தேர்வுச் சீர்திருத்தமும் தொடர் முழுமை மதிப்பீடும் Exam. Refom & CCE பேராசிரியர் பி.இரத்தினசபாபதி
தொ. மு. ம - வின் இயல்பு தொடர்ச்சி கற்பித்தலின் கற்பித்தலின் முதல், முதல், இடை, இடை, கடை கடை கால அளவிலும் தொடர்ச்சி கால அளவிலும் தொடர்ச்சி
புறநிலைத் தேர்வுகள் 21 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டுச் சமுதாய அறிவுக்குப் பொருத்தமற்றதாக இருக்கின்றன ஆகையால் புதுமைப் போக்கில் சிக்கல்களைத் தீர்க்கும் திறனுடையவர்கள் தேவை பனுவல் சார்ந்த கற்றல் மதிப்பெண் அடிப்படையில் மதிப்பிடப்படுகின்றன. கற்பவரின் இயலுமைகள் (abilities) மதிப்பிடப் பெறுவதில்லை குறிபிட்ட சில மதிப்பீட்டு உத்திகள் கற்பவரின் அடைத் திறன் அளவினை இனங்காணுவதில்லை. தேர்ச்சி- தேர்ச்சியின்மை என்னும் அளவிலேயே அமைகிறது. புதற்றம், எரிச்சல் இழிவுணர;ச்சியையும் ஏற்படுத்துகிறது. தொடர் முழுமை மதிப்பீடு ஏன் ?
கல்வியில் கணிப்பு
கல்வி ஏற்பாட்டில் மதிப்பீட்டின் இடம் கல்வி ஏறபாடு கறபித்தல் கற்றல் நிகழ்வுகள் பாடத்திட்டம் பாடப் பொருள்பாடத்திட்டம்கணிப்பு கற்பித்தல்கற்றல்
Comprehensive- முழுமை 1. படிப்பு சார் - பாடக்களங்கள் ( Scholastic - Subject specific areas) 2.படிப்பினைவு- வாழ்க்கைத்திறன்கள், மனப்பான்மைகளும் விழுமங்களும், பிற இணைவுச்செயல்பாடுகளும் ( Co-Scholastic - Life skills, attitudes & values and other co curricular activities) கணித்தலுக்கான கருவிகளையும் உத்திகளையும் கொண்டது Includes a variety of tools and techniques for assessment of the learners.
படிப்பு சார் – Scholastic பனுவல் - Academic வேலைப்பட்டறிவு - Work experience உடல், உடல்நலக் கல்வி Physical and Health Education கலைக்கல்வி - Art Education படிப்பு இணைவு - Co Scholastic வாழ்க்கை ஆற்றல்கள் - Life Skills மனப்பான்மைகளும் மதிப்புகளும்- Attitudes and Values பங்கேற்பும் தேர்ச்சியும் - Participation and Achievement வெளிச்செயல்பாடுகள் - Outdoor Activities
This assessment will be entered once in a year on the basis of the descriptors This assessment will be entered once in a year on the basis of the descriptors WORK EXPERIENCE WORK EXPERIENCE ART EDUCATION ART EDUCATION PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION/GAMES PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION/GAMES Grading for this part on a 5 point scale: A+ A B+ B and C Grading for this part on a 5 point scale: A+ A B+ B and C PART – B ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE – SCHOLASTIC AREA
WORK EXPERIENCE – INDICATORS Collaborative approach Collaborative approach Innovative ideas Innovative ideas Planning and adhering to timelines Planning and adhering to timelines Involvement and motivation Involvement and motivation Positive attitude Positive attitude Guide and facilitate others Guide and facilitate others Sharing of ideas and being receptive to new ideas Sharing of ideas and being receptive to new ideas Correlate with real life situations Correlate with real life situations OBSERVATION PORTFOLIO VIDEOS NARRATIVE RECORDS CHECKLIST
ART EDUCATION INDICATORS Innovative and creative approach Innovative and creative approach Exhibits aesthetic sensibilities Exhibits aesthetic sensibilities Observation skills Observation skills Interpretation and originality Interpretation and originality Correlation with real life Correlation with real life Willingness to experiment with Willingness to experiment with different art modes/ mediums different art modes/ mediums Appreciate work of peers Appreciate work of peers Awareness and appreciation of works of artists Awareness and appreciation of works of artists OBSERVATION PORTFOLIO VIDEOS NARRATIVE RECORDS CHECKLIST
Part-3 Group B Health and Physical Education NCC/NSS/Scouting and Guiding Swimming Gymnastics Yoga First aid Gardening
COMMON INDICATORS Displays an innate talent in particular sport. Displays an innate talent in particular sport. Demonstrates Physical qualities needed Endurance, Strength, Speed, Flexibility and stamina. Demonstrates Physical qualities needed Endurance, Strength, Speed, Flexibility and stamina. Shows good hand-eye coordination. Shows good hand-eye coordination. Demonstrates an analytic aptitude required and reacts appropriately to strategic situations. Demonstrates an analytic aptitude required and reacts appropriately to strategic situations. Demonstrates sportsmanship. Demonstrates sportsmanship. Displays a healthy team and school spirit. Displays a healthy team and school spirit. Discipline for practice. Discipline for practice. Has undergone training and coaching. Has undergone training and coaching. Has represented a team in school interschool / national/ international level. Has represented a team in school interschool / national/ international level. Part-3 Group B Health and Physical Education
ART EDUCATION INDICATORS Innovative and creative approach Innovative and creative approach Exhibits aesthetic sensibilities Exhibits aesthetic sensibilities Observation skills Observation skills Interpretation and originality Interpretation and originality Correlation with real life Correlation with real life Willingness to experiment with Willingness to experiment with different art modes/ mediums different art modes/ mediums Appreciate work of peers Appreciate work of peers Awareness and appreciation of works of artists Awareness and appreciation of works of artists OBSERVATION PORTFOLIO VIDEOS NARRATIVE RECORDS CHECKLIST
TIERA Adolescent Friendly School Initiative LIFE SKILLS-AN INTRODUCTION வாழ்க்கைத் திறன்கள்
SELF AWARENESS Self –Identity Ego- Identity Self –Confidence Self – Esteem AUTONOMY & INDEPENDENCE Assertivenes Critical Thinking & Decision Making Problem Solving Values Clarifications Curious, Adventurous, Experimental RISK TAKING COPING WITH STRESSES & FAILURES ADOLESCENT PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT
What is ‘Life Skills’? « …abilities that help promote mental well being and competence in young people as they face the realities of life.
« UNICEF « “life-skills based education is -behavior change or behavior development approach -designed to address a balance of three areas: knowledge, attitude, and skills. What is ‘Life Skills’? Contd..
What is ‘Life Skills’? WHO WHO “the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that “the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that - enables individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life” Contd..
What are the “Life Skills” ? Decision Making Decision Making Creative Thinking Creative Thinking Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Problem Solving Problem Solving Negotiation Skills Negotiation Skills Interpersonal Relationship Self Awareness Empathy Effective Communication Coping with stress & Emotions
Significance of learning Life Skills To be able to explore alternatives To be able to explore alternatives Weigh pros and cons Weigh pros and cons Make rational decisions Make rational decisions Communicate effectively Communicate effectively To say “No” To say “No” Be assertive Be assertive
How ‘Life Skills’ lead to primary prevention of health problems? « Knowledge « Attitudes « Values « Life Skills « Behavior reinforcement or change « Positive Health Behavior Prevention of Health Problems
What is Decision Making ? Abilities to assess available options Abilities to assess available options To foresee the consequences of different decisions (actions/non-actions) To foresee the consequences of different decisions (actions/non-actions) No decision is also a decision No decision is also a decision
Decision Making Major Life Decisions GOALS Develop, Prioritize, attain CHOICE Of life style,study & food habits, hobbies COPING UP With stress, alcohol, drugs, STD, AIDS CAREER Choice of profession,further study
Responsible Decision Making Making decision after examining the choices & consequences in view of one’s values and goals is Responsible Decision Making
Steps for Responsible Decision Making Identify/Define the problem Identify/Define the problem Consider the consequences or outcomes Consider the consequences or outcomes Consider family and personal values Consider family and personal values Choose one alternative Choose one alternative Implement the decision Implement the decision
Creative Thinking Enables to explore available alternatives and consequences of actions or non-actions Enables to explore available alternatives and consequences of actions or non-actions Contributes to Decision Making Contributes to Decision Making & Problem Solving & Problem Solving Helps adolescents to respond adaptively and with flexibility to the daily life situations Helps adolescents to respond adaptively and with flexibility to the daily life situations
Critical Thinking Ability to analyze information and experiences in an objective manner Ability to analyze information and experiences in an objective manner Helps adolescents to recognize and to assess the factors influencing attitude & behavior - values, pressures (peer,family) Key to form right attitudes towards life Key to form right attitudes towards life Assists in developing responsible behavior. Assists in developing responsible behavior.
Effective Communication To express ourselves To express ourselves verbally & non-verbally verbally & non-verbally To express opinions, desires, needs & fears also To express opinions, desires, needs & fears also To ask for advice and help To ask for advice and help
Empathy Ability to understand and accept others Ability to understand and accept others To put oneself in other person’s shoes To put oneself in other person’s shoes Being nurturing and tolerant Being nurturing and tolerant Encourages a positive behavior towards people in need or difficulty Encourages a positive behavior towards people in need or difficulty
Interpersonal Skills To be able to develop & nurture supportive networks To be able to develop & nurture supportive networks To be able to end relationships constructively To be able to end relationships constructively Helps adolescents to relate with people in positive ways Helps adolescents to relate with people in positive ways
NEGOTIATING SKILLS Allows to solve an issue, problem or conflict Without anger, intimidation, insubordination, aggressive force or behavior Negotiate as soon as possible for communication Deals constructively with problems PROBLEMS if left unresolved MENTAL & PHYSICAL STRESS
Behavior change through Life Skills 1.Ignorance 2.Awareness 3.Concern 4.Knowledge 5.Motivation 6.Readiness to change 7.Willingness to change 8.Acceptance 9.Habit 10.Lifestyle
STAGES Identify the problem or issue Collect information/knowledge Associated physical, emotional, psychological feelings Possible ways of solving Effective communication skills Alternative solutions Mutual decision
Coping with emotions & stress Recognizing effects of emotions on others and ourselves Recognizing effects of emotions on others and ourselves Being aware of how emotions influence behaviors Being aware of how emotions influence behaviors Able to respond to emotions appropriately Able to respond to emotions appropriately
How to cope with stress Recognize sources of stress in our life Recognize sources of stress in our life Recognizing how these affect us Recognizing how these affect us Identifying ways that help to control our levels of stress Identifying ways that help to control our levels of stress Learning how to relax to minimize tensions Learning how to relax to minimize tensions
Self Assertiveness Assertive people respect themselves & others equally Assertive people respect themselves & others equally It is communicating feelings and need while respecting rights of others It is communicating feelings and need while respecting rights of others Being able to stand up for one’s own values and needs Being able to stand up for one’s own values and needs Take control of one’s decisions Take control of one’s decisions Recognize attempts of others to control Recognize attempts of others to control
Self Assertiveness Trust & value one’s own feelings Trust & value one’s own feelings Recognize & use non verbal communication Recognize & use non verbal communication STEPS STEPS State your position State your position Offer reason/explanation Offer reason/explanation Acknowledge other’s feelings Acknowledge other’s feelings
Take Pleasure & Pride in saying NO when one wants to say “no” Ways to say NO Ways to say NO Polite refusal Polite refusal Give reason Give reason Repeat refusal Repeat refusal Walk away Walk away Ignore the person Ignore the person Avoid the situation Avoid the situation Find others’ support Find others’ support Talk about your own feelings Talk about your own feelings
Life Skills Education Dynamic teaching & Dynamic learning Dynamic teaching & Dynamic learning Working in small groups & pairs Working in small groups & pairs Brainstorming Brainstorming Role-plays Role-plays Experiential learning Experiential learning Games & debates Games & debates Home assignments, to further discuss and practice skills with family & friends. Home assignments, to further discuss and practice skills with family & friends.
Key Messages Life skill management for adolescent is the need of today’s world Life skill management for adolescent is the need of today’s world Life Skills Education makes a person “a balanced adult” who contributes meaningfully to society Life Skills Education makes a person “a balanced adult” who contributes meaningfully to society PEDIATRICIANS have a great role to play by learning & teaching this course PEDIATRICIANS have a great role to play by learning & teaching this course
Thus, the ‘Life skills’ …. are applied are applied in various aspects of life in various aspects of life in human relationships, learning about rights & responsibilities in human relationships, learning about rights & responsibilities in health issues: in health issues: Mental Health-Stresses HIV-AIDS /STD Prevention Drug abuse, Sexual violence Teenage pregnancy Suicide Prevention
Therefore, the Adolescents should know about ‘Life skills’ because Empowers them to take positive actions to protect themselves and to promote health and positive social relationships. Empowers them to take positive actions to protect themselves and to promote health and positive social relationships. Utility in Other areas Utility in Other areas Environment Education Environment Education Consumer Education Consumer Education Peace Education Peace Education Social cultural Issues Social cultural Issues
PART-3 CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS PARTICIPATION ACHIEVEMENT Literary and Creative skills Scientific skills Clubs (Eco, Health and Wellness and others) PART 3– CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS Aesthetic Skills and Performing Arts
COMMON INDICATORS : Participates actively in school / Inter School / State / National / International levels. Participates actively in school / Inter School / State / National / International levels. Takes initiative to plan and organize events. Takes initiative to plan and organize events. Reads and shows a high degree of Reads and shows a high degree of awareness. awareness. Shows good collaborative skills. Shows good collaborative skills. Is able to inspire others. Is able to inspire others. PARTICIPATION AND ACHIEVEMENT
Assessment which is carried throughout the year by the teacher formally and informally Assessment which is carried throughout the year by the teacher formally and informally ஆண்டு முழுமையும் முறையாகவும் இயல்பாகவும் நடத்தப்படுவது ஆண்டு முழுமையும் முறையாகவும் இயல்பாகவும் நடத்தப்படுவது It is diagnostic and remedial It is diagnostic and remedial Scholastic Evaluation Scholastic Evaluation Formative Assessment : வளர்வறி தேர்வு End of the class,term or end of the year exams Feedback on learning (assessment of learning) to teacher and parents Summative Assessment: தொகுநிலைத்தேர்வு
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (FA) வளர்வறி தேர்வு Will comprise of : Class work - வகுப்பு வேலை Homework- வீட்டுவேலை Oral questions- வாய்மொழி வினாக்கள் Quizzes- போட்டி வினா Projects- செயல் திட்டம் Assignments/Tests- ஒப்படை/ உரைவு
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT(SA) Will be Term End Examination:- பருவ நிறைவு Curriculum and syllabus as circulated by the board Question papers to be prepared by schools as per the DTERT format and have to be only from the Question Bank supplied by the Department Exam to be conducted by schools Evaluation of Answer scripts will be done with in the school.
INDICATORS Reads and shows a high degree of awareness. Reads and shows a high degree of awareness. Is able to appreciate well written/spoken pieces in all genres (prose, poetry, plays). Is able to appreciate well written/spoken pieces in all genres (prose, poetry, plays). Is able to explain why they enjoy a particular piece. Is able to explain why they enjoy a particular piece. Is able to express ideas/opinions creatively in different forms. Is able to express ideas/opinions creatively in different forms. Displays originality of ideas and opinions. Displays originality of ideas and opinions. LITERARY AND CREATIVE SKILLS Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skill A Some indicators in a skill B Debate, Declamation, Creative Writing, Recitation, Drawing, Poster – Making, Slogan Writing, Theatre Poster – Making, Slogan Writing, Theatre
Is a keen observer and makes mature deductions. Is a keen observer and makes mature deductions. Displays good experimental skills and a practical knowledge of various everyday phenomena. Displays good experimental skills and a practical knowledge of various everyday phenomena. Is able to apply Science in everyday Is able to apply Science in everyday context eg; Setting the stage lights context eg; Setting the stage lights for the school play. Displays a scientific temperament. Displays a scientific temperament. SCIENTIFIC SKILLS Science Club, Projects, Maths Club, Science Quiz, Science Exhibition, Olympiads INDICATORS :
Is able to appreciate well written/ spoken pieces in all genres (prose, poetry, plays) and all languages. Is able to appreciate well written/ spoken pieces in all genres (prose, poetry, plays) and all languages. Is able to explain why he/she enjoy a particular piece. Is able to explain why he/she enjoy a particular piece. Shows a keen interest and an aptitude towards a particular art form. Shows a keen interest and an aptitude towards a particular art form. Is able to apply skills to performances/art forms. Is able to apply skills to performances/art forms. Displays creative expression and a good presentation piece. Displays creative expression and a good presentation piece. AESTHETIC SKILLS AND PERFORMING ARTS Music (Vocal, Instrumental), Dance, Drama, Craft, Sculpture, Puppetry, Folk art INDICATORS :
THINKING SKILLS Student demonstrates the ability to: Be original, flexible and imaginative. Raise question, identify and analyze problems. Implement a well thought out decision and take responsibility. Generate new ideas with fluency. Elaborate / build on new ideas. Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skillA Some indicators in a skillB+ Few indicators in a skill B Very few indicators in a skill C INDICATORS :
Attitudes and Values மனப்பான்மைகளும் மதிப்புகளும் PART-2:CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS
SOCIAL Student demonstrates the ability to: Identify, verbalize and respond effectively to other’s emotions in an empathetic manner. Get along well with others. Take criticism positively. Listen actively. Communicate using appropriate words, intonation and body language. Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skillA Some indicators in a skillB+ Few indicators in a skill B Very few indicators in a skill C INDICATORS :
EMOTIONAL Student demonstrates the ability to: Identify own strength and weakness. Be comfortable with self. and overcome weakness for positive self – concept. Identify causes and effects of stress on oneself. Develop and use multi-faceted strategies to deal with stress. Express and respond to emotions with an awareness of the consequences. Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skillA Some indicators in a skillB+ Few indicators in a skill B Very few indicators in a skill C INDICATORS :
Shares a healthy rapport with peers. Shares a healthy rapport with peers. Is able to interact and communicate effectively. Is able to interact and communicate effectively. Receptive to ideas and opinions of others in a group. Receptive to ideas and opinions of others in a group. Sensitive to differences among peers in – ability, religious beliefs, gender, culture etc. Sensitive to differences among peers in – ability, religious beliefs, gender, culture etc. Is kind and helpful. Is kind and helpful. Able to inspire members of the class or peer group. Able to inspire members of the class or peer group. TOWARDS SCHOOL MATES Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skill A Some indicators in a skill B INDICATORS :
Is punctual and regular in attending school. Is punctual and regular in attending school. Participates and volunteers often for school programmes. Participates and volunteers often for school programmes. Delivers a job assigned effectively and responsibly. Delivers a job assigned effectively and responsibly. Displays a healthy school spirit. Displays a healthy school spirit. Displays leadership skills. Displays leadership skills. Inspires others to participate in Inspires others to participate in school programmes. school programmes. TOWARDS SCHOOL PROGRAMMES Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skill A Some indicators in a skill B INDICATORS :
Respects school property. Respects school property. Is environmentally sensitive. Is environmentally sensitive. Participates in activities relating to care for the environment. Participates in activities relating to care for the environment. Takes the initiative and plans activities directed towards the betterment of the environment. Takes the initiative and plans activities directed towards the betterment of the environment. TOWARDS ENVIRONMENT Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skill A Some indicators in a skill B INDICATORS :
Understands the need for rules. Understands the need for rules. Honest and ethical. Honest and ethical. Respects diversity (culture, opinions, beliefs, abilities). Respects diversity (culture, opinions, beliefs, abilities). Displays commitment. Displays commitment. Works efficiently, respecting time, his/her own and others’. Works efficiently, respecting time, his/her own and others’. Displays a positive attitude towards Displays a positive attitude towards peers, adults and community. peers, adults and community. Displays spirit of citizenship. Displays spirit of citizenship. VALUE SYSTEMS Most indicators in a skill A+ Many indicators in a skill A Some indicators in a skill B INDICATORS :
PART-3 CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS PARTICIPATION ACHIEVEMENT Literary and Creative skills Scientific skills Clubs (Eco, Health and Wellness and others) PART 3– CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS Aesthetic Skills and Performing Arts
COMMON INDICATORS : Participates actively in school / Inter School / State / National / International levels. Participates actively in school / Inter School / State / National / International levels. Takes initiative to plan and organize events. Takes initiative to plan and organize events. Reads and shows a high degree of Reads and shows a high degree of awareness. awareness. Shows good collaborative skills. Shows good collaborative skills. Is able to inspire others. Is able to inspire others. PARTICIPATION AND ACHIEVEMENT
கல்வியில் கணிப்பு
Tools & Techniques Oral Questions Assignments Research Work (group) Quizzes Conversation Skills Assessment Projects Questions Observation Checklist Portfolio Narrative records Photographs/ Videos Paintings/ Artistic Endeavour Observation Essays Self Assessment Peer Assessment Rating Scales Narrative Reports
What is Formative Assessment What does it mean? What does it mean? How does it help the teacher and the student? How does it help the teacher and the student?
Formative Assessment Informs teacher where the Informs teacher where the need/problem lies. need/problem lies. Focus on problem area. Focus on problem area. Helps teacher give specific feedback Helps teacher give specific feedback Provide relevant support Provide relevant support Plan the next step Plan the next step For the TeacherFor the Student Helps student identify the problem areas Helps student identify the problem areas Provides feedback and support. Provides feedback and support. Helps to improve performance Helps to improve performance Provides opportunity to improve performance Provides opportunity to improve performance Remedial Diagnostic
A Successful Formative Assessment Scheme Plan all assessment Focus on formative assessment Share learning outcomes and assessment expectations and assessment expectations with students with students Use clearly defined criteria Use examples and exemplars
Give specific feedback Incorporate student self assessment Students keep a record of their progress Teachers keep records of student progress A Successful Formative Assessment Scheme
Summative Assessment End of term or end of the year exams. End of term or end of the year exams. Feedback on learning to teacher and parents Feedback on learning to teacher and parents
SCHOLASTIC - A SUBJECTSSKILLS SUMMATIVE Hindi English Social Science Science Mathematics Add. Subject Analysis Problem Solving Use of I.T. Correlation to real life Comprehension Expression Creativity Data Handling Oral Listening, Writing Questions Examination Short Answer Very Short Answer Essay MCQ Data Interpretation Observation Conversation Project Essay Elocution Question Test FORMATIVE TOOLS & TECHNIQUES ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS Information Tech. Home Science Painting Music Others
SingleDouble Key/Check List Type of Questions for Formative & Summative assessment Matching TypeMultiple Choice Type Alternative Response Type True/FalseYes/ No Right/WrongQuestion Form Incomplete Statement Fill in the blank Matrix Type of Questions for Formative & Summative assessment
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தமிழகக் கல்வி ஆராய்ச்சி வளர்ச்சி நிறுவனம் ஆராய்ச்சி வளர்ச்சி நிறுவனம்