Enter class quietly, get your binder off the shelf, and sit in your assigned seat. Unpack and place your back packs under your desk. No Calendar Journal today. Managers: Attendance: Know who is absent. Place today’s handout in the folder for any one absent. Pass out handouts located in the “What Did I Miss…folder” (color folder) Supply: Grab your group’s red box.
ELACC7L6. I can acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Essential Question How can gathering vocabulary knowledge help us to understand what we read, write, and learn?
In today’s lesson, we will: Review Unit 3 Vocabulary Parts One and Two Complete Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe.
1. Go to our class blog ( and look for today ’s post “Feb. 10 th ”. 2. While working, you can listen to music.
Name: _____________________________________ ELA 7-____ Group#: _____ Directions: Select 3 vocabulary activities for Unit 3. You must complete three in a row (any direction). Color each square as you complete that activity. Attach this handout to the three activities. Due: 2/19/2014 Design a Greeting Card or Write a Letter Choose at least 5 of your vocabulary words to include in your creation. Prepare a Speech Prepare a speech that includes 10 of your vocabulary words. Be sure to underline each of the words. Don’t forget to be creative in selecting the topic of the speech and how you included the words. Make an Acrostic Poem Make an acrostic poem for at least 4 of your words. The words you choose for each letter should be related to the word written downward. Create a Class Game Design a class game that allows your classmates to practice their knowledge of the vocabulary words. Choose at least 10 words. Vocabulary Chart Complete a Vocabulary Chart for 10 words that includes: the word, definition, sentence using the word, antonyms, and synonyms. Design Trading Cards Create a set of trading cards for 10 of your words. Be sure to include a good, meaningful sentence for each word. Create a Crossword Puzzle Using of your vocabulary words, create a crossword puzzle. Be creative in the clues that you use. Do not always use the definition for your clue. Flash Cards Create flashcards for 10 words. Include the following: -Front: the vocabulary word -Back: Include the meaning/definition of each word and a drawing. Illustrate it/Flip Book Make a booklet of 10 words. Include the meaning/definition of each word and a drawing. Unit 3 Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe Menu
Work Period 1.Unit 3 Vocabulary Study Guide 2.Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe 3.Skills Tutor (Lesson #1) Student-Teacher Conferences Reminders: All MISSING assignments and assigned Skills Tutor lessons were due by the end of class TODAY. Check Synergy! No exceptions!
In today’s lesson, we: Enriched our knowledge gathered for Unit 3 vocabulary Remediated (reviewed) our weak areas using My Skills Tutor.
Closing Place your Unit 3 Vocabulary Study Guide in Section 2 (Class Notes) of your binder. Turn in one Tic-Tac-Toe activity. Complete End of Class duties Sit quietly and wait to be dismissed. Homework: Complete two more Tic-Tac-Toe activities. Managers: On-Task: Make sure everyone is on task and quiet. Attendance: None Collectors: Collect and return binders to the shelf. Retrievers: Collect and return binders to the shelf. Supply: Collect all borrowed supplies and return your group’s red box to the Supply Table. Homework: Help straighten up the group.