S EARCHING AND S EARCH E NGINES How to find things on the internet
S EARCHING AND S EARCH E NGINES Good Search Engines How to Search Search Terms Reading the results Initial Scan of the page New Search
S EARCHING AND S EARCH E NGINES CON ’ T Search Engines Searchable database of internet files designed to help users search topics. Users can search part of the web, just one site that’s most relevant or top sites the search engine ranks as most relevant Examples Ask.com, google.com, yahooligans.com, kidsnook.com, zeeks.com, onekey.com, searchability.com/children.htm, tekmom.com
H OW TO S EARCH Boolean Searching And= searches for all words listed Exp: education and technology Or= searchers for either word listed Exp: education or technology Not= excludes words so that the articles will NOT include the word in the results Exp: education not technology
H OW TO S EARCH CON ’ T All, Any or Exact phrase Some search engines have additional options to us all the words, any of the words or the exact phrase you type Reading the results Read the “summary” of the website Look at the web address, what is the dot ending?
H OW TO S EARCH CON ’ T Initial Scan of the page 1. What is the site about? 2. Does the site give a balanced view, or tell both sides of the story? 3. Is the information covered completely, comprehensive for your needs? 4. How up-to-date, relevant, is the information? 5. Is any of the information copyrighted?
W HEN IN D OUBT If you can’t find anything in the search results Try changing your terms, use synonyms Add additional terms to your phrase If you don’t like the website Hit the back button Do another search
W AYS TO S EARCH Option 1- Search Engine You can go to a search engine to look up information Option 2- Search within a Site You can search only on that website for information they have created, used or linked for that particular websites use