May 5, 2014 Aim: How did President Truman react to events during the Cold War? Do Now: Complete the values clarification handout on your own.
The Start of the Cold War, “superpowers after WWII: 1.U.S. - Capitalism 2.Soviet Union - Communism
The Yalta and Potsdam Conferences FDR/Truman, Churchill, Stalin “The Big Three” Yalta (February 1945): – United Nations formed, Germany divided into separate occupation zones. – Democratic governments and free elections. Potsdam (July 1945): – Stalin refused to allow elections in Poland. – U.S. refused to share info on the atomic bomb. An IRON CURTAIN fell over Eastern Europe
The Policy of Containment in Europe Containment: prevent communism from spreading, but not overturn communism from where it already existed. Truman Doctrine (1947): financial and military aid to Greece and Turkey. Marshall Plan (1948): economic recovery of Western Europe
The Berlin Airlift, : Soviets create a blockade around West Berlin. Berlin Airlift carried supplies to people in West Berlin. Impact: Soviets lifted the blockade. Step on it, Doc!!
What U.S. foreign policy is illustrated in this cartoon? CONTAINMENT
I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted [control] by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid which is essential to economic stability and orderly political processes. -Harry Truman’s request for funds to support Greece and Turkey against Communism, Based on the doc, what foreign policy does Truman support? CONTAINMENT What type of assistance did President Truman think the U.S. should provide to free peoples? ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL AID
The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan represented attempts by the United States to deal with the 1.national debt 2.spread of communism 3.President’s political opposition 4.arms race
In the years just after World War II, the United States attempted to prevent the spread of communism in Europe mainly by 1.taking over the governments of several Western European nations 2.increasing opportunities for political refugees to settle in the United States 3.holding a series of summit meetings with leaders of the Soviet Union 4.establishing policies of economic and military aid for European nations