Name: Annika Date: November 25, 2014 Class: 3A Humanities
K ing George iii looks cool in his military outfit. A british monarch from He reigned during the Seven Year War, the American Revolution, and the war against Napoleonic France, Allies: Britain Rivals: George Washington Pneumonic Device: He has the same name as his enemy.
B ob was low on troops so he mass- recruited militia to make up for the space A group of soldiers that fight despite their lack of knowledge regarding the art of war (usually townspeople). Synonyms: minuteman Antonyms: trained soldiers
W hy is George Washington always so serious? The 1st president of the United States serving from (two terms). He was the commander in chief of the Continental Army who helped to win the war by keeping his troops together in the winter of and by winning the battle at Yorktown. He also chaired the convention at which the US constitution was formed. Allies: Continental Army Rivals: King George III Pneumonic Device: He’s on the 1 dollar bill!
A member of the American militiamen who volunteered for service within the span of a minute. H e was quite enthusiastic towards the military as a child; it was no surprise that he became a minuteman. Synonyms: militia Antonyms: forced recruit