World War II Background Information
Before World War I, Germany was a strong power. After the country was defeated in WWI, the Allied powers (including England, France, Italy, and the U.S.) forced Germany to sign the Treaty of Versailles which blamed the country for WWI. World War I: Repercussions
As a result of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was: -disarmed -forced to pay huge monetary penalties -stripped of its territories This left Germany and its citizens poor and humiliated. Treaty of Versaille
The country’s weakened spirit enabled groups like the Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, to gain power. Hitler was a powerful speaker and gained lots of support from the German people. Hitler’s Rise
Hitler blamed the Jews for all of Germany’s problems, including its fall from power. The German people wanted to become strong again, and despite Hitler’s racist, violent, and hate of the Jews and other groups, the Nazis gained popularity and power. Hitler’s Rise...con’t.
In 1932, the Nazis became the largest party in the Reichstag (Germany’s main government, like our Congress). Hitler convinced the president to appoint him to be the Chancellor of Germany (a very high power figure). Once he was Chancellor, Hitler convinced the Reichstag to give him “emergency powers” for 4 years. This act led to the breakup of the Reichstag, which allowed Hitler to become the absolute ruler or dictator of Germany. Hitler’s Rise...con’t.
Hitler developed the Gestapo, or secret police, and began to enact laws discriminating against Jews and other groups: -Gypsies -Handicapped -Slavs, etc. He began building forced labor camps (concentration camps) where millions would be killed during this time. Hitler’s Reign
Some of the policies that Hitler and the Nazis enforced against the Jews and other groups were: -Jews were dismissed from government jobs, universities, schools, radio, movies, theater, and journalism. -Jews were not allowed to practice law or medicine or engage in business. -Jews were segregated from non-Jews in school and work. -Jews had to be marked wearing a yellow Star of David on all of their clothing. Hitler’s Reign
Hitler also began to rebuild Germany’s army. In 1939, Hitler and Germany attacked Poland. Within the next 6 months, Germany also took over: -Denmark -Norway -Holland -Belgium -France -Soviet Union Nazi Invasions
England, its colonies, Russia, and some fragments of other European countries’ armies fought against Germany in the war. The United States entered the war after Japan, Germany’s Ally, bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, World’s Response
By the war’s end in May, 1945: -More than 6 million Jews -More than 3 million Soviet POW’s -More than 2 million Soviet civilians -More than 1 million Polish civilians -More than 1 million Yugoslav civilians -More than 70,000 men, women, and children with mental and physical handicaps -More than 200,000 gypsies -Unknown number of others (political prisoners, resistance fighters, etc.) PERISHED Final Numbers