communities
Identity Vision/Mission Thematic Focus Self-selection of Teachers & Students Key Elements Small Learning Communities
Personalization Student Involvement--Opportunity for All Teacher Involvement Parent and Community Involvement Key Elements Small Learning Communities
Instructional Focus Focus on Student Learning Heterogeneous Grouping Professional Development & Collaboration Integrated Curriculum/Teaching Teams No Subject Area Boundaries, Thematic Focus, Aligned across Grade Levels, Large Repertoire of Instructional Strategies Key Elements Small Learning Communities
Accountability Detailed Planning Multiple Forms of Assessment Total Implementation of Key Small Learning Community Elements Networking with Other Small Learning Communities Key Elements Small Learning Communities