Unit 3 Vocabulary
Animated (adjective) Definition: Full of life; alive. Synonyms: energetic, lively Antonyms: dull, lifeless The storyteller was very animated, taking on the voices of various characters and making sound effects.
Brood (noun, verb) Definitions: Noun: a family of young animals, especially birds Verb: to think over in a worried manner Synonyms: (verb) worry, agonize, ponder In the documentary My Life as a Turkey, a brood of poults imprint on a human as their parent. I brooded over whether I should tell my parents about my failing grade in math, or just let them find out on my report card.
Drone (noun, verb) Definition: Noun: (1) a buzzing sound; (2) a remote-controlled device (3) a male bee Verb: (1) to speak in a dull tone (2) to make a buzzing sound Military drones perform surveillance and bombing missions. Our teacher droned on and on interminably, putting us to sleep.
Goad (noun, verb) Definitions: Verb: to drive or urge on; Noun: the object used to drive or urge on. Synonyms: prod, spur on, incite Antonyms: curb, restrain Elephant trainers goad elephants to perform by using large, leather-covered goads.
Indulge (verb) Definition: to give in to desire or a wish Synonyms: coddle, pamper Antonyms: deny, refuse After a stressful day, I indulged myself by soaking in the hot tub.
Synonyms: educated, trained Literate (adjective) Definition: able to read or write; showing an excellence in knowledge or background Synonyms: educated, trained Antonyms: ignorant, uneducated Although I speak Russian fluently, I’m not literate in that language.
Loom (verb, noun) Definitions: Verb: to come into view in exaggerated form Noun: a machine for weaving Ms. Hart has a tendency to loom over my shoulder while I’m writing—it frightens me!
Miscellaneous (adjective) Definition: mixed, different kinds Synonyms: varied, assorted, mixed Antonyms: identical, uniform, homogenous Our family’s junk drawer has miscellaneous items ranging from nails to dog collars.
Synonyms: address, speech Oration (noun) Definition: a formal public speech Synonyms: address, speech President Barack Obama recently gave an oration about the status of the American economy.
Synonyms: crabby, cross, testy, stubborn Antonyms: agreeable, pleasant Peevish (adjective) Definition: to be in an irritable mood Synonyms: crabby, cross, testy, stubborn Antonyms: agreeable, pleasant . I became peevish as I waited for my friend, who is always late, to arrive. Were we going to miss the movie?
I ended up singeing my shirt when I was ironing it. Singe (verb, noun) Definitions: Verb: to burn slightly Noun: a slight burn Synonyms: scorch, char I ended up singeing my shirt when I was ironing it.
Synonyms: distinctive, singular Unique (adjective) Definition: one of a kind; found only in a specific situation Synonyms: distinctive, singular Julie has a unique way of writing poetry that I’ve never seen before.
Upright (adjective) Definitions: Vertical or straight in position; Good or honest Synonyms: perpendicular; virtuous Antonyms: horizontal; dishonest, sneaky Let’s stand this grandfather clock upright. An upright person will always be honest and fair.
Synonyms: validate, confirm Antonyms: disprove, refute Verify (verb) Definition: to establish the truth or accuracy of Synonyms: validate, confirm Antonyms: disprove, refute Journalists should always verify facts before writing news stories.
I am yearning to become a foster “mom” for rescued dogs. Yearn (verb) Definition: to have a strong and sincere desire Synonyms: crave, want I am yearning to become a foster “mom” for rescued dogs.