Welcome to the Kalaheo AP Parent & Student Meeting November 18 th, 2014
“…preparing our students for the opportunities & challenges of a global society…” Agenda: Welcome & Introductions Overview of College Board & Advanced Placement Program Kalaheo AP Opportunities Enrollment Requirements & Course Expectations Individual Course Overview & Expectations
Prepare Now to Succeed in College A 1999 U.S. Department of Education study found that the strongest predictor of college graduation is something students do before they ever go to college: Participate in rigorous, college-level courses in high school—and AP courses in particular. Clifford Adelman, Answers in the Tool Box: Academic Intensity, Attendance Patterns, and Bachelor’s Degree Attainment (1999), U.S. Department of Education.
AP and College Success ™ Students who take AP courses and exams are much more likely than their peers to complete a bachelor’s degree in four years or less. Source: Camara, Wayne (2003). College Persistence, Graduation, and Remediation. College Board Research Notes (RN-19). New York, NY: College Board.
AP and College Admission Colleges rank “Grades in college prep courses” and “Strength of curriculum” as the top two factors in the admission decision.* 85% of selective colleges and universities report that a student’s AP experience favorably impacts admission decisions.* ** Unpublished institutional research, Crux Research Inc. March 2007 “We look favorably on students who have taken AP courses. The presence of AP courses is a sign that a student has chosen to challenge him/herself.” -Admission Officer
What Are AP Courses Like? AP courses challenge students to work and participate at a higher level. Classes tend to be fast-paced and cover more material than typical high school classes. More time, inside and outside of the classroom is required to complete lessons, assignments and homework. AP teachers expect their students to think critically, analyze and synthesize facts and data, weigh competing perspectives, and write clearly and persuasively.
Why Take the AP Exam? Why Take the AP Exam? Most colleges and universities grant college credit or advanced placement for qualifying AP Exam scores. Most colleges and universities grant college credit or advanced placement for qualifying AP Exam scores. Experience a college level exam Experience a college level exam Stand out in the admissions process Stand out in the admissions process Save money on college tuition Save money on college tuition Enter upper-level courses early Enter upper-level courses early Graduate early Graduate early Complete a double major Complete a double major Expectation that students take every AP Exam they are enrolled in Expectation that students take every AP Exam they are enrolled in Estimated cost $91 per exam Estimated cost $91 per exam Free/reduced lunch eligible students qualify for AP fee waiver Free/reduced lunch eligible students qualify for AP fee waiver
Last years AP results: 143 students took at least ONE AP Exam. 211 AP Exams were administered 68% pass rate with a 3 or higher score on an AP exam AP Scholar – score a 3 or higher on 3+ AP exams Class of 2014 – 5 students Class of 2015 – 5 students AP Scholar with Honor – ave. score of 3.25 on all AP exams and score of 3 or higher on four+ exams Class of 2014 – 5 students Class of 2015 – 2 students AP Scholar with Distinction – ave. score of 3.5 on all AP exams and scores of 3 or higher on 5+ exams Class of 2014 – 8 students
Kalaheo’s AP Requirements & Expectations Students who choose to enroll in an AP course(s) must understand that: 1) AP is a college level course taught at the high school with the expectation that you will take the AP exam at the end of the year. There is an AP exam fee which is required to take the exam(s). AP course(s) are computed on a 5-point grading scale giving the students the opportunity to earn higher than a 4.0 GPA. 2) AP courses are rigorous and will maintain college level expectations and pace. This means that students should expect to do approximately 1 hour of homework per AP course outside of school each day.
Kalaheo’s AP Requirements & Expectations 3) Summer work will be assigned beginning May 20, 2015 (or when new students enroll prior to the start of the school year). By not completing your summer assignments, the highest grade you can earn in the first quarter of the course(s) is a “B”. Students must pick up their summer work by June 3, ) Both the student and at least one custodial parent/guardian are required to attend a mandatory AP Informational Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. to review AP expectations and to hear a brief description on ALL AP courses (with sample syllabi, homework expectations, etc.).
Kalaheo’s AP Requirements & Expectations 5)Selection of AP course(s) should be done thoughtfully and with serious consideration of commitment. Parents are required to sign your registration card and this form acknowledging that you will NOT be allowed to withdraw from an AP course. Additionally, students interested in taking three or more AP courses in a school year will be required to have a parent meeting with Mrs. Susan Hummel, Principal. Contact Mrs. Silva for an appointment.
Kalaheo’s AP Requirements & Expectations 6) You will NOT be allowed to drop an AP course from your schedule after June 3 rd, **We want YOU to take AP courses. However, AP courses are a student’s choice and in making that choice, you are committing to working hard and continuously challenging yourself.
A Senior’s perspective – Rose How much more rigorous is an AP class? What have I learned by being in the AP program? Can I really do this?
Individual Course Overview/Expectations
AP Courses AP Biology – Mr. Micah Pregitzer AP Calculus AB – Mr. Gary Kikuchi AP English Language and Composition – Ms. Krystal Sato AP English Literature and Composition – Mrs. Anyely Gomez AP Environmental Science – Mr. Philip Gilsdorf AP Psychology – Mrs. Fiana Kumm AP World History – Mr. Jacob Baum
AP Biology–Mr. Micah Pregitzer
AP Calculus AB – Mr. Gary Kikuchi
AP English Language and Composition – Ms. Krystal Sato Writing composition course Focus on non-fiction Evidence-based writing Develop scholarly writing style
AP English Literature – Mrs. Anyely Gomez COURSE OVERVIEW & DESCRIPTION English Literature and Composition provides a survey of major literary works and is conducted at a college level. These college-level texts are intended for mature students. As they read, “students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller-scale components like figurative language and symbolism.” While our school has an open-enrollment policy for Advanced Placement courses, it is assumed that literature is a strength and passion of the student. Additionally, students will be prepared for the AP Exam in May via timed- writing, sample tests and analytical essay workshops. All students will be expected to take the Advance Placement exam. However, the overarching goal is for students to experience a college-level course so they should expect pages of reading nightly with emphasis on in-depth analytical responses.
AP Environmental Science – Mr. Philip Gilsdorf
Instructor: Mrs. Fiana Kumm F103 AP Psychology introduces students to the systematic and scientific study of human behavior and experience. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students assess the differing approaches adopted by psychologists, including the biological, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, and socio-cultural perspectives. Year long course provides a college level foundation in Psychology, preparing students to take the AP Exam.
AP World History – Mr. Jacob Baum
Final Thoughts & Questions? Course teachers and their students will be available after this meeting for individual course questions regarding course content, requirements, benefits, etc. Registration for SY is from Dec. 1-5, BEFORE leaving…BE SURE that both the student and parent, signed in. STUDENT to pick up the YELLOW AP Pre-Enrollment Form from an Alpha Counselor