National Planning Policy Framework Member Briefing 1 st May 2012 Mark Russell Planning Advisory Service
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Agenda Purpose for session: Introduction to NPPF Summary produced What next? Seeking any outstanding questions in order to produce FAQ’s address for queries New areas of work – CV team National training/briefings/advice to come
Introduction to the National Planning Policy Framework Status Sustainable development – 3 Dimensions and 12 Core Principles Plan making Development management Housing Implications for Cotswold District
Status A statement of national policy Local and neighbourhood plans must take account of it A material consideration in planning decisions Sits within existing legislative framework – Localism Act, Planning Acts, etc. Replaces all PPSs, PPGs, MPGs, Circular 05/05, Letters to CPOs
Sustainable development Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development Definition? Policies in NPPF “taken as a whole” Planning system has 3 dimensions: An economic role A social role An environmental role
An economic role Training Jobs Landscape Town centres and shopping
A social role Affordable housing scheme - Southrop New development and design
An environmental role Conservation Landscape/ countryside Trees Biodiversity
Social Environmental Economic Seek to achieve them: ….“jointly and simultaneously” Take local circumstances into account Constant tension of ‘balancing’ growth agenda with protection of the built and natural environment
12 Core Principles A plan-led system through local and neighbourhood plans A creative exercise Respond positively to growth Seek high quality design Take account of different roles and characters of areas Support transition to low carbon economy
12 Core Principles Conserve and enhance the natural environment Reuse previously developed land Promote mixed use development Conserve heritage assets Support public transport, walking and cycling Deliver community and cultural facilities
Plan led system - Local plans Starting point for decision making Must be consistent with NPPF Can be reviewed in whole or part, but keep uptodate Put in place as quickly as possible, to provide strategy for neighbourhood plans Proactively engage with the community – a collective vision Set out strategic priorities Meet the “full, objectively assessed needs” of the area Integrate approach to housing, employment and other uses
Plan led system - Implementation Due weight to be given to existing plan policies Depends upon the degree of consistency with the NPPF Planning team assessing existing policies From March 2012, can give weight to emerging plans, depending upon 1.Stage of preparation 2.Significance of objections 3.Degree of consistency with NPPF
Current Development plan RPG10 (until revoked) Glos Structure Plan (until revoked) Cotswold District Local Plan Minerals and Waste Local Plans “Saved policies” Cotswold new Local Plan (Core Strategy) Draft documents
A plan-led system – The Duty to Cooperate With neighbouring authorities (and two tier authorities) On cross boundary issues On “larger than local” issues – e.g. strategic priorities Consider different geographic areas e.g. travel-to-work areas Different ways suggested: 1) Joint committee 2) Jointly prepared strategy 3) Memorandum of understanding Provide evidence of continuous co-operation – a test
A plan-led system – Neighbourhood plans Must be consistent with NPPF Must reflect and support Local Plan strategic priorities Cannot promote less development than in Local Plan Once in place, takes precedence over non-strategic policies in Local Plan enquiries:
Decision making Seek to approve applications for sustainable development Determine applications in accordance with the development plan “unless material considerations indicate otherwise” The NPPF is a material consideration Encourage pre-application discussions Publicise information requirements Consider planning performance agreements
Encourage community engagement Cotswold DC working with communities to shape schemes How….What….
Five year land supply Local authorities must maintain 5 year supply of housing land + 5% buffer “to ensure choice and competition in the market” +20% buffer “where…a record of persistent under delivery” Sites identified in Local Plan to 2011 Can consider windfall sites if “compelling evidence” of supply Currently, Cotswold District has c.4 years supply - shortfall Dynamic situation –reviewed annually Strategy being devised to combat current/ future shortfall
Key issues for Cotswold District Council What does Sustainable Development mean for the Cotswolds? AONB status/weight Design – how promote/judge good Quality Infrastructure required to support (CIL) Housing (& Gypsy and Traveller) need and delivery Local Plan Status
What next? National NPPF has reduced policy down to 59 pages only, but….. 1.National policy statements for major infrastructure 2.National Waste Management Plan for England 3.Planning policy for traveller sites 4.Technical guidance on flood risk and minerals 5.Further technical guidance to come…
What next? National NPPF contains 7 different definitions of “weight” Need for guidance and support New enhanced role for Planning Advisory Service Package of support being developed Likely to be a number of appeals and legal challenges
What next? Local Cotswold DC planning team: Assessing consistency of existing policies with the NPPF Looking at potential of windfall sites to help with housing supply Bringing forward a new Local Plan (Core Strategy) Working with communities to help shape development Working with councillors to understand the changes to the planning system Putting together FAQs Further questions?
National Planning Policy Framework Member Briefing 1 st May 2012 Mark Russell Planning Advisory Service