Global: 4/17/2015 I/O: To examine and discuss the key events that mark the start of the Cold War Key Question: How did the end of WWII, and the territorial changes contribute to the start of the Cold War? Key Words: Cold War; Containment; Truman Doctrine; Marshall Plan; Berlin Airlift CCS: 2;5 Homework: Essay #1: Last Days for Monday
The Cold War: What was it? Perspectives on Each Side We see Soviets as a danger to Europe/World Soviets see the US as a danger to them “Our Policy of Containment” = animosity to the USSR Europe will be “divided” between the two powers...
The Cold War : Beginnings
NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Two sides of Cold War NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization USA, France, Great Britain, West Germany CAPITALISMCAPITALISM Warsaw Pact – pro Soviet countries – USSR, and all countries controlled by the USSR. COMMUNISM
Cold War The Cold War was a time after WWII when the USA and the Soviet Union were rivals for world influence. The end of the Nazi Regime means there is a power vacuum in Europe. –Who will fill it??? Stalin wants to keep what he has won. We don’t want him to expand any further Two key meetings held before WWII is ended
YALTA (in the USSR) Date: Feb 1945 Present: Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
What is agreed on? Stalin can keep what he has conquered. He agrees to “free elections” for areas he now controls. He agrees to assist us against Japan, after the war in Europe is over. All parties agree that Nazi Leaders must be put on trial.
POTSDAM (Germany) Date: July 1945 Present: Churchill, Truman and Stalin
Key points about Potsdam: July of 1945 Roosevelt died three months earlier. (April 12, ‘45) Truman is not the US president. Churchill of Great Britain will be voted out of office while the meeting is taking place. He will be replaced by a newcomer, Clement Atlee Stalin is in a very strong position, but he doesn’t know we (the US) have the Atomic Bomb!!! –What is agreed on?
Key points about Potsdam: July of 1945 Germany will be divided into “occupation zones” Berlin, even though it is in the Russian Zone, will also be divided The Soviets get more control of Poland and East Germany A trial for Nazi Criminals will be held in Germany A week after the meeting, we bomb the Japanese. Stalin now knows want we have!!!
The Cold War What should be Germany’s Economic Future? Soviets Dismember Industry Ensure no future invasion United StatesSupport Recovery Avoid inheriting/Adopting
Iron Curtain – A term used by Winston Churchill to describe the separating of Those communist lands of East Europe from the West.
Improve your knowledge The Russians took very high casualties to capture Berlin in May They spent the early occupation trying to take over all zones of the city but were stopped by German democrats such as Willy Brandt and Konrad Adenauer. Reluctantly the Russians had to admit the Americans, French and British to their respective zones.
Global: 4/20/2015 I/O – Conclusion of Cold War topics: Key Question(s): How did the United States lead the rest of Western Europe in “containing” communism? Key Terms: Iron Curtain; Superpowers; Cold War; Truman Doctrine; Marshall Plan; NATO Essay #1: “Last Days” – due Today – due time after school if your essay is missing. Exam #1: Fascism/WWII/Early stages of the Cold War: Begin Exam review using Review Sheet
The Cold War Winston Churchill 1955 Stated “ an Iron Curtain had descended over Eastern Europe ” Symbolic of Soviet control Former Prime Minister of Britain
An Iron Curtain has fallen over Eastern Europe
Berlin Wall Berlin is Germany’s capital city. The Soviets will build the wall in 1961 to keep communists from escaping to the American sector.
Berlin Wall
Wall torn down in 1989.
Improve your knowledge The nuclear bomb gave America a lead which was expected to last at least 5 years. The rapid Russian development of nuclear technology, helped by the work of the “ atom spies ” was a shock. Significantly, Russia hurriedly declared war against Japan at the beginning of August 1945 and rushed to advance into Asia to stake out a position for the post- war settlement. This helped make both the Korean and Vietnamese conflicts more likely.
Threat of Nuclear War 1949 Soviets test their first Atomic Bomb. MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction
Who could make the most deadly weapon? The US develops the Hydrogen or H Bomb in 1952, the Soviets made one in The H bomb was 1,000 times stronger then the bomb that hit Hiroshima.
The H Bomb
ICBMs Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles had nuclear warheads.
Why this matters today Nuclear Proliferation: the spread or rapid growth of nuclear weapons
Marshall Plan [1948] “ European Recovery Program. ” Sec. of State, George Marshall The U.S. should provide aid$$$ to all European nations that need it. $12.5 billion of US aid to W. Europe extended to E. Europe & USSR, [but this was rejected].
The Marshall Plan We begin to rebuild Western Europe We did not want poverty and social unrest to lead people to seek communism as relief We also understand that a strong Western Europe will help to contain Stalin and the USSR BY assisting countries like Britain and France, we knew they would also be allies!!!
Soviet Satellite Nations
Warsaw Pact (1955) } U. S. S. R. } Albania } Bulgaria } Czechoslova kia } East Germany } Hungary } Poland } Rumania
Berlin blockade led to Berlin Airlift
Iron Curtain – A term used by Winston Churchill to describe the separating of Those communist lands of East Europe from the West.
The Cold War Berlin Airlift: But Berlin was deep within E. Germany in the Soviet Sector Stalin sealed off city from Allies
The Cold War Berlin Airlift Allies rescued Berliner ’ s by airlifting supplies May 1949, Soviets back down & reopen Berlin
Berlin Airlift
Truman Doctrine The Truman Doctrine in March 1947 promised that the USA “ would support free peoples who are resisting ” communism. This led to containment – policy of containing communism where it is.
Domino Theory Communism spreads like a disease
Formation of the United Nations International Organization where countries try to find peaceful solutions
United Nations It has no army but uses troops from other countries.