Chapter 26: The Cold War (1945-1952) Cold War: State of hostility, short of direct military confrontation, that developed between the two superpowers.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 26: The Cold War ( ) Cold War: State of hostility, short of direct military confrontation, that developed between the two superpowers

26.1: Global Insecurities

A. Financial Concerns 1. America needs to sustain economic growth… 2. Focus on Western Europe and Asian markets 3. International Monetary Fund/World Bank loans/rates of exchange 4. US largest supplier of funds = ? 5. How does the Soviet Union respond?

B. Division of Europe & “Spheres of Influence” 1. Fears of France and SU 2. Satellite Nations a. SU b. US c. GB 3. Violates…?

3. Dividing Germany

4. Problem with the Reunification of Western Germany (12/’45) a. SU and France fears another invasion b. Soviet Union wanted reparations c. Acts as buffer between SU and W. Europe d. Later, Stalin refuses free elections as promised during Potsdam

C. United Nations 1. Permanent Security Council 2. Each country has absolute veto power 3. Problem with this set up?

26.2: Policy of Containment “Good vs. Evil”

A. Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” (3/’46)

B. Truman Doctrine (‘47) 1. Assist countries, eco/mil, in helping prevent communism from entering their borders 2. Started with Greece and Turkey: $400M (’47) 3. The Long Telegram (2/’46) a. Explained Russia’s insecurities of communism v. capitalism b. SU wants to expand communism c. containment becomes US foreign policy G. Kennan: US Ambassador to the SU

C. Policy of Containment (‘47)

D. The Marshall Plan (‘48) 1. US will give aid to those European countries needing to rebuild their economies 2. SU and satellite nations refused help 3. Western Europe’s recovery decreased appeal for communism 4. Relations between US and SU?

E. Berlin Airlift: “Operation Vittles” 1. To protest unification of West Germany (’48), Stalin orders blockade of West Berlin 2. Goal: fly in food and supplies 3. Stalin’s blockade ineffective; lifted a year later

Berlin Airlift aka “Operation Vittles ”

MAP 26.1 Divided Europe During the cold war, Europe was divided into opposing military alliances, the North American Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact (Communist bloc).

F. NATO (‘49) 1. defensive military alliance 2. military alliance during peacetime 3. 1 st time US committed to maintaining peace in Europe

G. Warsaw Pact (‘55) Military alliance for his Eastern Europe satellite nations

Blue: Nuclear Weapons Free ZoneNuclear Weapons Free Zone Red: Nuclear weapons states and territories belonging to them that are not in any NWFZNuclear weapons states Orange: Nuclear sharingNuclear sharing Gold: None of the above (but party to the Non Proliferation Treaty(NPT))Non Proliferation Treaty(NPT)

H. Atomic Diplomacy

26.3: Cold War Liberalism

A.Taft-Hartley Act: Decreases power of labor! 1. End closed shop 2. End secondary boycotts day cooling off b/4 strikes 4. Swear non-commi oath 5. Union dues cannot be used for political activities 6. Truman vetoes but it still passes.

26.4: The Cold War at Home Red Scare leads to an increase of federal government powers and a decrease in citizens civil rights

A. The National Security Act of National defense budget goes through the roof a. DOD (1949) b. National Security Council – executive branch coordination of national security policy c. CIA 2. Increase in federal employees and businesses that support the effort (75%) 3. Military spending = support in economy

B. Loyalty Security Program 1. Loyalty oaths taken by federal employees 2. “Interviews” 3. circumstantial evidence enough 4. Immigration and Nationality

C. McCarran Act 1. AKA: Internal Security Act 2. Illegal to establish a totalitarian government in the US 3. Communists needed to publish their records and register w/US AG

D.HUAC and Hollywood (House on Un-American Activity Committee) 1. Committee created to search out disloyalty to the U.S. a. investigated Hollywood film industry b. Hollywood Ten: “unfriendly”witnesses c. Blacklisted 2. Pro-Soviet Union films used during WWII now used against them Hollywood Ten

E. Spy Cases 1. Alger Hiss2. Ethel & Julius Rosenberg (‘53)

F. McCarthyism/”Witch hunt”

26.5: Cold War Culture “Scare the hell out of the country.” Rep. Sen. Vandenberg (Mi)

A. Military-Industrial Communities 1. Cities that grew due to cold war efforts/supplies: West, SW, and South 2. Problems of rapid growth? 3. Warning to Congress?

>150 Countries/190 in NATO

Duck and cover!

26.6: Stalemate for the Democrats China & the Korean War

A.America “loses” China 1. Kai-Shek: Nationalist Leader; Opposed communism 2. US supports w/$3B; no military support 3. Not liked by US; dictator & corrupt 4. raises taxes on poor farmers 5. Lost support of citizens

2. Mao Zedong: Communist Leader 1. lowered rent rates and gave land to peasants = Communism wins over Nationalism 2. Fear that communism spreading “out of control” 3. FDR and Truman to blame by Republicans

B. The Korean War: why the division?

1. The North Attacks the South a. North Korea great offensive fight i. Captures Seoul, S. Korea’s capital ii. Manages to move straight to Pusan iii. MacArthur’s strategy = Hero b. China enters c. SU boycotts UN/security council in response to not recognizing China; not present when voting on participation.

2. Stalemate a. Truman vs. MacArthur… i. Public criticism of Pres. Truman ii. Wants to invade China iii. “You’re fired!” b. Korean war ends in stalemate… 38 th parallel still divides Korea today

North Korea Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Dictator/Comm. Capital: Pyongyang Leader: Kim Il Sung Believed ruled all of Korea Kim Il Sung Kim Jong-Il South Korea Republic of Korea Dem./capitalism Capital: Seoul Leader: Rhee Believed ruled all of Korea

Kim Jong-un April 2012

Cold War Culture

A. Families of the 1950s

1. Define prosperity 2. Dual incomes on the rise? 3. Impact of the GI Bill Benefits paid out to veterans after returning from WWII a. Education; partial pay of tuition b. Unemployment benefits; one year c. Low-interest loans B. Growth of job markets in W/SW= rapid city growth and poor planning

The Baby Boom!

***************************************** Why the division between North and South Korea? 1. Japan ruled Korea Japanese troops North of the 38 th parallel surrender to Soviet Union; industry 3. Japanese troops South of the 38 th parallel surrender to Americans; agriculture What influences do these surrenders have on Korea?