Q UESTION OF THE D AY Why might you share information or knowledge with other people? One reason to share knowledge with others is _________. Write several sentences in your notebook explaining why you would want to share knowledge or information with other people. T416
R EAD A LOUD I am going to reread the poem, “Share Because.” What would be the purpose of listening to or reading a poem more than once? For entertainment; to enjoy the poem again; to listen to the rhythm and rhyme of the poem again. T341 T417
R EAD A LOUD Listen and follow along as I read. Notice how I pay attention to punctuation. See how I pause at commas and periods. T341 T417
S HARE B ECAUSE Share because you want to. Share because you can. Share because we’re all on Earth, Every woman, child and man. Share because I want to know you And hope that you’ll know me. Share because it can be fun. Please say that you’ll agree! Maybe we’ll be lifelong friends Because we shared one day. And when we’re old we can look back And have a lot to say. T417
R EAD A LOUD Now, echo-read with me as I reread the poem again. T341 T417
S HARE B ECAUSE Share because you want to. Share because you can. Share because we’re all on Earth, Every woman, child and man. Share because I want to know you And hope that you’ll know me. Share because it can be fun. Please say that you’ll agree! Maybe we’ll be lifelong friends Because we shared one day. And when we’re old we can look back And have a lot to say. T417
Why does the speaker think he or she might become lifelong friends with the reader? Who does the speaker think should share? What are some rhyming words in the poem? T417
COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES R EADING A SCIENCE TEXTBOOK Turn to P of your reading book. We are going to be reading about the features of your science textbooks. What other subjects use textbooks? reading, math, social studies PURPOSE – We are reading these pages to learn how science textbooks are organized and how you can use those features to help you read. T420
COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES R EADING A SCIENCE TEXTBOOK Let’s read the two paragraphs under “Reading a Science Textbook” on page 294. Now, we’ll read the callouts on page 295. T420
COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES R EADING A SCIENCE TEXTBOOK TEXT FEATURES In a science textbook you will usually see: Vocabulary Words are often written in boldface and their meaning defined in the sentence they appear in. These words may also appear in the glossary. Captions Give useful and interesting information about what is shown in photographs and art. Graphic Aids and Questions Appear at the end of sections help the reader review the information from the section. Graphic aids help explain ideas quickly. Questions help readers review what they’ve learned. T420
M ONITOR C OMPREHENSION Let’s read “Review the Focus Strategies” on page 294. What are the two focus strategies suggested in this section? Reread Especially useful for reviewing information when reading a selection with many facts. Summarize A summary will help you identify the most important ideas or facts in a selection. Now, let’s use these strategies to read pages As you read, stop and think about how you are using comprehension strategies. T420
M ONITOR C OMPREHENSION Main Idea and Details What is the main idea of pages ? Living things have adaptations that help them survive. What are two details that support the main idea? Some animals change color with seasons; plants have parts that help them survive by getting the right amounts of water and sunlight. T422
M ONITOR C OMPREHENSION Fact and Opinion Read the caption about the rabbit on Page 296. Is that a fact or an opinion? Why? Fact. The information can be proved. T422
M ONITOR C OMPREHENSION Rereading to clarify information. I read the section “Plant Structure,” and I remember that plants like corn have a special kind of root. I cannot remember the root’s name. What should I do? I will reread “Plant Structure” to find out what kind of root corn has. T422
N EW S LIDE Readers’ Theater - Rehearse Roles ** Pay special attention to phrasing and punctuation as you read. Correct phrasing will make your reading easier to understand and will tell readers where ideas begin and end. Paying attention to punctuation will help you pause in the right places and let you know when to read with certain expression. T424 Remember to speak clearly and loudly.
THINK ALOUD I will read the part of Mama Bear. I will pay attention to commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points. Knowing how to read them will help my reading sound smooth and clear. Marks like exclamation points and question marks will help me with expression. Practice reading the script straight through, reading the lines of your assigned character. Practice standing as you will when presenting it to the class. T424
C ONSONANT B LENDS str, scr, spr Some words have consonants which blend together when they are pronounced. strong scrape spring T418 When you pronounce a word with a consonant blend you hear the sounds of all of the consonants. Not all consonant patterns are blends. Think of ch.
C ONSONANT B LENDS str, scr, spr I added a section to my scrapbook about the time we sprang into action to save the tree on our street. Find the words with consonant blends in the above sentence. T418 I added a section to my scrapbook about the time we sprang into action to save the tree on our street.
C ONSONANT B LENDS str, scr, spr When you hear words with consonant blends you should be able to spell the words. Listen to the individual letters you hear in the consonant blend in the word street. T418 Now find the consonant sounds in the words sprint and scratch. /s/, /t/ and /r/
C ONSONANT B LENDS str, scr, spr scratch sprint street T419 Choose one of the above words and write a sentence using the word you chose and at least two other words with the same consonant blend. For example, The stray cat on our street has stripes.
B UILDING V OCABULARY inviting, expert I will name some topics. If you think it would be inviting to listen to an expert talk about the topic, lean forward and listen closely. If it would not be inviting, cross your arms across your chest. insects football making pizzathe stock market T425
B UILDING V OCABULARY suspect, amusing I will name some characters that might appear in a play. If you suspect the character might be an amusing character, then pantomime laughing, otherwise shake your heads. a 6-foot tall birdchemicals a frog wearing sunglasses A serious-looking gentleman A child who is crying T425
B UILDING V OCABULARY various, laboratory I will name several types of items. If you think you could find the item in a laboratory, give a “thumbs up” otherwise shake your heads. safety gear chemicals measuring equipment tools sporting equipment ice cream T425
REFERENCE SOURCE REVIEW Dictionary gives the meaning, pronunciation, spelling, and part of speech of a word. T423 Enclyopedia gives general information on a topic. Thesaurus gives synonyms and antonyms for a word. Atlas lists locations and provides maps of places around the world.
REFERENCE SOURCE REVIEW Which of the reference sources would you use for the following scenarios? T423 You have used the word good too many times in your report. What can help you vary your vocabulary? You need to know what country is south of Brazil. Where should you look? You have to write a report about Dalmatians. What will give you basic information about them? You want to find out what the word inquisitive means. Where can you find its definition? thesaurus encyclopedia atlas dictionary
GRAMMAR S INGULAR AND P LURAL N OUNS R EVIEW Singular nouns name one person, place, thing, animal or idea. Plural nouns name more than one person, place, thing. Remember, plural nouns are formed by: adding –s or –es to the end of a word or changing the y to an i and adding –es. A singular noun may have the word a or an in front of it. A plural noun never has the word a or an in front of it. A singular and a plural noun may have the word the in front of it. T426