Embedding Europass at Newcastle University to support student and graduate mobility – work in progress Paul Horner Newcastle University Paul Horner +44(0)
Background EPICS Mobility Traditional pathways vs non- traditional pathways Interoperability IMS-LIP
Europass Benefits Small and concise Mobility HR-XML
Initial Roll-out Who was it available to? Postgraduate Researchers Approximately 2,500 students What was made available? Europass-CV (upload/download) HR-XML (download) Zip file (upload/download)
Initial Roll-out Usage 17 downloads 10 uploads
Initial Roll-out Feedback? Generally positive Useful Easy to use Some negative comments How/where will I use the download?
Technical Issues Creates duplicate entries No checks on uploaded data Number of records No Single Loop through the Europass XML Is this part valid? Yes Multiple Does a record exist? NoYes Insert Update
New Upload Process Number of records No Single Loop through the Europass XML Is this part valid? Yes Multiple Does a record exist? NoYes InsertUser chooses Does a record exist? NoYes Insert Is it similar to the existing record? No Yes Insert User chooses Update?
Technical Issues No support for diacritics Accented letters á, ç, ê, ü etc… ASCII vs UTF-8
Unicode (UTF-8) support Python and ASCII SAX XML and ASCII (Python) Fixed Encoding a string at a time Not the entire XML
New Developments September 2007 UTF-8 Support (diacritics) Checks on uploads HR-XML upload Europass Language Passport
Where we’re at October 2007 Upload from EuroCV Upload to EuroCV Europass upload Europass download EIfEL CVT
Future Developments EPICS 2 Job Boards EuroCV HR-XML IMS-ePortfolio Other schemas?
Interoperability options ePET ToolIMS standardsEuropassHR-XMLAlternatives CV - Personal DetailsIdentification ContactInfohResume or vCard CV - Personal Statement miscExecutiveSummary CV - QualificationsQCLeducationEducationHistory CV - Work Experience workexperienceEmploymentHistory CV - SkillsCompetencyskillsCompetency CV - Publications PublicationHistory CV - Courses Qualifications CV - Awards Achievements CV - Presentations SpeakingEventsHistory CV - MembershipsAffiliation Associations CV - Languages languagesLanguages CV - HobbiesInterest CV - References References Associated FilesProductmiscSupportingMaterials Learning OutcomesGoals & Reflexion Blog RSS or ATOM Meetings iCalendar Action Plan RSS or ATOM
Conclusions Successful pilot Good starting point Interoperability Lots more work to do Europass HR-XML Interoperability
Embedding Europass at Newcastle University to support student and graduate mobility – work in progress Paul Horner Newcastle University Paul Horner +44(0)