Becoming the Vital Churches and Disciples that Tomorrow Requires David Schoen Congregational Vitality and Discipleship Local Church Ministries United Church of Christ
Exodus 3: Then Moses said to God, "If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, `The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, `What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM."
YAHWEH I Will Be What Tomorrow Requires
The Future Question God will be what the future demands, but,……. Will we be the churches and disciples that tomorrow requires?
Vital churches in the 21st Century Missional, Relational & Conversational Missional in purpose Relational in outreach Conversational in witness
Missional in Purpose Vital congregations –clear sense of purpose Vital congregations –are sent churches Vital congregations –reach out beyond themselves Vital congregations –reproduce and plant new congregations
Missional Church The Church exists to serve Gods Mission Mission as Missio Dei, UCC Committee on Structure, 1992 The church of Jesus Christ is the instrument and sign of Gods mission and realm. Gods mission is calling and sending us, the church of Jesus Christ, to be a missionary church in our own societies, in the cultures in which we find ourselves.
Vital congregations discern Gods call and mission The greatest characteristic of a vital congregation is the ability to articulate and live Gods purpose. What is God calling this church to be and do at this time, in this place, with the gifts we have on this corner of Gods realm that we are placed?
Missional Purpose Cathedral of Hope UCC –The Mission of the Cathedral of Hope is to reclaim Christianity as a faith of extravagant grace, radical inclusion and relentless compassion. We are a people of compassion We are a people of inclusion We are a people of liberation We are a people of hope We are a people of Jesus
Missional Statement First Grace UCC, Akron OH –First grace…..then faith and works! First Congregtional UCC Santa Rosa –Making Gods love visible Others –Strangers no more… –Jesus loves you…this we know! –In the Heart of the City with the City in our Heart –A Church Just for You, A Just Church for You.
Missional in Purpose What is Your Mission Statement? Mission Statement should be: –7 – 9 words or less –Engaging –Compelling –Visionary –True
Resources for Vital Congregations Ready, Set, Grow Resources on –Vital-o-Meter –Discovering your Congregations Strengths –Discerning your Congregations Mission –Its a Whole New World –Vitality Interviews –Vitality Powerpoint - Retreat Resources
Missional in Purpose Relational in Outreach Ministry in 21 st Century is Relational Build community with those outside the church Get to know the unchurched people and culture
the world has changed 60 – 80 % unchurched 80 % of baby boomers left 80 % of youth have negative view of church Culture does not support church
Relational in Outreach Bridge the gap by building relationships The days of waiting for people to come to church to welcome them are over. Instead of waiting inside, we go outside
Missional Outreach Go to where the unchurched are: coffee shops, bookstores, fast food, parks, gymns I stopped wondering about how to draw younger folks into my church and started focusing on how to draw my congregation out of its building and into relationship with the world outside its doors.
Go Forth…. Into the Virtual World. In Asia, Europe and North Americaan entire generation has experienced the Internet as a means for maintaining relationships with family and friends. The Internet is a lifeline for users whose mobility is limited by disability, chronic illness or advanced age. The Internet is where we can find and engage seekers.
Resources for Vital Congregations Ready, Set, Grow Resources on –Vital-o-Meter –Discovering your Congregations Strengths –Discerning your Congregations Mission –Its a Whole New World –Vitality Interviews –Vitality Powerpoint - Retreat Resources
Relational in Outreach Conversational in Witness Conversational ministry is central to the future of the church in 21 st Century Count conversations, not conversions –Brian McLaren, More Ready than You Think
Conversational Ministry The postmodern world calls for disciples who reach out to a world that is hungering for good conversation about faith, values, hope, meaning, purpose, goodness, beauty, truth, life after death, life before death and God. Engaging in everyday faith conversations will not only help others become Christians, it will help us become better Christians, who know and love the still speaking God more than ever.
Conversational Ministry A world of spiritual seekers wants to talk. We are the ones who are not talking! Vital churches are communities in which the pastor and members have invited 5 to 15 new folks to their community of faith in the past six months.
Are you Ready to Talk? Tricking the church into Evangelism – Taking it back!
Are You Ready to Talk? Why do you love your church? What impact has believing in God and following Jesus made in your life? What Bible text has made a difference in your life?
God is still speaking, Through you and me!
Where will we be in 2020….? The still speaking God –calls us to become Churches that the Future Requires –Missional in purpose –Relational in outreach –Conversational in witness
Two questions Where are the signs of vitality in your congregation this spring? What are you going to do from todays presentation to increase vitality in your congregation?
Resources for Vital Congregations Ready, Set, Grow Resources on –Vital-o-Meter –Discovering your Congregations Strengths –Discerning your Congregations Mission –Its a Whole New World –Vitality Interviews –Vitality Powerpoint - Retreat Resources
Resources for Vital Congregations Conference Resources & Events Other Events and Webinars Center for Progressive Renewal Redeveloper Leadership Institute Churches Birthing Churches Evangelism and Leadership Webinars Congregational Vitality UCC Web University Congregational Vitality – Ready, Set, Grow Group
Thank You! Thank you for your Vital Leadership Thank you for Your Support of Our Churches Wider Mission –Changing Lives: Thats Our Churches Wider Mission