SMALL ANIMAL Unit A: Leadership Development. Leadership Qualities Objective 1.01: Discuss leadership qualities desired by the small animal industry.


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Presentation transcript:

SMALL ANIMAL Unit A: Leadership Development

Leadership Qualities Objective 1.01: Discuss leadership qualities desired by the small animal industry

Leadership Qualities Integrity –Honesty Courage –Willing to go forward under difficult circumstances Management –Using people, resources, process to reach a goal

Leadership Qualities Unselfishness –Placing the desires and welfare of others above yourself Loyalty –Reliable support for an individual, group or cause Enthusiasm –Energy to do a job and the inspiration to encourage others

Leadership Qualities Plan –Able to think through, determine procedures Knowledge –Awareness, understanding Tact –Enjoying and doing the right thing without offending

Leadership Defined Leadership is influence- the ability to obtain followers. - John C. Maxwell

B. Program Components Objective 1.01:

Components of the Program 1-Supervised Agricultural Experience –explore interest –gain work experience What will we be doing with the SAE? GLAD YOU ASKED! LETS FIND OUT!

Supervised Agricultural Experience You will be required to complete an SAE project this semester for my class. It will count as 50% of your grade Weekly we will write down events you have done. You will complete the project for a grade

What do I do now? What can I do for my SAE? –Run my own Business (Entrepreneurship) Mowing Yards or landscaping Pet sitting/ cleaning Cutting Trees, etc Re building motors, servicing vehicles

What else? Work for money or volunteer (placement) –Ingles, Bi-lo ( needs to be in produce, dairy, deli, bakery or meat department) –Vet or animal shelter –Data entry –Newspaper –US forest service –Any job or volunteer that can be ag related

Other options You can do a research project –Amount of fertilizer needed to grow 20 tomatoes per month off of 1 plant –* you can do a market analysis

So you have done this already? Even if you completed a project last semester, you must do one this semester. It can be the same topic, you just add more hours or you can pick a new topic!

Forms! I will pass out information relating to your SAE –Timeline –Parent Letter- needs to be signed –Journal paper –These papers will stay in your folder!

Wednesday Weekly Update! Every Wednesday will be the day designated to work on SAE journals in class!

B- Components of instructional Program 2- Classroom Instruction –Studying and learning subject matter in the classroom. 3-Laboratory Instruction –Learn by demonstration

4- FFA Student Organization Club or Student Organization Develops Citizenship & Leadership Communication –Developed through CDE public speaking creed (freshmen only) agriculture sales poultry, dairy and livestock oral reasons parliamentary procedures

5- Cooperative Extension Service Educational agency of USDA and part of the university system –NC State and NC A& T in North Carolina Sponsors 4-H clubs –used to enhance personal development and provide skill development –Much like a Community AG Group/ FFA

FFA Student Organization This class develops Leadership, so what is Leadership?

What is Leadership? Lead and inspire people. Don't try to manage and manipulate people. Inventories can be managed but people must be lead. - Ross Perot Leadership has a harder job to do than just choose sides. It must bring sides together. - Jesse Jackson

What is Leadership? The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. - Henry Kissinger Where there is no vision, the people perish. - Proverbs 29:18 Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. - Abraham Lincoln

Assignment 1- Use a clean sheet of paper –Use markers and make it large enough to fit the paper –Develop your own Leadership quote! 2- On the opposite side write as many qualities of good leadership as possible

Myths About Leaders and Leadership TRUE OR FALSE on your paper write True or False for the correct answer.

Myth 1:There is little knowledge about leadership. Myth 2:All leaders are born with unique qualities. Myth 3:Leaders make all the group=s decisions. Myth 4:All leaders are popular, charismatic individuals. Myth 5:To lead requires election or appointment. Myth 6:It is a rare skill. Myth 7:Leaders control, direct and produce. Myth 8:Leadership exists only at the top