Ancient Egyptian Hairstyles!
Were there different types of hairstyles for different ages and social status/jobs?? Hairstyles are different with age and status. The higher the status, the more elaborate the hairstyles, wigs, and hair accessories would be. The Egyptian priests would shave their hair completely off and would not wear wigs. The men and women would adopt different hairstyles. Children (both boys and girls) wore the “Lock of youth”. The older men and women dyed their hair with henna. Egyptian Priests The Lock of Youth
What are some of the major hairstyles in Egypt? For the most part, women used hair extensions and were fashioned with a variety of clever weaves and knots. Braids were a favorite form of hair extension. Ancient Egyptians hated gray hair and would use any method to eliminate it. Sometimes it would even be dyed after death. They used vegetable henna to dye their hair.
Why did they do their hair the way they did? Rich or poor of both genders treated their hair as a means of self- expression. They considered their hair as a supreme form of self-art which had endless possibilities. It also helped the ancient Egyptians with cleanliness, protected the shaved scalp from the sun and kept the head cool. It also prevented head lice.
Did they use their hairstyles to show their personality like we do now? Yes, they used their hairstyle to show their personality just like we do! They used their hair as a means of expression and social status. We express ourselves the same way; with a unique style to show our individual personality.
What did they use to style their hair? They used wigs, extensions, ivory, braids, hair decorations, gold tubes or vertical ribs of beads to form head covers. Anything could be used as decoration in the wigs, ribbons, flowers, and jewels just to name a few. Combs were made from wood or bone. When shaving they used a stone blade at first but later used copper and even a bronze razor. Bronze Razor
Did their hairdo’s show importance or different classes between the Egyptians? Yes, hairstyles varied with gender and social status. Ancient Egyptians hairstyles established the person’s status in society. As a young child they shaved their hair off with the exception of a long lock attached to the side of the head. With the onset of puberty the boys would shave off the rest of their hair, while the girls wore their hair in a ponytail. Women could maintain a hairstyle that was long or short and they would decorate their hair with flowers or ribbons. Poorer women would add berries or petals. Slaves and servants tied their hair at the back of the head. Priests were cleanly shaven. Wigs were expensive and therefore worn by the elite and wealthy. They threaded gold tubes on each tress or gold rosettes between ribs of small beads to form full head covers. When the common people started to copy the same styles, the people of rank then adopted longer and more elaborate wigs.
Bibliography Linda Alchin, December , October 26, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, Life of the Ancient Egyptians Oct. 26, Gawhara Hanem. Egypt has it all Oct. 26, Tour Egypt. Web Development & Design By Oct. 26, Eogan, George. The Bronze Razor. 1983Oct. 26,2010http:// azor.htm. azor.htm