LERC/OEE Lean Accreditation Scheme Level 1b Evidence Portfolio
LERC/OEE Lean Accreditation Scheme Level 1b Evidence Portfolio Name Organisation Date
Background and Experience Please provide some background information to help us understand your experience Please summarise your experience of implementing Lean tools and techniques in service organisations (Duration, organisations, positions held) Please list any relevant qualifications that you already hold Have you previously applied for Lean Accreditation, through oee or any other body? If so, what was the outcome?
Overview of Portfolio Please list on this page the contents of your Portfolio Tool or Technique Evidenced Team/Department/Area Implemented Types of Evidence Submitted e.g. Capacity Planning e.g. Claims department e.g. Example Daily resource Graphs
Understanding Lean Thinking In your own words, define “Lean” and describe how you would implement Lean effectively and sustainably into an organisation. Your answer should fit into the box below.
Tool or Technique Submission Please describe your experience in detail, focusing on the business problem, the solution you implemented and the business benefits delivered Tool or Technique Business Area and Client Contact Name* Please describe the business problem that you encountered Please describe the solution that you implemented Please describe the business benefits that you delivered Supporting evidence provided
Supporting Evidence In this section you may include additional evidence that you believe will support your submission
Portfolio Summary In this section you may make any additional comments that you believe will support your submission Additional Supporting Comments
Statement of Authorship In submitting this portfolio, I certify that the contents, and all supporting evidence, represent either: My own work, or Work I carried out jointly with another Lean team member, who has been suitably credited in the relevant sections of this document, or Work completed by members of a client team or department, working under my direct guidance and coaching None of the evidence submitted represents the work of others except as described above By making this submission I give my consent to an OEE assessor contacting other members of my team, and any of the client contacts named, to verify that the work described is my own work and was completed to the standards I have described I understand that, should this declaration prove (now or in the future) to be untrue, the relevant part of this evidence portfolio will become invalid. Should the evidence portfolio be weakened as a result, OEE reserve the right to revoke Lean accreditation should the revised submission no longer provide a suitably strong case.
Southill t: +44 (0) 1608 811900 Cornbury Park info@oeeuk.com Charlbury www.oeeuk.com Oxfordshire OX7 3EW www.oee-training.com