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Barnes & Noble introduced Nook in a slumping industry November 4 th, 2009 In general all book sales had decline Barnes & Noble 4% 8% of U.S. adult population bought an e-book in 2008 E-readers are a fast growing niche 6 million e-readers sales are projected for 2010’s Kindle is leading e-reader market
Promotion Techniques Premiums Promotion Technique “Tipping point” free e-book copy for the first 10,000 buyers Sampling In store first hand experience Other Facebook Twitter Official Blog
Our target market College Students & Business Professionals Promotion Ideas Students: The “Nook Bus” with stops in major College Campuses Sweepstakes: Book Recycling for Free Nook Business Professionals: Airlines offer Nook rental on flights Other Convention & Trade Shows Websites, Magazines, etc.