I18n BOF Raúl E. Mengod López Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
OverView I18n Review Introduction of the participants State of the Art Actual i18n Working procedure New Procedure Proposal Discussion March 20102European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..
INTRODUCTION OF THE PARTICIPANTS March 2010European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..3
I18N REVIEW: STATE OF ART March 2010European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..4
5 State of the Art Info at the Confluence Page: Internationalization Status At the time of this writing, the following languages/locales are supported: English (US & UK), Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, French (France & Canada), Catalan, Swedish, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese (Portugal & Brazil). Additionally, there are several aspects of internationalizing Sakai: 1) Ability to type international (unicode) characters into any Sakai tool Status: Currently supported 2) Ability for any tool interface to dynamically reflect a user's preferred international locale Status: Supported pending translation 3) Ability to create worksites whose page titles will statically reflect to a defined international locale Status: Supported pending translation 4) Ability to create worksites whose page titles will dynamically reflect a user's preferred international locale Status: Not supported yet (pending development) 5) Ability to create worksites whose page titles and tool interface will statically reflect a site's preferred international locale Status: Not supported yet (pending development) 6) Ability to support right-to-left languages Status: Supported pending customized skins or CSS (see Sakai-RTL-skin.jpg)Sakai-RTL-skin.jpg
6 Sakai Translations Is this up to date? Where is 2.7 and sakai3?
JIRA Bugs for BUGS reported in QA instance for new version 2.7
JIRA Bugs for 2.6
40 Open Bugs reported
State of the Art Conclusions Bugs that stay there forever Bugs lost when version is changed Some bugs have patches not applied March European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..
I18N WORKING PROCEDURE March 2010European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..11
I18n Working procedure Translations Each language has a responsible institution It is working good Translation time after code freeze March European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..
I18n Working procedure Bug Fixes No management from the sakai foundation Created by institutions and users Sometimes are fixed Not always are commited It is necessary to contact the tool responsible and convince them to apply it (use resources) March European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..
I18n Working procedure Coordination Sakai Board has a person for i18n Berth has been that person for a long time She is a volunteer involved in many projects, no time to be used in i18n. No meetings to dicuss problems and needs (except this in conferences) March European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..
NEW I18N PROCEDURE PROPOSAL March 2010European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..15
New Procedure Proposal What we need? Strong leadership and coordination Help from sakai foundation An easy way to commit changes (centralized?) March European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..
New Procedure Proposal How we can achieve it? Leadership from sakai foundation staff Working group to coordinate needs Periodical meetings to track bugs March European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..
New Procedure Proposal Tentative overview for the first meeting Bug identification Bug priority Bug assignment to institutions Bug merging and QA 3akai i18n plans March European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..
DISCUSSION March 2010European Sakai Conference – Valencia - Spain..19