Career Cruising Connect An Overview of the Regional Implementation Model
What is Career Cruising Connect? The goal of Career Cruising Connect is to bring together students and local employers to help students achieve their goals and address the workforce development needs of communities. Link school activities to real opportunities and organizations Facilitate communication among students, schools, and businesses Based on the very successful Futures for Kids (F4K) model in North Carolina
Key Connect Components Career Coach Message Boards – Students can ask questions to real people in a specific career Company Profiles – Detailed profiles of employers in the community Communication Tools – Tools for students, educators, and employers Portfolio Integration – Store Connect information and communicate with potential employers Local Content - Articles, upcoming events, local labor market information
Career Coach Message Boards Career Coach message boards level the playing field for students by enabling them, regardless of socioeconomic background, to connect to real people for career advice and encouragement. Students can: Ask new questions, contribute to threaded discussions, and read existing posts from other users Sort posts by date and topic area View Career Coaches’ biographies, describing their career history
Company Profiles Company profiles enable businesses to highlight what makes their company unique, communicate their areas of need for future employees, and provide links to their website for more information. Access company information through direct links from related career profiles and through variety of search options Profiles can include a description, logo, list of occupations available, a message board, what they look for in their employees Post available career development programs, such as internships, co-ops, scholarships
Communication Tools Companies can publicize career development opportunities, such as job shadowing, internships, co-op placements, summer jobs Educators can communicate with organizations to co-ordinate field trips, co-op placements, scholarship applications, etc. Students can post to company message boards to learn more Mediated communication between students and organizations they have indicated an interest in
Portfolio Integration Students can bookmark companies of interest Students’ posts to career coach and company message boards are automatically logged Provides direct links to the message boards for the saved companies and careers of interests Receive notification of message board post replies through the Inbox on the Portfolio Homepage Receive relevant messages from teachers, administrators, and organizations
Local Content Depending on the needs and goals of the sponsor, the Connect platform allows the organization administering the system to: Post article content Publicize events Link to reference and community resources Incorporate local industry profiles Sponsorship options for businesses
For Students Get a personalized, first-hand perspective on careers through Career Coach Message Boards Explore the employment opportunities in the community Learn about career development programs with local businesses Access local community and labor market information
For Schools Connect students with career development opportunities Facilitate communication between students and local employers Track Connect usage, including message board posts Detailed aggregate reports on Connect participation, including saved companies
For Businesses Connect with students about career development opportunities, like co-op placements, job shadowing Help inform the future labor force about skills, qualities, and careers that will be in demand Make students aware of the opportunities in their communities
Career Cruising Connect For more information please contact us: ext. 2