What events helped lead to the end of Feudalism and the Middle Ages?
The Great (Western) Schism 7.6.7
A Church Divided A French archbishop is chosen as Pope, Clement V The pope moves from Rome to the city of Avignon in France (69 years)
A Church Divided 1378 A.D., Pope Urban VI chosen
A Church Divided 1378 A.D., Pope Urban VI chosen Nobody likes him, so another pope is elected, Clement VII…
A Church Divided 1378 A.D., Pope Urban VI chosen Nobody likes him, so another pope is elected, Clement VII… Now have two popes! Italy & France = The Great (Western) Schism
The Great (Western) Schism 1414 A.D. – it’s decided to pick a new, single pope to replace the two Now there are 3 Popes! Finally, all three are forced to resign and in 1417, Pope Martin V is elected – Church is embarrassed
The Hundred Years’ War France vs. England On and off from 1337 – 1453 A.D. Fighting over French throne Style of warfare changes
Progression of the Hundred Years War So really, what changed geographically?
The Battle at Crecy 1346 A.D. France had 36,000 knights. England had 12,000 with 7,000 of them being bowman. England won! (huh?!) The longbow makes knights in full armor unnecessary. 10
How did the longbow “kill” knights and Feudalism?
Joan of Arc A young French girl… Inspires France Leads the French army to victory (dressed as a man) Kicks the English out of France Is captured, sold to the English, and burned at the stake as a witch! All by the age of nineteen! Joan of Arc
Impact of the Hundred Years’ War Page 403 Feeling of nationalism emerged in England and France – King a national leader, fighting for the nation power and prestige of French monarch increased English fell into War of the Roses, in which two noble houses fought for the throne * Hundred Years’ War marks the “end” of the Middle Ages
Factors leading to the end of Feudalism The Crusades helped by uniting the knights against a common enemy. The Magna Carta limited the power of kings. But the main factor in the end of feudalism though was the Black Death. Dang you Magna Carta… I used to be so buff!
Job Specialization As with most medieval cultures, most Europeans were farmers. As time went on though more and more jobs were available. People could start making money and no longer had to rely so heavily on the feudal lords.