Driving Automotive Success
Source: eMarketer, December 2006 $9.6 $12.5 $16.4 $19.5 $23.8 Online Spending % of Total Media Ad Spending 3.6% 4.6% 5.8% 6.8% 8.1% Growing Volume Usage and Spending Are on the Rise
Source: eMarketer, December 2006 Complex Ads Include Average Video Multiple panels Targeting Capabilities 42.6% 47.7% 44.2% 82.2% 89.0% 67.7% Rich Media Online Video Plus Growing Complexity Spending Growth (Percent Increase vs. Prior year)
Average Rich Media Ad Size In The US During Q1 2006: 353kb Average Rich Media Ad Size In The US During Q4 2006: 988kb More Demanding Market Ad Sizes Are Increasing
One Comprehensive Solution
Established industry leader Single solution to all your needs - fully loaded with time and cost efficiencies Expert in providing innovative tech-enabled services to a non-technical industry Global presence for local support Flexibility to scale to growing client demands Future-focused and agile to quickly support emerging market needs Eyeblaster Eliminates Your Challenges Growing Volume, Complexity and Demands
Advertising Campaign Management (ACM) Suite Integrated solutions that help clients and the parties they serve - bring brands to life Integrated Digital Marketing Solutions Casual game ad solutions eb.in-games FUTURE Mobile VOD IPTV Search bid mgmt eb.search Ad serving across all digital channels, including planning and buying tools eb.campaign manager Rich Media creation and delivery tools and technologies eb.rich media
Auto ads with video have higher levels of awareness, association, favorability and purchase intent vs. non video ads Source: Dynamic Logic, Q % 20.1% 11.5% 8.5% 5.8% 2.6% 6.8% 5.2% 1.7% 0.9% Aided brand Awareness Online Ad Awareness Message Association Brand Favorability Purchase Intent Video/Audio AdsGIF/JPG 10 Auto Advertisers Video Ads Growing Volume, Complexity and Demands
87% of Internet users researching autos visited at least one manufacturer site. Source: J.D. Power and Associates 2006 New Autoshopper.com Study
Top Auto Strategies DRIVE TRAFFIC DRIVE SALES GENERATE AWARENESS Source: AdRelevance, 2006 (all data on this slide) Top Auto Advertisers Auto Is Ramping Up Online 57 Billion Ad Impressions in the US During 2006
Of consumers who have seen a product advertised in an online video ad, 44% have taken action: Source: OPA, A Primer on Online Video Viewing, 3/2006 Checked out a related website, 31% Requested more information 14% Went to a store to see the product, 14% Forwarded an ad, 10% Made a purchase, 8% Auto Is Ramping Up Online Ripe Opportunities For Interaction
Survey Highlights In-Game Ads Work Beta test users who viewed second video ads served into games: 53% Were happy to view a video ad in exchange for free game play 22% Enjoyed watching the ads 32% Thought the ads were effective Source: RealNetworks and Eyeblaster data, May % Click Through Rate More than half played the video in full More than a third agreed the duration of the ads was appropriate
Source: Eyeblaster Internal Data, November 2006 Other formats auto advertisers are regularly using Standard banners Floating ads 46% of Automotive ads are polite banners. 53% of polite banners are 300x250. 31% are between 30k – 100k. Polite Banners Expandable Banners 39% of Automotive ads are expandable banners. 77% have one panel; 18% have two panels. 29% of polite banners are 728x90. 33% are between 100k – 300k. Eyeblaster’s Global Perspective What’s in Use
Source: Eyeblaster Internal Data, Q Interaction RatesRipe Opportunities For Interaction 19.0% 20.0% Automotive Category Overall IR 27.0% 21.0% Automotive Expandable Banner IR In-Game Ad IR Auto Advertisers See Above Average Interaction Rates
Source: AdRelevance, 2006; eMarketer, 2006 Male 58.7% Female 41.3% % % % % % % GenderAgeHousehold Income $25-49, % $50-74, % $75-99, % $ , % $150, % Top 10 Websites for Auto Information Among US Internet Users Auto Sites And Their Visitors Who is Visiting Auto Sites?
Partner for Leading Automotive Manufacturers & Dealers
Flexible Control Workflow Efficiency Rapid Turnaround Total Campaign Visibility Automated Optimization Tracking And Reporting Manage Creative Assets Simplify QA and Approvals CAMPAIGN CREATIVEREPORTING Flexible Control Workflow Efficiency Efficient Use Of Time CAMPAIGN Manage Creative Assets Simplify QA and Approvals CREATIVE Total Campaign Visibility Automated Optimization Tracking And Reporting REPORTING Eyeblaster Comprehensive Campaign Execution
National Local Global Eyeblaster Covers the World From Local To Global
“This was a tricky brand positioning – we needed to give users an edgy urban experience but without being too aggressive or negative. These interactive banners pull in users and express the QASHQAI brand at the same time. We were very pleased with this really engaging campaign.” Jacques Kluger, Managing Director of Duke London Experienced In Providing Automotive Solutions International
Eyeblaster created and trafficked multiple ads for 54 local Ford dealerships. 3,240 Tracking Tags No Problem. Using A Proprietary Ad Replicator Tool We Created: 648 Unique Ads Local Market Case Study: Ford Tier 2 Local/National
The Agency provides the framework and assets. The Eyeblaster Replicator automates the process. Using the Replicator enables separate reporting and tracking for the ads. General Ad Copy Here Insert Dealer Tag Line Here Ad Replicator Tool For Enhanced Reporting Local/National
AD COPY HERE Dealer 1 Tag Line Here A APR FOR 0%0% 72 MONTHS B Dynamic data allows for customization for each dealer, allowing freedom to address individual markets within a uniform marketing template AD COPY HERE Dealer 2 Tag Line Here A APR FOR 1%1% 24 MONTHS B Dynamic Data Repeatable And Scalable
AD COPY HERE Dealer 1 Tag Line Here APR FOR 0%0% 72 MONTHS AD COPY HERE Dealer 2 Tag Line Here APR FOR 1%1% 24 MONTHS B C Video and other rich media elements can also be customized to meet the needs of individual markets B CAA Dynamic Data Making Video Repeatable And Scalable
Currently manage 472 dealers nationwide in Eyeblaster system Served 383mm impressions year to date – over 50mm/month Needed a solution to manage strategy to pitch national co-op dollars “Eyeblaster’s technology was absolutely the right choice to help make this campaign come to life. Viewers engaged with the campaign, spending time to learn more about the Dodge Charger” Organic Inc Creative agency for the Dodge Charger Unleash Your Freak campaign Experienced In Providing Automotive Solutions Local/National
Eyeblaster’s Auto Showroom Toyota: Yaris Powering the Interactivity of ads with: Video Games Photo Galleries Sweepstakes Data Capture Viral Elements Volvo: All Models Audi: Quattro Golf: GT Land Rover: Discovery Renault: Clio Subaru: Tribeca Ford: Fiesta Chevy: Tahoe Jeep: Commander
Powering the Interactivity of ads with: Video Games Photo Galleries Sweepstakes Data Capture Viral Elements Nissan: Game, ad unit synchroniza tion MI 3: Full-screen video Ikea: Video, viral Xerox: Video, download pdf, data capture Honda: eb.in- games Video, full-screen video option Eyeblaster’s Interactive Showroom Maximizing Engagement Mini: Video X-men: Polling, Ad Unit Synchronization Diddy: Video, photos, audio PGR3: Video, data capture, viral Calloway: Sweepstakes, data capture
Tabbed & expandable banner Interactive selection of recipe ideas Increased real-estate for interactivity without leaving host site Send information direct to mobile Direct print of content eCoupon via MMS Auto-addition to shop [PRIN T] Link to more information Sequential delivery Expandable Banner With a Range of Features
Search for theatre within the banner Full integration to search processes Select local theatre in of your choice See local show times Print out details Send details to SMS Send to friend Personalized video is sent complete with show times and ready to go viral With links to maps This cinema banner shows the sort of interactive functionality that can be set as a call-to-action from within a banner Theatrical Release Search Banner Using Live Data
AUTO ADS WITH VIDEO: Delivered 668 million impressions Interaction rate of 24% Top formats: Polite, Expandable, Floating, In-Game Formats AUTO ADS OVERALL: Delivered 2.4 billion+ impressions Interaction rate of 20% Top formats: Expandable, Polite, Standard, Floating, Push Down Source: Eyeblaster Internal Data Q1 to Q3, 2006 Top US Sites: Auto Ads The Eyeblaster Advantage Auto Ads
Browsers Operating Systems Screen Resolution Bandwidth Customer interactions drive the message Targeted ad messages are delivered based on the audience’s behavior on your website. Filters Behavioral Sequencing Déjà Vu The Eyeblaster Advantage Targeting
Customer interactions drive the message – each exposure and resulting interactions determine the subsequent ad in the campaign Entice potential customers with targeted promotions for products they have shown interest in during earlier exposures Determine ROI with reporting data that details the viewer’s interactions during each message level of the campaign Produce high impact campaigns – include an unlimited amount of creative messages and optimize the campaign dynamically through the Platform But what if there is no customer interaction? If you didn’t like any of the initial genres, the next time the you see the ad, the genres change to Jazz, Kids, and Latin. These can be rotated as the advertiser wishes. The first time you see this campaign for MSN Music, it appears on the Sports Illustrated website. As you rollover the music categories, a counter starts recording the length of time spent on the selected musical genre. For demonstration purposes only the counter is visible in the control panel above. The genre with the most amount of time spent during the interaction is declared the winner, and will determine subsequent ad offerings to you in the campaign. A few days later you visit a new site and see the same ad, now tailored to your viewing habits. When you rollover an artist, the panel expands to provide a free download. Eyeblaster is tracking your artist preference in the genre based on the request for a download. Note that these ads can run across multiple sites that have behavioral sequencing enabled, so the campaign is not restricted to single URLs. MSN is now offering a sweepstakes promotion with a polite banner on CNN.com, All courtesy of the data collection feature from Eyeblaster. The Eyeblaster Advantage Behavioral Sequencing
Database Joe clicks on the targeted ad, goes to SmartShoes.com and buys shoes. Joe gets served a targeted ad offering free shipping. Déjà vu tags send Joe’s interaction history to the database. Joe visits SmartShoes.com 1 Joe goes to a website with a déjà vu tagged ad for SmartsShoes.com The Eyeblaster Advantage Déjà Vu Tracking Tags
The Eyeblaster Advantage Optimization All ads are enabled and approved serve evenly Each ad can be weighted to serve a specific amount An ad can be served for specific days in the flight RandomWeightedTime-based Auto Optimization Enables automatic best performing ad selection based on one of the following success criteria: Clicks Specific conversions generated by a post impressions/post click tag Specific custom interaction
Easy to access and manipulate Web access /7 Account support Track custom interactions Design reports that include data you need Select format and delivery method Performance report Interaction report Performance by frequency Time of day, day of week Domain report Site serving statistics Complete Campaign Data CustomizationReport Types The Eyeblaster Advantage Reporting
The Eyeblaster Advantage Delivery Reports
How many unique viewers saw your ads? How did they interact? Video play length and reply Downloads and form submissions Panel expansions Does ad performance change based on the number of times a viewer sees the ad? Does one of creative perform better than another? Which websites and ad placements generate the best returns? What is the ROI of your campaign? Interaction Reporting 100 Options to Measure Success
Reports Ad Interaction
Reports Performance By Frequency Reports
Reports Reach Frequency Reports
Custom Reports Builder Data fields defined by you Reports formatted to your unique definitions Savable formats for future campaigns Report Types Delivery Ad interactivity Reach / frequency Post click activity Customized Reports Data You Need, the Way You Need It
Dashboard (Q2 07) Detailed Reports Excel™ plug-in Measuring Your Success Eyetracker Solves Your Reporting Puzzle
Dashboard gives you a wide shot of all your campaigns – anticipate issues before live dates! Medium shot on a campaign with Detailed Reports Get an extreme close-up with our Excel™ plug-in Measuring Your Success Revolutionized Campaign Reporting Dashboard* Detailed Reports Excel™ plug-in Analyze Insight Monitor *Eyetracker’s Dashboard will be available Q2 07.
Provides a top-level snapshot of campaign delivery – that drills down to the individual campaign Delivers graphical views and benchmarks to gauge performance Measuring Your Success Easy Management of Campaign Reports
Eyeblaster Menu in Excel Eyeblaster Toolbar Measuring Your Success Reports and Analytics Center
Open browser Download your data Export to Excel Create a custom pivot table to other users Create a report Repeat for updates Go to URLLog on Connect to ad server Go to reporting Select campaign Define parameters Generate report Wait… to other users Measuring Your Success Before the Excel ™ Plug-in
Log on through excel Create/open custom report Refresh data Done! to other users Measuring Your Success After the Excel™ Plug-in Now understanding your campaigns is a simple three-step process!
Look for the menu in your Excel ™ application Use the toolbar for the sign-in option and the sign-in interface appears Create reports from a variety of report options in the drop- down menu. Choose from a variety of pivot table fields for your report. Easy drag and drop interface makes loading the pivot table easy. Create a custom report designed to your specifications. To share reports, go to the dropdown menu and click Share Report. Measuring Your Success How Does Eyetracker Work?
Choose your aggregation Drag and drop fields Measuring Your Success Reports and Analytics Center
Flexible and Responsive Service and Support
Media Planning & Buying, Creative Design and Production Eyeblaster Campaign and Creative Production Publisher QA Process X Days Campaign kick off Creative Spec and Design analysis Designer Training Tracking and Reporting requirements definition Creative Assets produced Ads built in the Eyeblaster System from Media Plan inserted into the Eyeblaster system Ads copied to Flights/Placements 3rd Party tracking tags and Brand survey tags implemented in the EB system Ads submitted to Publishers Custom interaction defined Publisher approval process Creative amendment as response to possible creative rejections from publishers 3-5 working days (depending on publisher) working days Collaborative TaskEyeblaster Performed TasksCreative Agency Performed TasksMedia Agency performed Tasks Legend Flight Live Process Overview Eyeblaster Campaign Launch Process
Publisher Specs Tracking Tags Video Managing Creative Assets Adding Interactive Elements Media Plans Reporting Ad Creation Ad Functionality Adapting to Formats QA and Approvals Attaching Ads to Plans
People. Knowledge. Access. Eyeblaster’s eb.services help break down the barriers to launching rich media campaigns - delivering help when you need, for all you need 24/7 global access Complete service solutions
Designed to alleviate challenges - from the simple to the complex - Eyeblaster service solutions make rich media campaigns easy Service Solutions That Work Helping Synchronize Concepts, Plans, Creative and Media Client Services and Support Media Services Creative Services Full Production Services
Expert help is never hard to find. Eyeblaster provides the guidance that makes its world-leading Platform easy to use. Platform help guides Account managers on call On site training Webinars Eyeblaster Universities Client Services and Support: Eyeblaster 101 Industry Expertise. Best Practices
Designed to alleviate challenges - from the simple to the complex - Eyeblaster service solutions make rich media campaigns easy Service Solutions That Work Helping Synchronize Concepts, Plans, Creative and Media Client Services and Support Media Services Creative Services Full Production Services
True campaign success is in the details. Get this right from the start and realize a well run campaign with amazing results Media Services: Campaign Trafficking and QA Testing Making Your Campaign Launch Easier Than Ever Takes care of the details: Inputting media plans into the Platform Inserting tracking tags Setting custom interactions Attaching ads to flights Setting ad rotation Trafficking ads to publishers Puts ads to the test: Testing custom interactions Testing ad features (ad synchronization, polling, data capture) Testing click-through URLs Testing tracking tags Testing functionality and interactivity Testing video quality Campaign TraffickingQA Testing
Designed to alleviate challenges - from the simple to the complex - Eyeblaster service solutions make rich media campaigns easy Service Solutions That Work Helping Synchronize Concepts, Plans, Creative and Media Client Services and Support Media Services Creative Services Full Production Services
Bring your brands to life. Creativity knows no bounds with Eyeblaster Creative asset management Adding components and commands to FLA files Adapting ads to Eyeblaster rich media formats Video file encoding Ad creation Consultation and recommendation Creative Services: Taking a Concept to Completion Making Ads High Quality and Rich
Brand: Marvel Games Format / Elements: Expandable banners with video and ad unit synchronization Brand: Adidas Format / Elements: Expandable banner with option to create your own video ad Brand: Direct Line Format / Elements: Expandable banner Creative Services: Taking a Concept to Completion Helping Bring Brands to Life
Designed to alleviate challenges - from the simple to the complex - Eyeblaster service solutions make rich media campaigns easy Service Solutions That Work Helping Synchronize Concepts, Plans, Creative and Media Client Services and Support Media Services Creative Services Full Production Services
No one knows Eyeblaster better. Take advantage of our full production service solution and let Eyeblaster handle it all. Full media services Full creative services Customized reporting Full Service: Total Campaign Management Putting the Full Power of Eyeblaster to Work for Your Needs
Brand: Tom Tom Format / Elements: Expandable banners with video and ad unit synchronization Brand: Ultraviolet Format / Elements: Expandable banner with video, photos, and downloadable files Brand: The Grudge 2 Format / Elements: VideoStrip Full Service: Total Campaign Management Putting the Full Power of Eyeblaster to Work for Your Needs
Designed to alleviate challenges - from the simple to the complex - Eyeblaster service solutions make rich media campaigns easy Service Solutions That Work Helping Synchronize Concepts, Plans, Creative and Media Client Services and Support Media Services Creative Services Full Production Services
Drive Automotive Success With Eyeblaster World leading partner to auto marketers and agencies Innovative opportunities to create, deliver and manage the very best rich media ads that attract car buyers Comprehensive reporting for a true measurement of performance
THANK YOU For questions about this presentation or to learn more about Eyeblaster, please contact: Name Phone: