By: Michael Delcampo
June 25, 1950 Resolution 82 United Nations Security Council Republic of Korea (south Korea, united nations) vs. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (north Korea, communist)
Douglas MacAurther Jan april, 5, 1964 US Commander during the Korean War
-Sep 1950 Came with tanks, heavy artillery and fresh troops -In October 7 th, 1950 UN General Assembly suggested that MacArthur cross the 38 th parralel and reunite Korea -However China and its large amount of troops were waiting for them on the other side of the Zhou River
"We've been using more of a roundish one.” rejected MacArthur request (A US cartoon expressing the conflict of Gen. D. MacArthur and George Marshall in their testimonies to Congressional committees. MacArthur wanted more aggressive tactics against China)
Was General MacArthur a hero during the Korean War?