By Adrianna Villalobos, Alexandria Conforti, & Jessica Bender
It’s fun, yummy, & nutritious!
Sold At…
Newspaper Advertisement Located in comic section Section most children read Half page Detailing health facts, some ingredients, and other important information
Web Advertisement Located on websites for kids When hovered over, ad will enlarge
Grocery Store Aisle Advert. Stand up made of durable cardboard Red Ranger holding cereal box in an action pose Located in cereal aisle near children's’ cereal
TV Commercial #1 Showing child and mom trying cereal for first time
Facebook “like” page Create a fan page for children and parents
Newspaper & Web Based Ad Stop 90 day promotional plan coming to an end Newspaper ad will be pulled from paper Web based ad will be taken down from websites.
Cereal is Launched Launched near season premiere November of 2012
Sweepstake is Announced
Sweepstakes Cont.
Thank you for your time and cooperation.