MacCharger Patrick Gormley, Justin Lebans, Jeff Taylor, Liam MacDonald
Introduction- Liam Macro Environment & Target Market- Jeff Market strategy (Product, Place)- Patrick Market Strategy (Price, Promotion) Justin Conclusions- Liam
A wireless MacBook laptop charging device - The product is small, compact, convenient and portable - Works for all types of Apple’s MacBook laptop computers - Comes with charging device for itself, which plugs into wall outlet
Our team introduced this product in order to provide value to customers - Our product is valuable because… - Smart, fast technology - Convenient, small and portable - Easier to use then existing only alternative - Component to best selling laptop on the market
Researched reactions to certain products and if the products were successful Considered other apple products such as the iPod, iPhone and MacBook Compatible, fast, convenient and reliable Plan on applying these features to a computer charger Will be sold as a top of the line product and will be highly priced Aimed towards “well-off” consumers
- The Business population (Business men and women around the world) - The university/college population (University age students around the world) - The older teenager population (High school aged students, limited) - The everyday person population (Don’t have to be a student or work in a business to own a MacBook laptop)
Main focus - promoting and eventually selling our product to the university and business markets - In order to have a profitable product Secondary Focus - High school aged teens and the average everyday person markets - Will be simply added profit to the already successful product
Apple is the leading technology company in the world Market strategy is to be constantly coming out with life altering technology products Started in 2001 with the iPod mini, then again in 2007 changing the technology world with the very first touch screen phone the iPhone Apples also concerned with keeping the customers happy by creating customer loyalty
Wireless MacBook Charger Reduces the pain and frustration that comes with cords and wires The MacCharger is made up of two components. The first component is called the ‘wall plug’. The second component is called the ‘laptop adapter Ranges up to 50 feet
Technology based retail stores Apple Store Free Shipping
Average cost to produce: $55.85 Sold to retailers at: $ Suggested retail price: $ Value-Based approach Market-Skimming Pricing Captive-Product Pricing Psychological Pricing
Using the “pull method”. Primary Media advertisements: TV and Banner ads. Televised sporting events. Objective: to inform and persuade the target market. Message: explain why our product is the best. Testimonial evidence.
Businessmen and students $149.98