F ERMILAB T EST B EAM F ACILITY Aria Soha All Experimenter’s Meeting January 26, 2015
Latest MTest Experiments 2 Facility beam studies T-977 Commissioning 25 Users T Users T Users
Latest MCenter Experiments 3 T-1034 Installation 32 Users
So Far in FY Experiment Weeks 10 Installation weeks 6 weeks Facility beam studies 4
Current Status MTest Facility Beam Studies, (lead glass) T-1058 taking beam at night when available MINERvA Commissioning MCenter LAriaT Installing Expecting to start commissioning Late Feb/Early March 5
2014 Facility Upgrades MCenter Beamline! Area for High Rate Trackers (M03) New Instrumentation – Wire chamber tracking system – Si strip telescope Improved Infrastructure – Temperature control – Table control / new tables 7
2014 Statistics 18 Experiments 321 Collaborators 84 Institutions 20 Countries 9 New TSW’s 8
Beam Delivery 416,139 Total Fxd Trgt events 183,225 MTest beam pulses 16,496 MCntr beam pulses MTest Beam Sum: 7.9E15 MCntr Beam Sum: 2.4E16 9
Weekly Usage MTest – 48 available beam-weeks – 78 experiment-weeks – 6 weeks of beam studies/ commissioning – 177% Usage MCenter – 5 available beam-weeks – 0.5 experiment-weeks – 5 weeks of beam studies/ commissioning – 100% Usage 10
Experiments (18) 9 new TSW’s approved 11 new experiments started 7 returning experiments 11
Experiment Types T1015 DRO Calorimetry T1037 FLYSUB-Consortium T958 FP420 (CMS+ATLAS) Fast Timing Group T979 Fast Timing w/Cherenkov Counters T989 DAMIC T1058 Secondary Emission Calorimeter T1031 Atlas Tile Calorimeter Electronics T1036 CMS High Rate Pixel Detector T1041CMS Forward Calorimetry T1049 ATLAS large scale TGC T1056 ATLAS DBM Module Qualification T992 Radiation-hard Sensors for the SLHC T1042 Muon g-2 straw tracker T1018 Spacordion Tungsten Fiber Calorimeter T1044 sPHENIX T1048 PHENIX fast TOF T1054 sPHENIX Pre-Shower Calorimeter T994 JASMIN 12 Two Large Neutrino experiments on schedule for FY15: MINERvA & LAriaT
Institutions (84) 13
Summary Facility is growing at an incredible rate, and is on track to continue 321 collaborators this year Will likely break 500 next year, with new beamline 1.4 FTE for facility management is not enough 14