Culture in East Asia China, Japan, North & South Korea
CHina Mix of thousands of years of tradition and rapid modernizationMix of thousands of years of tradition and rapid modernization Largest population in the worldLargest population in the world Over 1.3 billionOver 1.3 billion 19.3% of world’s population19.3% of world’s population Main ethnicity (~92%) = HanMain ethnicity (~92%) = Han Named for powerful dynastyNamed for powerful dynasty Other 8% = 55 different ethnic groupsOther 8% = 55 different ethnic groups
Lesser Known Areas Mongolia (not actually part of China, just FYI)Mongolia (not actually part of China, just FYI) Mostly ethnic MongoliansMostly ethnic Mongolians Historical tidbit: Mongolians once had the largest land empire in the world (China to E. Europe)Historical tidbit: Mongolians once had the largest land empire in the world (China to E. Europe) think Genghis Khanthink Genghis Khan TibetTibet Ruled by China since the 1950sRuled by China since the 1950s NOT classified as Chinese separate histories and culturesNOT classified as Chinese separate histories and cultures TaiwanTaiwan Mostly descendants of Chinese settlersMostly descendants of Chinese settlers ~2% of the population = aborigines (original inhabitants)~2% of the population = aborigines (original inhabitants) Yes, they are related to similar groups in the South East Asia and Pacific regionsYes, they are related to similar groups in the South East Asia and Pacific regions
Too Many people ~90% of the population lives on 1/6 of the land~90% of the population lives on 1/6 of the land Most people live near the Huang He and Chiang Jiang riversMost people live near the Huang He and Chiang Jiang rivers What are the other names for these two rivers?What are the other names for these two rivers? Urban centers located in these valleys (Shanghai, Beijing)Urban centers located in these valleys (Shanghai, Beijing) Urbanization + population growth overcrowded citiesUrbanization + population growth overcrowded cities Rural to urban shiftRural to urban shift Migration to citiesMigration to cities Leads to labor shortages on farmsLeads to labor shortages on farms Gov’t must limit population growthGov’t must limit population growth 1979: One child law1979: One child law
Brief History Culture hearth – center from which ideas and practices spread to surrounding areasCulture hearth – center from which ideas and practices spread to surrounding areas Began more than 5,000 years ago, dynasties ruled until early 1900sBegan more than 5,000 years ago, dynasties ruled until early 1900s 1890s - Carved up into spheres of influence (areas in which certain Euro. countries had exclusive trading rights)1890s - Carved up into spheres of influence (areas in which certain Euro. countries had exclusive trading rights) Post WWI overthrow of Qing dynastyPost WWI overthrow of Qing dynasty Communist (People’s Republic of China) vs. NationalistCommunist (People’s Republic of China) vs. Nationalist Nationalists flee to Taiwan (Republic of China)Nationalists flee to Taiwan (Republic of China) Modern Mongolia formedModern Mongolia formed
Life in China Education/HealthcareEducation/Healthcare Communist gov’t pushes literacy and better healthcare with basic servicesCommunist gov’t pushes literacy and better healthcare with basic services Language/ReligionLanguage/Religion Ideograms – pictures or symbols that represent ideasIdeograms – pictures or symbols that represent ideas Most people speak MandarinMost people speak Mandarin Many identify as atheist b/c the communist gov’t discourages religionMany identify as atheist b/c the communist gov’t discourages religion Some still practice Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism (also seen as Taoism)Some still practice Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism (also seen as Taoism) Arts (see next slide)Arts (see next slide)
People Ethnically homogeneousEthnically homogeneous Homogeneous = sameHomogeneous = same 78% of people live along the coasts of the southern island of Honsh ū78% of people live along the coasts of the southern island of Honsh ū Tokyo world’s most populous urban areaTokyo world’s most populous urban area Northern island of Hokkaid ō is very rural w/ few peopleNorthern island of Hokkaid ō is very rural w/ few people Tons of urbanizationTons of urbanization Great public transportationGreat public transportation Bullet train (>160 mph)Bullet train (>160 mph)
Brief History Influenced by China and KoreaInfluenced by China and Korea ShogunateShogunate Shogun = military ruler supported by samurai (warriors)Shogun = military ruler supported by samurai (warriors) History of isolationismHistory of isolationism Military power through the end of WWIIMilitary power through the end of WWII Expansion into Korea and Manchuria (China)Expansion into Korea and Manchuria (China) WWII – surrendered after bombings of Hiroshima and NagasakiWWII – surrendered after bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Rebuilt into world economic power (2 nd largest economy)Rebuilt into world economic power (2 nd largest economy)
Life Education/HealthcareEducation/Healthcare Education is highly regarded, mandatory through age 15Education is highly regarded, mandatory through age 15 Gov’t provides a lot of the healthcareGov’t provides a lot of the healthcare Language/ReligionLanguage/Religion Language developed in isolation but began borrowing from Chinese and western languagesLanguage developed in isolation but began borrowing from Chinese and western languages Practice Buddhism and ShintoismPractice Buddhism and Shintoism ArtsArts haikuhaiku Family/LeisureFamily/Leisure Being part of the group is more important than being an individualBeing part of the group is more important than being an individual Acculturation – absorbing popular culture from other countriesAcculturation – absorbing popular culture from other countries baseballbaseball
North and South Korea
People Ethnically homogeneousEthnically homogeneous Small groups of Chinese and JapaneseSmall groups of Chinese and Japanese 2/3 of population lives in cities such as Seoul (S. Korea) and P’yongyang (N. Korea)2/3 of population lives in cities such as Seoul (S. Korea) and P’yongyang (N. Korea) Urbanization and migration problems similar to ChinaUrbanization and migration problems similar to China N. Korea = 60% urbanN. Korea = 60% urban S. Korea = 80% urbanS. Korea = 80% urban
Brief History Constantly facing aggression by China and JapanConstantly facing aggression by China and Japan Independent until late 1800sIndependent until late 1800s Annexed by Japan in 1910Annexed by Japan in 1910 Independent again after 1945Independent again after 1945 Divided into North (communist) and South (capitalist)Divided into North (communist) and South (capitalist) Demilitarized zone 38 th parallelDemilitarized zone 38 th parallel
Life North KoreaNorth Korea Education is the vehicle for communist ideologyEducation is the vehicle for communist ideology Provides healthcare but people still lack access to food, water, and heating suppliesProvides healthcare but people still lack access to food, water, and heating supplies South KoreaSouth Korea Education improvingEducation improving Healthcare system built w/ help from UNHealthcare system built w/ help from UN BothBoth Korean is main language, borrows from Chinese and JapaneseKorean is main language, borrows from Chinese and Japanese Mostly Confucian but also Buddhist and ChristianMostly Confucian but also Buddhist and Christian