Action Report of IEC/SEG1 System Evaluation Group on Smart Cities Berlin, 27-28, Feb IEC/SEG1 on Smart Cities1
SEG on Smart Cities - Proposal Proposal May SMB/5025/DC was proposed to SMB by JP, CN, and DE. Purpose To summarize and evaluate the status of standardization in the field of smart cities (inside and outside IEC and ISO), and work out plans for new standardization work to be taken in IEC. IEC/SEG1 on Smart Cities2 -Background 1/3 - Berlin, 27-28, Feb. 2014
SEG on Smart Cities - Approval 3 June SMB agreed to set up an SEG on Smart Cities (SEG1) as proposed in document SMB/5025/DC. SMB decided the convenorship should be agreed amongst the proposers (DE, CN JP). SMB noted that Mr Claude Breining and Mr Don Deutsch from MSB had agreed to be members of the SEG, as well as Mr Richard Schomberg in his position as convenor of SG 3. SMB agreed to invite ISO and ITU to take part in the SEG. (SMB/5067/DL) IEC/SEG1 on Smart Cities -Background 2/3 -
SEG1 – Activity up to now # Convenorship: Japan (Fumio UENO) Co-convenors: China (SUN Wei) Germany (Yuanchao CHEN) # Call for experts circulated in September 2013 (AC/32/2013) # 1 st Preparatory meeting in Tokyo July nd Preparatory meeting in Beijing 2013 two conference calls in between IEC/SEG1 on Smart Cities4 -Background 3/3 - Berlin, 27-28, Feb. 2014
SEG on Smart Cities - Scope IEC SEG1 on Smart Cities will evaluate relevant works and propose to establish a SyC with regard to Smart Cities including the SyC’s scope, generic use cases, a possible reference architecture, a standardization roadmap*, a survey and collection of existing and to-be-defined evaluation, metrics and terms & definitions, and a mapping of closely related activities in cooperation with IEC internal technical bodies, ISO and other organizations, fora and consortia. *including gap identification IEC/SEG1 on Smart Cities5 -Scope 1/1 - Berlin, 27-28, Feb. 2014
Berlin, 9 December 2013IEC/SEG1 on Smart Cities6 Berlin, 27-28, Feb. 2014
Berlin, 27 February 2014IEC/SEG1 on Smart Cities7 Relation of SEG1-WGs and SEG1-TGs SEG1-WGs are working entities to provide substantial inputs to SEG1-TGs through SEG1-CAG for the preparation of draft final report to SMB because the necessity of the establishment of SyC shall be discussed from the viewpoint of SmC-scenerios. SEG1-TGs are responsible for preparing draft-report regarding their assigned tasks. SEG1-TGs may supplement the inputs from SEG1-WGs to assure that the final report to SMB is sufficiently comprehensive to suggest or not suggest establishing a SyC in the field of smart cities.
Milestones (IEC & SMB events) SEG 1 Plenary CAG WGs TGs Jun SMB mtg SEG1 approved ▽ Jun SMB mtg A final report from SEG1 ▽ Nov IEC Plenary progress report to SMB ▽ lifetime of SEG1 (24 month) Dec mtg ▽ Feb mtg ▽ Call for NWGP WGs approval Sep mtg ▽ Compile & supplement inputs from WGs Preparatory works (if any) Draft-Scope & Org. structure Compile Final report May mtg ▽ Approve final report Dec ▽ Oct ▽ Nov ▽ Sep ▽ May ▽ Feb ▽ WGs activity review Jul ▽ NWGP Feb ▽ Review NWGP & TG plan Call for expert Actual work time Action Plan Apr ▽
8 NWGPs Approved City service continuity (JP) Reference architecture of smart city (CN) Urban planning and simulation system(CN) City Facilities Management (CFM) (CN) Use case-Smart Home (CN) Use case-Smart Education (CN) Smart city assessment(CN) Standards development for smart cities using the City of Johannesburg- in a rapidly emerging country- as a piloting benchmark for smart cities implementation (SA) IEC/SEG1 on Smart Cities9Berlin, February 2014