The weather
It’s raining
It’s windy
It’s stormy
Thunder and lightening
It’s cloudy
It’s sunny
It’s hot
It’s foggy
It’s icy
It’s snowing
What’s the weather like? It’s cold. It’s raining It’s foggy
What’s the temperature? It’s 25 degrees. It’s minus 5 degrees
What’s the weather like? It’s………………
cloudy sunny stormy windy
snowy / it’s snowing Rainy / it’s raining foggy icy overcast
hot cold cool freezing warm mild
lightening a rainbow thunder and lightening the weather forecast a thermometer wet dry the temperature
Adjective Noun Verb It’s ______ sunny _________ The sun’s ________ ____________ The wind’s _________ sunshine shining It’s ______ rainy rain raining It’s ______ snowy snow snowing It’s ______ windy wind blowing
FOG ice Adjective Noun It’s ________ ________ It’s __________ _______ cloudy cloud stormy storm FOG foggy fog ice icy ice It’s clouding over. The roads are icing over.
Weather forecast Tomorrow’s weather forecast : use ‘will’ for prediction.
The Weather Rain Heavy, light, persistent, showers, inches. Wind High, light, strong, gusting. Temperature Degrees, high/low, freezing. It will feel pleasant/chilly.