DEVELOP Vocabulary Lesson
DEVELOP I can increase my vocabulary knowledge and usage.
DEVELOP What does it mean? Have you ever used it? Will you ever use it? Why is it an important word to learn?
Examples: The story starts off a little slow, but as the plot continues to develop, it becomes completely captivating. I need to develop the main character of my story a little bit more. Mrs. Becerra developed lessons for Pre-School and Kindergarten at RVCV.
Dictionary Definition ExplainElaborateExpand
Video & Picture Examples tch?v=g_IlJJQGz6A tch?v=g_IlJJQGz6A Let’s develop this story!
Silly Song/Poem Develop and elaborate; Make your writing really great!
Our Own Definitions ExpandElaborate To get better at something (specific skill) Elaborate Expand in detail Explain Deepen and enrich Mrs. Becerra’s definitions are behind the smiley face.
DEVELOP Synonyms: Explain Put more detail ElaborateExpand Antonyms: Decrease Not develop No / less detail Not explaining
Partner Talk DiscussDefineExamples Synonym (same or nearly the same meaning) Antonym (opposite meaning)
Critical Vocabulary Spirals