The Wilson Center s Africa Program, Abt Associates, and the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa Present: Mycotoxins: Triple Threat to African Development (i.e. Agriculture, Trade, and Health) Thursday, February 14, :00am – 5:00pm Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 5 th Floor Conference Room
Mycotoxins – A Challenge to Trade and Commerce Suzanne Heinen Administrator Foreign Agricultural Service U.S. Department of Agriculture February 14, 2013
Aflatoxin: Impacts Food and Feed Poultry fed with Contaminated Feed ( >500 PPB) Pig on the right is consuming feed with aflatoxin.
35ºN 35ºS Aflatoxin Contamination: A Perennial Concern in Warm Climates
Regulating Aflatoxin Action Level CommodityPermitted Use (Examples) 300 ppbCottonseed meal Beef cattle, swine, poultry (regardless of age or breeding status) 300 ppbCorn, Peanut ProductsFinishing beef cattle (e.g., feedlot) 200 ppbCorn, Peanut ProductsFinishing Swine (100 lbs or more) 100 ppbCorn, Peanut Products Breeding beef cattle, breeding swine, mature poultry 20 ppb Corn, Peanut Products, Other Animal Feed/Feed Ingredients 1 Immature animals, dairy animals 0.5 ppb (M 1 ) Milk 1 Excluding cottonseed meal except for use in feeding dairy animals 20 ppbCorn, Peanut ProductsHuman food
Aflatoxin and US Trade
Mycotoxins and Turkish Trade
Specific Incidents of Aflatoxin Contamination in West Africa PRIMARY PRODUCTS Maize: 4,000 – Benin Peanut: 925 – Burkina Sorghum: 80 – Ghana Rice: 372 – Nigeria Millet: 200 – Nigeria Tiger nuts: 120 – Nigeria F OOD P RODUCTS Peanut paste: 3,278 – Ghana Peanut sauce: 943 – Ghana Leaf sauce: 775 – Gambia Maize dough: 313 – Ghana Kenkey: 524 – Ghana Cashew paste: 366 – Ghana Peanut oil: 500 – Nigeria Yam flour: 7,600 – Nigeria Local beer: 135 – Nigeria L EVELS S HOWN IN PPB C ODEX : PPB FOR H UMAN F OOD U SES OTHER THAN MILK
African Trade World Bank; Mbaye (2004) Groundnut Pyramids in Nigeria during 1960s
Toward Improved Trade Standards Farmer awareness Organized commodity markets Sampling & testing regime Laboratory system Participation in international standards organizations Strong industry organization Transparent & scientific regulatory system
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