NetWBL: LLP National Agency Thematic Networking on Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeships Ulrike Engels Cooperation between Education and the World of work: Focus on Work-based Learning 11-12 June 2015, Budapest
Application number: 384349 -LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA4- KA4NATN Technical Data Funded by the restricted call for proposals EACEA No 13/2013 for Thematic networking Call deadline: June 14th 2013 Application number: 384349 -LLP-1-2013-1-DE-KA4- KA4NATN Project cost: 648,866.48 € EACEA funding: 400,000 € (62 %) EACEA = Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission EACEA
9 NA in the steering committee Coordinator: German NA at BIBB Technical Data 29 partner NA 9 NA in the steering committee Coordinator: German NA at BIBB Duration: September 2013 – August 2016
What is Work Based Learning? Source: David Devins, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. 4 4 4
Under-developed supply of traineeship places in the EU Rationale Under-developed supply of traineeship places in the EU The lack of workplace experience contributes to the "skills gap" in the EU Countries with quality and attractive traineeship systems perform better in youth employment
LLP Map NetWBL Map
POLITICAL BACKGROUND The Copenhaguen process (from 2002) aims to improve the performance, quality, attractiveness and European dimension of VET. The Education and training 2020 (ET2020) strategic framework promotes mobility, quality, employability and national qualification frameworks linked to EQF in all educational sectors The European council agreement (January 30th 2012) for increasing the number of apprenticeships The European commission has committed to set up a European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EafA) 7 7
RATIONALE The value of VET, and notably of dual training systems, in facilitating youth employment is clearly acknowledged. The supply of apprenticeship and traineeship places in the EU continues to be under-developed, with a great variation among countries. The lack of workplace experience and the related skills contribute to the "skills gap" in the EU today. Countries with quality and attractive VET, and especially apprenticeship systems, perform better in youth employment. 8 8
Strengthen WBL elements in existing VET systems and Higher Education MAIN OBJECTIVES Strengthen WBL elements in existing VET systems and Higher Education Support apprenticeship in particular Increase the impact on policy and practice of the innovative projects in the Erasmus Programme The concept is broader than apprenticeship and dual VET The network will be an essential action of the European Alliance for Apprenticeship (EafA) 9 9
Making a collection of LLP projects related to WBL ACTIVITIES Making a collection of LLP projects related to WBL Providing a thematic analysis of the results of these projects Identifying projects that brought on changes at local / regional level Developing an on-line toolbox for institutions developing WBL Identifying gaps and needs which could be taken into consideration by new products and projects Proposing solutions for the dissemination of project results Presenting project outcomes to relevant HE governance fora Providing recommendations for the EU programmes and for policy-making in general 10 10
STRUCTURE 7 work packages: WP1: Project management WP2: Virtual environment WP3: NA’s Monitoring activities, pre-selection of projects, identification of needs and gaps WP4: Experts’ analysis for selection of WBL relevant projects WP5: Collection of background information on WBL at EU and National levels WP6: Quality assurance WP7: Dissemination and explotation 11 11
Project management via Trello
Project results Final Report 1st European Monitoring Conference "Work-based learning and apprenticeships" 11.-12. February 2014 in Brussels 271 participants
Intermediate report on work-based learning needs and gaps
Thematic project group in ADAM database 22 WBL projects tagged
Compendium of 150 WBL projects
New NetWBL Website online:
Pre-live version of "WORK-BASED LEARNING TOOLKIT" Go-Live 1. Okt. 2015 in Vilnius
Dissemination activities NetWBL on 20 NA Websites Publications, Articles, national events 2 WBL contactseminars: Berlin und Reykjavik Berlin: Reykjavik:
Future activities Testing WBL-Toolkit 2. and 3. phase of product evaluation Go-Live of WBL Toolkit in Vilnius 1. October 2015 Dissemination activities (Stakeholder, EU-COM, public, etc.) Study needs and gaps for WBL projects Recommendations to the Commission Organisation of 9 National Events: Rome, 05. Juni 2015 Bratislava, 08.-09. Juni 2015 Budapest, 11.-12. Juni 2015 Slovenia, Greece, Portugal, Luxembourg, Belgium und Turkey Organisation of 2 European Events 2. EU Monitoring Conference in Vilnius 01.- 02. Oktober 2015 3. EU Monitoring Conference in Berlin Juni 2016
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